Dr Abe V Rotor

Here are composite paintings of children 7 to 13 years old, five members in a group. Here are some advantages of team work in composite painting.
Freedom to suggest and chose the theme, so with the message and title of the painting.
- Development of the spirit of cooperation and unity, and group competition.
- Sharing of resources - paint brushes, colors, palette board, etc - and expenses.
- Recognition of specialization and talent of each member; and division of work and responsibility.
- Preparation for the "real thing " - painting will grace a hall, lobby, classroom or simply a wall for people to view and appreciate.
- Interpretation through other means of expression - verse, essay, feature - other than the school or movement with which the work is identified.
- Originality is based on experience and imagination of the members without copying any model.
Why don't you try this at home with the members of the family? Or in a class in Humanities.
You can organize an art workshop in the neighborhood. Or with your community and church organizations. Summer would be ideal for an art workshop. Call 939-6331 or e-mail avrotor@gmail.com
Summer Art Workshop for Children, 2000 (Acrylic 36" x 48" on mounted canvas). You may use acrylic coated marine plywood, 1/4" or 1/2" thick). Art Instructor: Dr AV Rotor
1 comment:
These kids are such a talented ones. I can't really imagine how young people can appreciate art even at their young age. :)
-Angeline Deguzman 3CA5
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