Thursday, February 13, 2025

TATAKalikasan AdMU: Let Us Protect Our Rich Biodiversity

Lesson on TATAKalikasan Ateneo de Manila University
87.9 FM Radyo Katipunan, 11 to 12 a,m, Thursday, February 13, 2025
Valentines 2025 Message 
         Let Us Protect Our Rich Biodiversity
          New Polymer Banknotes Feature Philippines’ Rich Biodiversity

                                                    Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Co-Host with Fr JM Manzano SJ and Prof Emoy Rodolfo, AdMU

References and Review Articles
Part 1 - 20 Wildlife animals that rebounded from the brink of extinction
Part 2 - Cry of the Lawin 
and Facts about the Philippine Hawk 
Part 3 - Proposed Wildlife Conservation Day Activities 
Part 4 - The Return of Balloon Frog Symbolizes Nature's Victory
Part 5 - Meet 10 Rare Organisms 
Part 6 - The Blackbird is back, so with other threatened animals 
Part 7 - Ecology's Dilemma Today - "All in the Name of Progress"
Part 8 - Let us not allow the tamaraw to become extinct 
Annex A - Course Syllabus in Advanced Ecology
Annex B - Examination in Ecology and Field Biology (Multiple Choice)
Annex C - First Polymer Banknotes Features the Philippines’ Rich Biodiversity
Annex D - Wildlife on Banknotes from Around the World
Annex E - Almost 1 in 6 of the world’s banknotes feature wildlife
Annex F - The stone eagle does not answer, its world too, is forever gone.

Notaphily (the collecting of banknotes as a hobby) 
Numismatics (the study or collection of coins, paper currency, and medals)
Philately (the collection and study of postage stamps),
Taxonomy (Biology, the branch of science concerned with classification, 
                    especially of organisms; systematics.
Ecology (the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to 
                    one another and to their physical surroundings.
Part 1 - 20 Wildlife animals that rebounded 
from the brink of extinction
"An endangered species is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for two main reasons: loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation." - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

In less than a human lifetime, dozens of wildlife species have rebounded from the brink of extinction - and are establishing their territory on the countryside and in suburbs.

Thanks to growing consciousness in wildlife protection and ecological conservation worldwide, despite massive and wanton destruction of wildlife habitats, and unabated pollution in air, water and land that threaten these and other species.

Here are twenty (20) animals that have made a remarkable comeback.
1. Wild Pig (baboy ramo, alingo Ilk, PHOTO is one of the most popular game animals; it is a pest of nearby farms, feeding on root crops and succulents, Our native pigs are the progeny of a cross indigenous and wild genes.)

2. Kiyoaw or Oriole (a family of 4 to 6 members frequent our backyard trees, just outside the La Mesa Reservoir watershed) PHOTO

3. Fireflies (They can be observed on empty lots adjacent to the Sacred Heart seminary, Novaliches QC

4. Pipit (popularized ina song of the same title, local counterpart of the hummingbird)

5. Tuka'k Ba-ug (bellied frog, long thought to have succumbed to pesticides. (See separate article in this blog) PHOTO left

6. Skink or alibut Ilk (Twice in ten years I spotted this shiny ground lizard at home near the La Mesa watershed.) PHOTO right

7. Gecko Lizard (Tuko or tekka Ilk., hunted for its alleged aphrodisiac value.

8. Atlas moth (biggest of all insects by wing span, threatened by the gradual disappearance of native santol being replaced by the Bangkok variety)

9. Black Bear (Prowler in the kitchen and on garbage when hungry)

10. Canada Goose (Remember Fly Away Home ?)

11. Alligator (relative of the crocodile, we don't have alligators, instead crocodiles - they are coming back, too)

12. Gray Wolf (found in wastelands and open areas)

13. Deer (rebounded in no-hunting forests and grasslands)

14. Wild Turkey (particularly in the US and Canada)

15. Cougar (relative of the wolf in the US)

16. Beaver (natural dam build
er of forest streams in temperate countries.  (I saw a beaver's nest and dam in Manitoba in 1976, similar to this in photo from the Internet)

17. Raccoon (common in North America)

18.  Reticulated python or sawa (a one-meter baby sawa was ensconced in a burnay or earthen jar.)

19. Rhinoceros beetle (appears like Triceratops, with three horns, apparently the male; the female has shorter horns)

20. Wildcat (In China the civet cat, counterpart of our musang, is invading homes. One reason for its comeback is that it eats fresh coffee bean and defecate the seed which is then ground into a special blend that commands a lucrative price.) 

The discovery of the Coelacanth (Latimeria) in the deep waters of Madagascar thought to have been extinct millions of years ago is perhaps the most dramatic and classical example of a "living fossil." 

The dugong is a marine mammal. It is one of four living species of the order Sirenia, which also includes three species of manatees. It is the only living representative of the once-diverse family Dugongidae; its closest modern relative, Steller's sea cow, was hunted to extinction in the 18th century. Wikipedia

  • There are only two northern white rhinos left in the world, both female. Yet there is still hope that we can preserve their lineage. 
  • The rarest animal in the world is the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). It is a kind of critically endangered porpoise that only lives in the furthest north-western corner of the Gulf of California in Mexico. There are only 18 left in the world. (Internet)
Part 2 - Cry of the Lawin
Facts about the Philippine Hawk

Lawin symbolizes the young generations. It brings in the morning sun, it connects us grownups with the young generation.                                            
We, in Greater Lagro are blessed with having a rare bird called Philippine hawk or LAWIN in our language. It is a close relative of the Philippine eagle, which is considered a symbol of our culture.

                                      Painting of a lawin on a backboard by the author

On a clear day we may see the lawin* hovering over our subdivision, alone or with a partner in dalliance, simply gliding and circling up in the sky, in a spectacular kind of show that this bird now categorized as threatened is still around. Its home is the La Mesa watershed, just across our subdivision. It is in deference to this bird that our association has adopted it as our symbol and acronym - LAWIN.

We thank our gazette editor Mr Fil Galimba who brought the idea of the organization, and Atty Riz Quiaoit for adopting Lawin as our symbol.

But what really does the lawin symbolize?

One early morning my granddaughter pointed at the bird in the sky. I explained what I know about the bird. Lawin symbolizes the young generations. It brings in the morning sun, it connects us grownups with the young generations. It gives our children a break from iPads and TV. .

One time children in the neighborhood in our place could not play their favorite game basketball. Somebody rebuilt their backboard, and games resumed. There one difference: the other player on the back bard is a big lawin with outstretched wings seemingly playing with the kids.

Nearby a garbage dump began to transform into a vegetable and herbal garden. The children called it Lawin Garden. It is a local version of the Phoenix bird rising from the garbage ashes.

The lawin has a peculiar cry while in flight - clear and loud whistle of two notes. But most often, it is a silent flyer with panoramic and telescopic vision.

It can see like a satellite monitor what is happening over its broad area of vision, yet able to focus on the slightest movement - a prey or an enemy.

Writers and artists to a great degree are like the lawin. Like the lawin, true writers and artists are a vanishing breed, they are an endangered species victim of instant and unguided social media, and worst assassination of journalists. The Philippines is compared to worn-torn countries like Syria and Afghanistan for having the highest number of killings in mass media.

The lawin writers and artists have "eyes for news and the arts," Their aerial perspective is holistic and contiguous. They see the multiplicity and unity of space and time, people and events. And they never veer away from their community which they watch over.

At the onset of organizing LAWIN, we did some research on our trust and functions, and on the long run - our projected goal.

Our reference is our own Gazette. Lawin is DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION. DevCom recognizes the power of communication as a catalyst for social development. It utilizes the tools and principles applicable in the community they serve for the advancement of society.
In an outline DevCom is
  • Information dissemination and education
  • Social Marketing - ideas, knowledge and wisdom
  • Purposive communication - it sets targets
  • Social mobilization - involvement and militancy
  • Community improvement mainly on felt needs
  • Positive change (social, political, economic, moral, environmental, cultural, etc.)
  • Participatory development - bottom-up approach
  • Humanities development - applied aesthetics
  • Sentinel and vanguard of code of media
  • Pathfinder - pioneering and visionary
Development Communication as the INTEGRATION OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION IN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, based on a clear understanding of real and down-to-earth situations, with people's participation and shared equitable benefits.

What then would be our guiding principle in our program? It can be summarized as follows, for an anonymous source:

"If it is of high quality, people will respect you;
 If it is relevant, people ill need you;
 If it is measurable, people will trust you;
 If it is innovative, people will follow you."

If you were the lawin up in the sky over Greater Lagro, you are likely to see these -

1. the need to train students in our schools in the field of mass media and applied art to run their school paper.

2. the need to take care of the trees, and plants more tree, to make Lagro an extension of the shrinking wildlife.

3. the need to expand outdoor activities, participate in wholesome games and sports, creative activities.

4. the need to guard Greater Lagro from the incursion of bad elements, vices, violations of human rights, peace and order.

5. bringing in honors and prestige to the community through the talents of its citizens, particularly the young.

6. unifying relationships of families, strengthening bonding, making the community senior citizen friendly, grandchildren friendly as well.

There are one-thousand-and-one other visions that challenge the organization LAWIN and its members giving meaning to their membership, above all leaving their legacy for the next generations.~

Neighborhood projects of LAWIN 
(Lagro Association of Writers and Artists, Inc)

      Sports development: Lawin Backboard; Green Revolution: Lawin Garden

 Facts About the Philippine Hawk Lawin
by Naomi Millburn

Philippine hawk-eagles (Nisaetus philippensis) are raptors native only to the Philippines. "Lawin" translates to "hawk" in the Tagalog tongue. Philippine hawk-eagles survive in very low numbers, so their population is considered vulnerable.

Philippine hawk-eagles (Nisaetus philippensis) are raptors native only to the Philippines.

Physical Appearance

Philippine hawk lawins are typically about 26 or 27 inches long. The top portions of their plumage are deep brown, and their lower portions are reddish-brown and adorned in black markings. Philippine hawk-eagles have pale throats, yellow limbs, deep gray beaks and dark crests. Their crests are made up of four to five feathers, some of which can reach 2.75 inches long. It takes about four years to develop their mature feathers. Fully grown Philippine hawk-eagles tend to have lithe physiques.

Living Environment

Philippine hawk lawins inhabit numerous islands throughout the Philippines, including Mindoro and Luzon. They haven't been confirmed as migratory, though they might occasionally travel between islands. They are prevalent around outer portions of forests, sometimes even in airy settings. Philippine hawk-eagles spend a lot of time hidden in the top layers of forests. They do a lot of high flying within their habitats.


The number of Philippine hawk lawins in the wild is dropping swiftly. Their total population is thought to be 1,000 and 2,499 specimens, two-thirds of which are adults, according to BirdLife International. Key factors in their decline are the clearing of trees for logging, farm animals, and farming expansion in general. People also sometimes hunt Philippine hawk-eagles. Efforts to conserve this species include captive reproductive programs and protected locations such as Bataan National Park.


The signature call of the Philippine hawk lawin is a clear, loud whistle of two notes. These birds call out over and over again, sometimes in intervals of three seconds.~

*Inaugural speech of the author upon assuming the position as first president of LAWIN (Lagro writers (and artists) Association Inc, June 20 2016 Barangay Greater Lagro QC

Part 3 - Proposed Wildlife Conservation Day Activities 
World Wildlife Conservation Day is celebrated on December 4th to raise awareness 
and encourage action to protect wildlife. 

Here are some best activity World Wildlife Conservation Day:
  • Nature Walks: Explore local habitats, observe wildlife, and learn about their ecosystems.
  • Educational Workshops: Attend talks and workshops to deepen understanding of conservation issues.
  • Volunteer Work: Participate in habitat restoration, wildlife monitoring, and conservation projects.
  • Wildlife Photography: Capture the beauty of nature while raising awareness about conservation.
  • Documentary Screenings: Host or attend screenings that highlight the importance of wildlife protection.
  • Art and Crafts: Express creativity by creating artwork inspired by wildlife and nature.
  • Tree Planting: Contribute to reforestation efforts, benefiting various species and habitats.
  • Educational Games: Engage in games that teach about wildlife, ecosystems, and conservation.
  • Online Campaigns: Utilize social media to spread awareness and encourage action for wildlife.
  • Donations: Support conservation organizations financially to aid their efforts.
Celebrate World Wildlife Conservation Day through nature exploration, education, volunteering, art, and advocacy, promoting biodiversity preservation. (United Nations on Internet)

 10 of the world's most endangered animals
  1. Javan Rhinos. ...
  2. Amur Leopard. ...
  3. Sunda Island Tiger. ...
  4. Mountain Gorillas. ...
  5. Tapanuli Orangutan. ...
  6. Yangtze Finless Porpoise. ...
  7. Black Rhinos. ...
  8. African Forest Elephant.
  9. Sumatran Orangutan
  10. Hawksbill Turtle
Philippine Tarsier

50 Critically Endangered Species in the Philippines

1. Philippine Eagle

11. Hawksbill Sea Turtle

21. Long Polyp Green

31. Green Turtle

41. Calamian Deer

2. Philippine Freshwater Crocodile

12. The Philippine Tarsier

22. False Flower Coral

32. Black Shama

42. Streak-breasted Bulbul

3. Tamaraw

13. Philippine Spotted Deer

23. Sei Whale

33. Panay Crateromys

43. Catanduanes Narrow-mouthed Frog

4. Walden's Hornbill

14. Sulu Hornbill

24. Blue Whale

34. Negros Shrew

44. Philippine Tube-nosed Fruit Bat

5. Visayan Warty Pig

15. Negros Fruit Dove

25. Fin Whale

35. Flame-templed Babbler

45. Luzon Peacock Swallowtail

6. Philippine Cockatoo

16. Flame-breasted Fruit Dove

26. Dinagat Hairy-tailed Rat

36. White-winged Flying Fox

46. Frog-faced Softshell Turtle

7. Negros Bleeding-heart

17. Giant Clams

27. Limbless Worm Skink

37. Mindoro Zone-tailed Pigeon

47. Tawitawi Brown Dove

8. Philippine Naked-backed Fruit Bat

18. Cebu Flowerpecker

28. Loggerhead Turtle

38. Japanese Night Heron

48. Mindoro Tree Frog

9. Philippine Forest Turtle

19. Golden-capped Fruit Bat

29. Dog-faced Water Snake

39. Apo Swallowtail

49. Hazel's Forest Frog

10. Dinagat Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat

20. Net Coral

30. Humphead Wrasse

40. Spiny Turtle

50. Mount Data Forest Frog

Part 4 
 The Return of Balloon Frog Symbolizes Nature's Victory

But Nature’s victory does not mean man’s defeat; rather it humbles man to be obedient to Nature’s laws and rules which is the key to his very own survival, and preservation of the living world as a whole. 


Views of the Balloon Frog - Uperodon globulosus (U. systoma?)

The first time I saw tukak bat’og was when I was a young farmhand. Its name is familiar because bat’og, battog or battobattog, in Ilocano means pot bellied. At that time anyone who exhibited a bulging waistline was associated with this amphibian. But there were very few of this kind then. The war had just ended and people had to work hard.

Hardship tightens the belt automatically, but peacetime and the Good Life opens a new war - the “battle of the bulge.” Today two out of five Americans are obese and Europeans are not far behind. Asians are following the same trend, as more and more people have changed to the Western lifestyle that accompanies overweight condition, whether one is male or female.

But actually Bat’og is all air. It’s like balloon short of taking off. But once it wedges itself in its tight abode not even bird or snake can dislodge it. Not only that. It feigns dead and its attacker would simply walk away to find a live and kicking prey.

Nature’s sweet lies are tools of survival. When it faces danger Bat’og engulfs air and becomes pressurized and distended, reducing the size of its head and appendages to appear like mere rudiments. And with its coloration that blends with the surroundings, and its body spots becoming monstrous eyes, who would dare to attack this master of camouflage.

Not enough to drive away its foe, Bat’og uses another strategy by producing deep booming sounds coming from its hollow body as resonator. I remember the story of Monico and the Giant by Camilo Osias when I was in the grades. The cruel giant got scared and rushed out of his dark hiding when Monico boomed like Bat’og . Actually it was the unique design of the cave’s chamber that created the special sound effect and ventriloquism. The vaults of old churches were similarly designed this way so that the faithful can clearly hear the sermon.

The exhausted Bat’og deflates and returns to its chores, feeding, roaming around and calling for mate – and rain, so old folks say. Well, frogs become noisy when it rains. Biologically, egg laying is induced by rain. Eggs are fertilized in water and hatched into tadpoles that live in water until they become frogs. Bat’og has relatives that live in trees and their tadpoles inhabit trapped water in the axils of bromeliads, bananas and palms. Or it could be a pool inside the hollow of a tree.

After I left the farm for my studies in Manila, I never saw any Tukak Bat’og again. Only a trace of that childhood memory was left of this enigmatic creature.

Then one day, in my disbelief Bat’og resurrected! For a long time it has long been in the requiem list of species, ironically even before it was accorded scientific details of its existence. Well, there are living things that may not even reach the first rung of the research ladder, either they are insignificant or new to science. Who would take a look at Bat’og?

I believe a lot of people now do. People have become environment-conscious after the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, the emergence of Greenpeace movement, and birth of "heroes for the environment". Who is not aware now of global warming, especially after viewing Al Gore's documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth? Who have not experienced calamities brought about by our changing climate? 

What changed the thinking of the world - a revolution in our concept of survival - is that all livings are interconnected and that the world is one systemic order, that the survival of one spells the survival of all creatures and the preservation of the integrity of the biosphere and therefore, of Planet Earth, and that there is no living thing that is too small to be insignificant or useless.

Of all places I found Bat’og one early morning in my residence in Quezon City. I would say it instead found me. There in my backyard, ensconced in a gaping crack in the soil covered with a thick layer of dead leaves lay my long lost friend - very much alive.

Hello! And it looked at me motionless with steady eyes. It was aestivating, a state of torpor, which is a biological phenomenon for survival in dry and hot summer, the counterpart of hibernation when organisms sleep in winter and wait for the coming of spring. My friend was waiting nature's clock to signal the Habagat to bring rain from across the Pacific come June to September, a condition necessary for its amphibious life.

Slowly I lifted my friend and cradled it of sort on my palm. And we rolled time back seventy years ago. And before any question was asked, it was already answered. It is like that when two old friends meet after a long time. I remember when journalist Stanley found the great explorer Dr. David Livingstone in the heart of Africa in the 19th century, Stanley simply greeted, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" and the old man lifted his hat and gave Stanley a firm handshake. This became one of the most famous meetings in the world.

You see an event earns a place in history, or in the heart, when it permeates into the primordial reason of existence, which is Reverence of Life.

Reverence – this is the principal bond between man and nature. It is more than friendship. It is the also the bonds of the trilogies of human society – equality, fraternity and liberty. It is the bridge of all relationships in the complex web and pyramid of life. It towers over equations and formulas in science. It links earth and heaven, in fact the whole universe – and finally, the bridge of understanding between creature and Creator.

Bat’og is back. How easy it is to understand a creature however small it is, if it is your friend. Yet how difficult it is to define the role of a friend. The fox in Antoine de Saint-Exupery’ novel, The Little Prince, warned the little prince, “If you tame me you are responsible to me.” The little prince simply touched the wild beast.

Taming is the ultimate submission to humility. And the greater a person who humbles himself, the truer a friend he is.

How do we relate this principle to our being the only rational creature? The dominant species over millions of species? The God-anointed guardian of the Earth? The custodian of creation?

Allow me to have some time with my long lost friend. Either one of us is the Prodigal Son, but that does not matter now. Let me join Darwin and Linnaeus and Villadolid et al.

That was a long time ago by the pond that had dried in summer. As a kid on the farm I have known the ways of my friend. Bat’og would stake its prey - termites, ants, beetles and other insects. Like all frogs – and toads – the adults and tadpoles are important in controlling pests and diseases.

One of its relatives belonging to genus Kaloula was found to subsist mainly on hoppers and beetles that destroy rice, including leafhoppers that transmit tungro, a viral disease of rice that may lead to total crop failure. Such insectivorous habit though is universal to amphibians, reptiles, birds and other organisms. If only we can protect these Nature’s biological agents we would not be using chemicals on the farm and home, chemicals that pollute the environment and destroy wildlife.

Bat'og and its kind protect man from hunger and disease. They are an important link in the food chain. No pond or ricefield or forest or grassland is without frogs. There would be no herons and snakes and hawks and eagles. No biological laboratory is without the frog as a blue print of human anatomy. And The Frog and the Princess would certainly vanish from the imagination of children - if ever the fairytale was written at all.

Bat’og is a survivor of chemical genocide. It is the timely age of enlightenment of people returning to natural food and the spread of environmental consciousness on all walks of life and ages that has come to its rescue in the last minute. So with many threatened species.

Who does not rejoice at finding again native kuhol, martiniko, ulang and gurami in the rice field? Oriole, pandangeratarat and pipit in the trees? Tarsier, mouse deer and pangolin in the wild? And the return of ipil-ipil, kamagong and narra in the forest? And of course, Haribon the symbol of Philippine wildlife and biodiversity.

It is indeed a challenge for us to practice being the Good Shepherd, but this time it is not only a lost lamb that we have to save, it’s the whole flock.

Tukak Bat’og symbolizes the victory of Nature. But Nature’s victory does not mean man’s defeat; rather it is man’s humility and obedience to Nature’s laws and rules and therefore, the restoration of order on Planet Earth - our only spaceship on which we journey into the vastness of the universe and the unknown. ~

Part 5 - The Blackbird is back, so with other
threatened animals 

Blackbird (Martines), Drynaria fern and towering acacia tree make
 an ecological sanctuary, together with a host of other organisms 
that depend on them. Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.
In less than a human lifetime, dozens of wildlife species have rebounded from the brink of extinction - and are establishing their territory in suburbs.  Here are twenty (20) animals that have made a remarkable comeback.
  1. Kiyoaw or Oriole (a family of 4 to 6 members frequent our backyard trees, just outside the La Mesa Reservoir watershed)
  2. Reticulated python or sawa (a one-meter baby sawa was ensconced in a burnay or earthen pot.) 
  3. Fireflies (They can be observed on empty lots adjacent to the Sacred Heart seminary, Novaliches QC
  4. Pipit (popularized ina song of the same title, local counterpart of the huming bird)
  5. Tuka'k Ba-ung (bellied frog, long thought to have succumbed to pesticides.  See separate article in this blog) 
  6. Skink or alibut Ilk (Twice in ten years I spotted this shiny ground lizard at home near the La Mesa watershed.
  7. Gecko Lizard (Tuko or tekka Ilk., hunted for its alleged aphrodisiac value)
  8. Atlas moth (biggest of all insects by wing span, threatened by the gradual disappearance of native santol being replaced by the Bangkok variety)
  9. Black Bear (Prowler in the kitchen and on garbage when hungry)  
  10. Canada Goose (Remember Fly Away Home ?)
  11. Alligator (relative of the crocodile, we don't have alligators, instead crocodiles - they are coming back, too)
  12. Gray Wolf (found in wastelands and open areas)
  13. Deer (rebounded in no-hunting forests and grasslands) 
  14. Wild Turkey (particularly in the US and Canada)  
  15. Cougar (relative of the wolf in the US)
  16. Beaver (natural dam builder of forest streams in temperate countries) 
  17. Raccoon (common in North America)
  18. Wild Pig (baboy ramo, alingo Ilk, one of the most popular game animals; it is a pest of nearby farms, feeding on root crops and succulents, Our native pigs are the progeny of a cross indigenous and wild genes.)
  19. Rhinoceros beetle (appears like Triceratops, with three horns, apparently the male; the female has shorter horns)
  20. Wildcat (In China the civet cat, counterpart of our musang, is invading homes.  One reason for its comeback is that it eats fresh coffee bean and defecate the seed which is then ground into a special blend that commands a lucrative price. 

Garden Skink; Wild Pig (baboy ramo)

This is one for the biologist and ecologist. I say, it's one for the Book of Guinness record.

Up high in a dozen centuries old acacia trees, reaching up to 10 storeys high, their boughs and branches clothed with epiphytic ferns, I found the long lost blackbirds, we callmartines in Ilocano.

I was then in the grade school in San Vicente (Ilocos Sur) when I saw the last martines bird. But here on a Black Friday on top of these towering trees, there is the lost bird, in fact several of them in pairs and families. It is like the Coelacanth, a primitive fish thought to have long been extinct, suddenly rising from the depth of the craggy Madagascar sea. Its fossil in rock tells us it is 40 million years old. And here it is - alive and has not changed! The fossil fish is alive! So with the Martines!

The blackbirds have made the towering acacia trees their home and natural habitat, building their nests on the Drynaria fern. The fern grows on the branches, reaching the peak of its growth during the rainy season when the host tree sheds its leaves, in effect allowing sunlight to nurture the fern.

The fern has dimorphic leaves. The primary ones are long and shaped like stag horn and bear sori or spore sacs, while the other kind is shaped and arranged like shingles, enclosing the fern's rhizome. Like all ferns, Drynaria undergoes alternation of generations - the spore-forming phase and gamete-forming phase. It is the sporophytic or asexual generation that the fern plant is familiar to us. It is typically made of roots, stems and leaves - but never flowers and fruits. It is for this that ferns are classified separately from seed-forming and flowering plants. They belong to Division Pterophyta.

In the dry season, the fern becomes dormant, appearing dry and lifeless from the outside, but shielded by the shingles the fleshy rhizome waits for the rain and sunlight - and the shedding of the host tree. Then almost at an instant the fern springs to life, carpeting entire boughs and branches.

Now it's the tree's turn. In summer, while the fern is dormant, it builds a new crown, and together with those of the adjoining trees form a huge canopy that makes a perfect shade. This could be one reason the friars in the 15th century thought of introducing the acacia (Samanea saman) from Mexico to be planted around churches and convents.

Not only that the acacia is the biggest legume in the world; it is self-fertilizing and self supporting, and sharing its resources to countless organisms from earthworm to humans. How is this possible?

The acacia harbors in its roots symbionts - Rhizobium bacteria that convert the element Nitrogen (N) into Nitrate (NO3). Only then can N that comprises 78 percent of the air we breathe can be used by plants to manufacture food by photosynthesis.

And with the deciduous character of the tree, dead leaves form a litter on the ground that makes a good mulch and later becomes compost - a natural fertilizer for the tree, surrounding plants, microorganisms and animals. Then as the pods of the tree ripen and drop to the ground, animals like goats come around to feed on them and in effect enrich the ground. The tree's efficient physiology and symbiotic potential with other organisms make it not only one of the most self-reliant trees in the world, but a miniature ecosystem in itself.

We see today very old acacia trees in these places, just like those around the old St Agustine church in Tagudin built in the 16th century where I found the blackbirds among the Drynaria ferns at their tops. Tagudin is the southernmost town of Ilocos Sur, some 330  kilometers north of Manila - a good five-hour drive. It continues to attract northbound tourists to have a stopover and see this spectacle, among other attractions of this old town, such as its native handicrafts, pristine seashore and progressive upland agriculture.

Going back to the blackbirds, why do we give much importance to them? Well, the blackbirds protect both tree and fern from insects and other pests, and fertilize them with their droppings. They too, are gleaners and help keep the environment clean. Unlike the house sparrow, ground fowls and the crow, they are not nuisance to the place; their presence is barely felt except for their occasional calls which sound quite sonorous but nonetheless pleasant, and their display during flight of a queer pair of white spots on their wings. I developed the liking to watch them for hours - their gentle movement, familial ways, although they do not as gregarious as pigeons, and their glossy black bodies distinct from the surrounding and against the sky. They make a good specimen for bird watching and photography.

Beyond the aesthetics about the bird, I learned from my good friend Dr. Anselmo Set Cabigan, a fellow biologist and science professor, that the martines was introduced from Guam on instruction of a Spanish Governor General to control locust infestation in the Philippines. This is the first case of applying the principle of biological control in the Philippines - and perhaps elsewhere - which was then too advance in its time. Today, biological control is practiced worldwide as part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a holistic approach in dealing with all kinds of pests which include pathogens.

Locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis) is a scourge to agriculture in many countries since prehistoric times. I have witnessed how a swarm of locust devour complete fields of rice and corn, and other crops overnight. During swarming the sky darkens as sheer numbers of these flying insects block the sky. And as they ride on the wind they produce a deafening hissing sound that adds terror to farmers and inhabitants.

And why was the matines bird the chosen nemesis of the locust? It clearly shows the efficiency of this predator. Actually predation is most effective when the locust is still in its non-migratory phase, specifically during the congegans - more so when it is in the solitaria phase. The bird immediately checks the pest before it develops into enormous population - and reach its swarming stage.

I believe that the triad formed by the acacia tree, Drynaria fern and the blackbirds is the beginning of an emerging ecosystem where wildlife and human settlement meet in cooperation and harmony. It is a zone where Nature re-builds spent environments and creates intermediate types, in which the role of man is basically to let nature's laws and rules to prevail. For example, doves and pigeons in public squares and plazas in many parts of the world are learning to trust people, and many people are just too happy to share their homes and other resources with them. They are planting trees and setting up more and wider parks for the wildlife.

For one, Japan now requires the greening of rooftops of buildings through gardening dubbed aeroponics, and by putting up ecological sanctuaries to attract wildlife to settle in them. In Europe on the other hand, miles and miles of hedges have evolved into a unique ecosystem, that one can no longer differentiate a well-established hedge from a natural vegetation. Also in Europe, woodlands which are actually broad strips that serve as boundaries of fields and pastures, are gaining through time higher biodiversity levels, and moving towards dynamic stability, called in ecology as homeostasis.

The Philippines is not behind. We have multi-storey orchards in Cavite, Batangas and Laguna that simulate the structure of a tropical rain forest long before the term ecology was coined. And many basins of ricefields and sumps of irrigation systems have become natural ponds.

The 38th parallel dividing the whole length of warring North Korea and South Korea – a strip of no man’s land, twenty kilometers at its widest – has developed, since the armistice in 1958, into a natural wildlife sanctuary. Today it has a very high level of biodiversity and distinct from any reservation on either side of this highly restricted boundary.

These neo-ecological zones are sprouting from backyards, parks, submerged coastlines, denuded mountains, and the like. Even contiguous idle lots – and abandoned fishponds, farms and settlements - are slowly but steadily becoming bastions of wildlife.

Truly, the case of the centuries old acacia trees where the Drynaria and the martinesbirds, and man living with them in peace and in harmony - is a manifestation of Nature's triumph. It is triumph to us and the living world. ~

Grotesque looking acacia tree clothed with Drynaria fern
towers over church and convent in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.

Photographs taken with an SLR Digital Camera with 300 mm telephoto lens

Part 6 -   Meet 10 Rare Organisms 
A rare species is such species that is very uncommon, scarce in number, and frequently encountered. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) uses this term to relate to such species which are seen in isolated geographical locations. 

Lesson: Can you identify these organisms?   Where can you find them? Describe their life history, habitat and interrelationship with humans and other organisms. What are their peculiar characteristics? Include other organisms under this category and include them in your lesson in biology. 
Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum ("quill pig") ensconced in the hollow of a log.

Porcupines are large rodents with coats of sharp spines, or quills, that protect them against predation. The term covers two families of animals: the Old World porcupines of the family Hystricidae, and the New World porcupines of the family Erethizontidae.  
Specimen found in Malabon Zoo, Rizal

Albino carabao - Bubalus bubalis carabanesis

Carabaos are a genetically distinct population of swamp-type water buffaloes from the Philippines. They descended from domesticated swamp buffalo populations from Taiwan that were introduced to the Philippines in the Neolithic via the Austronesian expansion. Carabao are generally light grey to slate-grey.  Similar white carabaos may be encountered in the field, but are seldom used as working animals because of their  sensitivity to extreme heat and rigors due to their lack of melanin pigment.  This is the same case with albino or white elephants.  Albino animals are revered by indigenous societies and are favored as pets. 

Blue Starfish - Linckia laevigata (sometimes called the "blue Linckia
or blue star)

An inhabitant of coral reefs and sea grass beds, this species is relatively common and is typically found in sparse density throughout its range. Blue stars live in subtidal, or sometimes intertidal zone, on fine (sand) or hard substrata and move relatively slow at a mean locomotion rate of 8.1 cm per minute.  Specimen found at Calatagan, Batangas seashore.

Giant earthworm - Lumbricus terrestris

Lumbricus terrestris is a large, reddish worm species thought to be native to Western Europe, now widely distributed around the world.  It eats mainly dead leaves on the soil floor and top-horizon mineral soil. Specimen found on the grounds of the University of Santo Tomas, Manila.

Chinese softshell turtle - Pelodiscus sinensis

The Softshell turtle is listed under threatened Philippine fauna, and under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). The Chinese softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) is a species of softshell turtle that is native to mainland China and Taiwan. Specimens found at the lake of the Parks and Wildlife Center, QC.
Globular or Balloon Frog (Tukak Bat'og Ilk which means fat bellied)

Uperodon systoma is a small genus of microhylid frogs from South Asia. Their sister taxon is Ramanella of Class Amphibia, Order Anura. The common name of these frogs is globular frogs or balloon frogs in reference to their stout appearance. These medium-sized (maximum snout–vent length 64–76 mm (2.5–3 in) burrowing frogs eat ants and termites. This species is widespread in South Asia, Little is known about the population status of this species. This is a completely fossorial species that buries itself in loose, moist soil.  Specimen found at author's
city residence, Lagro Subd., QC

Looper or geometrid caterpillar

Looper or geometrid caterpillar moves by loop-and-stretch, and stands like a cobra on reaching a dead end. When threatened, it feigns dead and mimics its surroundings. Geometrids belong to Order Lepidoptera, Family Geometridae. (from Greek geo 'the earth' and metron 'measure' — refers to the larvae, or inchworms, which appear to "measure the earth" as they move in a looping fashion.  
Specimen found at author's city residence, Lagro Subd., QC

Pagoda Bagworm (Cryotothelea heckmeyeri). 

It is the larva of a moth belonging to Order Lepidoptera, Family Psychidae. The caterpillar remains ensconced in its bag in its entire larval stage which takes five moultings before it becomes into a cocoon without leaving its bag. The male soon emerges as a winged moth, then into adult. The male moth leaves the bag to find a mate, while the female moth is wingless and has to remain in the bag, receives a mate, deposits her fertilized eggs inside, then falls off to the ground or waiting prey. The bag grows by accretion, that is, the larva adds pieces of leaves on to the bag. Specimen found at Araneta University, now De la Salle University Malabon, Rizal

Another species of bagworm (Crypthothela fuscescens), builds its bag with dried twig of the uniform sizes. The spent bag simply remains hanging in the plant. Lower photo shows an exposed larvae purposely for study.  Specimen found on Angels Hill, Tagaytay Ridge, Batangas

Giant African snail (Achatina fulica

Giant African snail (Achatina fulica) is the biggest land snail in the Philippines, introduced by the Japanese during WWII, either as supplemental food or biological agent of warfare. This mollusk has developed into a pest of garden and orchard crops. Can you locate the pair of eyes? You may use a magnifying glass over these photos, or you may zoom in these photos on your computer. 
Specimen found at author's city residence, Lagro Subd., QC

Living with Nature in Our Times, AVRotor UST
Living with Folk Wisdom, AV Rotor UST
*Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School on Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio 738 KHz DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday 

Part 7 - Ecology's Dilemma Today
- "All in the Name of Progress"

 Pristine environment such as the Loboc River in Bohol is becoming rare

 It looks like man has been able to trace the source of the water that comes from the proverbial Pierian Spring, the secret of health and long life. For years it was believed that the spring lies up in Shangrila atop the Himalayas, or according to the Greeks on Mt. Olympus, or the Egyptians in the Pyramids. One does not have to go there now. 

Even today the average life span of man is mid 70. It will not be a surprise if one out of a hundred individuals will be a centenarian. One report claims that the life span of man can be increased up to 140 years by the middle of the millennium. How long did Moses live?

• But cancer is on the rise, so with AIDS, and the spread of genetically linked defects and illness. Work-related and stress-related deaths will likewise increase with heart and severe depression as the leading diseases, followed by the traditional diseases like respiratory and diarrheal diseases. Already there are 15 million people who have died of AIDS and 40 millions more who are living with HIV, the viral infection. A pandemic potential with up to 1 billion people to become affected with HIV has started appearing on some crystal balls and this is not impossible if it hits populous Asia.

                                         Street children rehabilitation center. Bahay ni Kuya, Cubao QC

• Cloning, the most controversial discovery in biology and medicine, will continue to steal the limelight in this millennium, stirring conscience, ethics and religion. It is now sensed as the biggest threat to human society, and if Frankenstein is back and some people regard him as a hero instead of a villain, we can only imagine the imminent destruction our society faces - the emergence of sub- and ultra- human beings. On the other hand, there are those who look at cloning as an important tool of medicine to enable doctors to save lives and increase life expectancy. They also believe that cloning in situ (on site) will do away with tedious and unreliable organ transplants.

• Gene therapy is in, medicinal healing is out. It means diagnosing the potential disease before it strikes by knowing its source. Actually diseases are triggered by specific genes. Reading the gene map of an individual, the doctor can “cure” the disease right at it genetic source. We call this gene therapy, the newest field in medical science. But the altered gene will be passed on to the next generation. Playing God, isn’t? Definitely it is, and it is possible to use this technology not only for the sake of treatment but for programmed genetic alteration. Another Frankenstein in the offing? But scientists are saying gene therapy can be a tool in removing permanently the genes that cause cancer, AIDS, and genetically linked diseases like diabetes, Down’s Syndrome, and probably alcoholism.

• We are in an age of test tube babies. There are now 100,000 test tube babies in the US alone since 1978, the arrival of Louise Brown, the world’s first test tube baby. The industry has just started booming with sperm and ova banks established and linked with the Internet and other commodity channels. Not only childless couples can have children, but even a sixty year old woman can - through what is coined as menopausal childbirth technology. Surrogate mothers for hire, anyone?

• If diseases can be predicted and successfully treated, and life can be prolonged – these have indeed grave consequences to population increase. Already there are 7.7 billion people inhabiting the earth today, and we are increasing at the rate of more than 80 million a year. After 2150 we shall have reached 13 billion, the estimated maximum capacity our planet can support. Is Malthus right after all? It looks like the ghost of this English political economist and priest is back to warn us, this time more urgent than his 1789 prediction that our population would grow until it reaches the limits of our food supply.

• Our Earth is getting warmer, and this is not any kind of comfort but destruction. We have experienced seven of the ten warmest years in the past decade and we are heading toward another Noah’s episode. Low lying areas where the rich farmlands and many big cities virtually squat will be flooded. Heat is trapped by the carbon that we generate from our cars and industries creating a “greenhouse effect.” As the world’s temperature increases, the polar ice will melt, more rains and climatic disturbances will ensue. Climate scientists have predicted that by year 2100 the earth’s temperature will go up from 1 to 3.5 degrees centigrade. But wait, the worst is yet to come. Global warming will plunge us ultimately – towards the middle of the millennium – into another ice age! There will be a buildup of ice at the polar regions as the ocean currents fail to carry warm water to the poles and back.

• The trend of lifestyle will be toward the simple and natural, even in the midst of high tech living. More and more people will go for natural food and natural medicine as they become conscious of their health. The media and the information highway will provide more people access to entertainment and information. Remote management and distance learning will greatly influence business and education. But people will still seek greener pastures in cities and in foreign lands.

• “Save the earth!” has yet to be a denominator of cooperation and peace among nations. The failure of the Earth Summit some years ago at Rio de Janairo, and the first summit before in Stockholm, has produced valuable lessons leaders must learn. There is only one ship in which all of us are riding. Let us all save our ship.

All in the name of Progress

It is all in the name of progress that nations are pursuing. The West insists of pushing the frontiers of technology into the so-called “third wave.” The East, the Asian Pacific region, insists on industrialization in order to catch up with the progress of the West, while the Middle East has yet to undergo a major socio-cultural and political transformation while aiming at lofty economic goals.

Progress, it is generally believed, is the aim of globalization, and globalization is building of a world village. Isn’t this the key to peace and cooperation? Sounds familiar to scholars and leaders.

Maybe, but the greatest challenge lies in the preservation of a healthy Mother Earth, a common denominator of concern irrespective of political, ideological and religious boundaries. It is the saving of the environment that will be the biggest challenge to this and the coming generations.

Poor Rating of Earth Summit

The recent Copenhagen Earth Summit renewed basically the agenda of previous summits. But demonstrators expressed pessimism over the sincerity of world leaders on environmental issues. 

Idyllic rural life.  People tend to go and live in the city. Painting by the author. 

They had in mind what happened to the promises made by leaders from 178 nations who gathered in the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro some years ago. These are the four areas of accord: biodiversity, climate, deforestation, and population.

On the biodiversity accord signed by 161 countries (except the US), ecosystems continue to be assaulted and fragmented. On arresting global warming as a result of emissions from industries and vehicles, developing countries on the path of industrialization have exacerbated the problem. Deforestation virtually knows no limits and bounds as long as there is wilderness to conquer. Every year forests are lost the size of Nepal. Asia has lost 95 percent of its woodlands.

There are now 7.7 billion people on earth. Every year about 85 million people are added. This is slightly bigger than the Philippines’ total population. Although birth rates are going down in the West as well as in the NICS, there is a boom in babies in rural Asia, Latin America and Africa.

What is the score of the Earth Summit? Rhetorics and promises can not be relied upon. It is in this area that globalization should be reviewed. Globalization should be defined in economic, cultural and environmental terms. This triad approach has yet to be addressed to all members of the global village. And there should be a new world governance, more credible than the UN, to undertake this gargantuan task.

“Hundreds of millions of people will starve to death,” warned Paul Ehrlich in his book, The Population Bomb. This is an echo of the Malthusian Theory raised 250 years ago. This means farmers, in spite of biotechnology, can not keep up indefinitely with increasing food demands. Yet there is a great disparity in food distribution. While the average adult needs 2200 calories a day, an American consumes 3603 as compared to the intake of a Kenyan which is only 1991 calories.

Degradation of the land, the breaking up of ecosystems, are resulting to modern day exodus of ecomigrants who cross borders, invade cities and build marginal communities, threaten security of nations, and creates other socio-economic problems. Desertification, soil erosion, overuse of farms drive multitudes to search for greener pasture, many in the guise of overseas workers, settlers, refugees.

The birth of megacities is a human phenomenon in modern times. The world’s cities are bursting at the seams. Half of the world’s population live in urban areas today, and more are coming in. In developed countries 75 percent of their population live in cities. By year 2015, 27 of the world’s 33 largest cities will be found in Asia, with Mumbai and Shanghai bursting with 20 million each. Today the most populous city in the world is Tokyo with 27 million people. New York has 16.3 million which is about the same as Sao Paolo. Metro Manila has 10 million.

On global warming, figures show how the world fares under greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is attributed to the severity of the last three episodes of El Nino in the last three decades, and to the prevalence of deadly tornadoes, hurricane, floods and natural calamities.

A hole in the sky was caused by damaging chemicals that tear down the vital atmospheric ozone shield that keeps us from too much heat and radiation. The size of the ozone hole about the Antarctic region is estimated to be like the whole continental US – and is still expanding. CFC use is now restricted in most countries, but there are other damaging chemicals used by agriculture and industry. Methyl bromide for one is 40 times more destructive to ozone than CFC.

Indeed, this millennium is the deciding point whether we can save Mother Earth - or fail. Already a decade has passed, and the trend of destruction has even increased. If we fail it is also the doom of mankind and the living world. It is yet the greatest challenge to civilization. ~

Part 8 - Let us not allow the tamaraw to become extinct 

I am posting this article to appeal to viewers/readers to help in the campaign of conserving the tamaraw, so with other threatened and endangered species.
Skeleton of a Tamaraw, Museum of Natural History, UPLB Laguna

The tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) or Mindoro Dwarf Buffalo is a small hoofed mammal belonging to the family Bovidae. It is endemic to the island of Mindoro in the Philippines and is the only endemic Philippine bovine.

Contrary to common belief and past classification, the tamaraw is not a subspecies of the local carabao, which is only slightly larger, or the common water buffalo. In contrast to the carabao, it has a number of distinguishing characteristics: it is slightly hairier, has light markings on its face, is not gregarious, and has shorter horns that are somewhat V-shaped. It is the largest native terrestrial mammal in the country.

This means that the carabao and tamaraw, though of different lineages, undoubtedly share a common ancestor, together with other buffaloes in Asia and some in different parts of the world. Generally, plant and animal species evolved from common stocks, sometimes called missing links, which scientists find them extremely difficult to find and conclude with concrete evidences.

When Charles Darwin found out that finches vary from island to island in the Galapagos group of islands on the equatorial eastern coast of South America, he was in effect telling to the scientific community of an evolutionary phenomenon called speciation - the formation of species. Because it is a very slow and indeterminate process at that, scientists were baffled by the question, "When is a new species truly a species, and not just a variety or breed of its parent species?"

What I learned from my professor, the famous Dr Deogracias Villadolid who introduced tilapia into the Philippines in the fifties, is that, when the species in question is capable of interbreeding to make a population, and on the other hand, it is no longer capable of breeding with its original stock or parent species - and those from parallel lines emanating from the same stock. Dr Villadolid emphasized that this criterion is reliable, particularly if supported by distinct morphological deviation, and change in ecological distribution.

The tamaraw is no doubt a product of speciation. The island of Mindoro is its original home and still its natural habitat today, the forested areas and near open-canopied glades. Since humans settled in the island and subsequent destruction of the forest they made, the tamaraw population has drastically declined with a few dozens left today in the wild. This is the same situation the wild buffaloes or bisons of the Prairies of North America faced until they were

saved from extinction in the last hour.

Tamaraws graze on grasses which include cogon (Imperata cylindrica) and talahib (Saccharum spontaneum), which abound on wastelands. They also feed on young bamboo shoots (labong). They live for 20 to 25 years. Only one offspring is produced a year after a gestation period of about 300 days, with birth interval of two years, although one female was once sighted with three juveniles. The calf stays for 2 to 4 years with its mother before becoming independent.

Let's help conserve the highly endangered tamaraw, proudly our own.

Credit: Museum of Natural History UPLB, Marlo Rotor for the photo. and Wikipedia

ANNEX 1 - Course Syllabus in Advanced Ecology

Dr Abe V Rotor
Professor, GRADUATE SCHOOL University of Santo Tomas

I. COURSE CODE: Bio 604 
II. COURSE TITLE: Advanced Ecology 
III. No. of Units: 3 
IV. Prerequisite: None 
V. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the interrelationship among organisms on one hand, and between organisms and their environment on the other, as they influence the ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. The study includes the factors affecting the structure and function of ecosystems as they are affected by natural phenomena and by the action of man. 

VI. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the students are expected – 

A. General Objective: To understand the workings of natural laws governing the major ecosystems that make up the biosphere and the effects of human activities on their diversity, organization, cycle and structure. 

B. Specific Objectives: 
1. To trace the bio-geo-chemical cycles as they affect the composition and dynamic balance of the living and non-living environment. 

2. To trace the energy flow through the food chain, food web and food pyramid as these determine species survival, diversity and distribution, dominance etc, in relation to their natural habitats and the ecosystem they form. 

3. To study the major communities (biomes) and their various ecosystem components, their interrelationships and changes (seres) that characterize their dynamic balance. 

4. To relate ecology with the physical and social sciences (e.g. pollution as a technological and social issue) 

5. To find solutions to current environmental problems such as the endangered species, deforestation, pollution and the like.

6. To appreciate the aesthetic value and function of a balanced environment, its influence on the development of a wholesome character and inspiration in the arts and other fields of human endeavor. 

7. To understand the concept of planning and programming of environmental conservation, parks and wildlife management, human settlements, modern concepts of parks and zoos, sustainable agriculture and the like. 

8. To study various movement and institutional programs led by the Church, government, NGOs, media education and civil society on matters pertaining to ecology (e.g. overpopulation, poverty, industrialization) 


1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 hours 
Overview of ecological principles - Energy flow - Bio-geo-chemical cycles - Diversity of life and evolution 

2. Community Ecology ----------------------------------------------------- 9 hours 
- Biomes and ecosystems 
- The Tropical Rainforest: A Model biome and ecosystem
- Marine Ecology - Seres and Niches 
- Sustainability and destruction of ecosystems 

Core Value: Faith and Reverence Faculty leads in understanding the magnificence of creation, its “unity in diversity,” “homeostasis in change,” and “holism in complexity;” assures man’s innate goodness to prevail over his inadequacies and excesses as custodian of God’s creation. 

3. Pollution -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 hours 
- Solid waste management (landfill, recycling, etc.) - Industrialization and its by-product - Water and air pollution 
- Nuclear and highly toxic wastes
- Pesticides and environmental hazards 

Core Value: Critical thinking and Organization Faculty stimulates students to elevate level of consciousness in critiquing major issues of ecology through research and creative skills development, while expanding their social consciousness on such issues.

4. Human Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------- 6 hours - 
Population and demography - Urbanization and growth of mega cities - GNP and HDI: Ecological implications - Endangered ethic communities and cultures 

Core Value: Integration and Projection Faculty stresses the importance of looking beyond present-day problems, instilling in them the value of preparedness. He emphasizes interdisciplinary and integrative approaches in ecology so as to encompass the natural and social sciences. 

5. Environmental conservation ----------------------------------------- 6 hours 
- Reforestation and re-vegetation 
- National parks and wildlife conservation 
- Environment-friendly and natural farming 
- Soil and water conservation 

Core Value: Zeal and Involvement Faculty encourages his students in conservation measures through individual initiative - at home and community; leads his students to curve the ill-effects of environmental destruction; commits himself together with his students as catalyst of change through Christian and Filipino values in making this world a better place to live. 

6. Values, laws and movements about the environment -------------- 9 hours 
- Role of education, media, church, government, private and civic organizations 
- Clean Air act and other laws
 - Protocols from Stockholm, Uruguay, Nairobi, Kyoto, Rio de Janeiro conferences 
- Environmentalism and concept of heroes for Planet Earth 

Core Value:  Ethical action Faculty instills value of community concern as God-fearing and law-abiding citizen, developing the students potential for leadership. 

7. Major Ecological Issues and Case Studies --------------------------- 9 hours 
- El Niño, red tide, global warming 
- Genetic engineering, GMO 
- Zero waste management - Threats to biodiversity 
- Sustainable Progress and Development: An Outlook
- Other issues 

Core Value: Community Building and Involvement Faculty instills community involvement and participation in ecology projects/programs in the immediate communities of the students; demonstrates recycling and other projects in ecology. 
TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 hours 

1. Student-teacher interaction (recitation, question-and-answer session) 
2. Group dynamics (group discussions. role playing) 
3. Classroom and field demonstration, field study 
4. Projects (e.g. transforms, recycling) 
5. Handouts, reference materials, audio-visual aids 

V. ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Major exams 40% Class standing 60% (attendance 10%, quizzes/tests 20%, project, report 20%) 
1. Class attendance                   5. Field research/field trip 
2. Class participation                 6. Projects (e.g. transforms)
3. Quizzes and tests                  7. Assignments and research papers 
4. Major examinations                8. References: books, journals, audio-visual aids 


1. Avadhuta, Acarya P (1990) Neo-Humanist Ecology Ananga Marga Manila 151 pp 
2. Brown L R (1992) State of the World. A Worldwatch Institute Report 256 pp 
3. Brewer R (1994) The Science of Ecology 2nd ed Saunders Publishing 773 pp 
4. Carson R (1960) Silent Spring 
5. Croall S and W Rankin (1980) Ecology for Beginners Pantheon Books 175 pp 

6. Garcia MI (1997) Ecologia Filipina Maricon Enterprises 257 pp 
7. Odum E (1971) Fundamentals of Ecology 3rd ed Saunders 574 pp 
8. Raven PH and GB Johnson (1988) Understanding Biology 3rd ed W Brown 900 pp 
9. Rotor A.V (2003 and 2005) Living with Nature Series (2 vols)UST Publishing House 
10. Rotor AV (2000) Light from the Old Arch UST Publishing House 

11. Schumacher EC (1965) Small is Beautiful 
12. Soriano LE (1995) Save the Earth: What Schools Can Do Phoenix 186 pp 
13. Stiling P (1998) Ecology: Theories and Applications 2nd ed Prentice-Hall 539 pp
Journals and magazines
Internet; Cable TV: National Geographic, History, Living Asia, Bio and Discover
Movies and documentary: An Inconvenient Truth, Life After People series, Fly Away Home, Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, Moby Dick, Flipper

Annex B -  Examination in Ecology and Field Biology 
(Multiple Choice)

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Copy the letter of the correct answer
A. In the preparation of wine and vinegar from local fruits, the following steps are involved: A. Inoculation of yeast B. preparation of the must C. fermentation proper D. aging E. Oxidation

___1. Arrange them according to SOP. A. a-b-d-c-e B.-a-c-d-e b C. b-d-b-c-e D. b-a-e-c-d
___2. The enzyme produced is zymase. - A
___3. This consequently transforms ethanol into acetic acid. E
___4. This involves mashing of fruits with table sugar. B
___5. Mellowing of taste is the principal objective. D

B. Natural ecosystems are sacrificed by certain socio-economic projects such as the following: A. Building of golf courses B. Urbanized communities C. Industrialization D. Intensive agriculture E. 3-Mile Island nuclear accident.

___6. Displaces pasture land, farmlands and wildlife areas. A
___7. Chemicals are washed into rivers, lakes and sea. D
___8. Emits radioactive fallout that affects many countries. E
___9. People become concentrated in a limited area. B
__10. Results in the production of non-biodegradable by-products such plastics and oil spills. C

C. These are dihybrid crosses to show dominant and recessive traits. The parents are shown as follows: A. TTRR (tall round-seeded) x ttrr (short wrinkle-seeded B. Tt Rr x TtRr C. TtRr x tt rr D. ttrr x ttrr E. Not applicable.

__11. The offspring are 1 tall round-seeded, 1 tall wrinkle-seeded, 1 short round seeded and 1 short wrinkle-seeded. C
__12. The phenotype ratio of the F1 is 9:3:3:1 B
__13_Offspring of the first filial generation are all tall round-seeded A
__14. The F1 offspring are medium - they are neither tall nor short, round nor wrinkle seeded E
__15. The F1 offspring are all short wrinkle seeded. D
__16. The genotype ratio of the F1 is 1:1:1:1 C

D. These are acronyms: A. BSE-CJD B. DNA C. GMC D. SALT E. SWIP

__17. Popularly known as Mad Cow Disease which originated in Britain. A
__20. Answer to “kaingin” or slash and burn agriculture. D
__16. Known as Code of heredity, the discovery of this millennium. B
__18. Frankenfood, after the horror fiction, Frankenstein. C
__19. A miniature of Pantabangan Dam E

E. Among the major ecological systems or biomes of the world are as follows: A. Savannah B. Tundra C. Grassland D. Alpine E. Tropical Rainforest F. Taiga g. Chaparral

__21. Safari or game of hunting wild animals is the scenery in this biome. A
__22. Coldest of all biomes, only bryophytes at certain times of the year can survive. B
__23. The prairies of North America, inhabited by the early American Indians. C
__24. In terms of diversity and population density this is the richest of all biomes E
__25. Gymnosperms virtually appear to be singularly occupying this biome.

F. Identify the position of the following in the Food Pyramid A. producers B. herbivores C. decomposers D. 2nd order consumers E. 3rd order consumers

__26. Larvae of dragonfly (naiad) D orE
__27. Arachis hypogea A
__28. Chanus chanus philippinensis B
__29. Philippine Tarsier D or E
__30. Diatoms A

G. Here is a case study whereby fishponds are built on formerly natural ecosystems of mangrove estuaries, a business venture in supplying the market with prawns and bangus. Among the effects are A. Destruction of the ecosystem. B. Endangerment of the local species C. Pre- disposition to erosion and siltation D. Blocking of waterways E. Loss of indigenous industries and livelihood.

__31. The displaced area is no longer a climax community. A
__32. Shifting soil and detritus cannot settle down and stabilize. C
__33. Fisherfolk find riverine transportation becoming difficult. D
__34. Firewood, tangal for dye and fermentation, and the like, become unavailable. E
__35. As a breeding place, marine life cannot go through the natural life cycle. B

J. Environmental degradation can be arrested/minimized in our own way with governments, NGO and the citizens working hand on hand. A. Waste segregation scheme Program B. Microbial decomposition C. Use of atmosphere-friendly compounds, in lieu of CFCs. D. Vehicle volume reduction scheme

__36. Nature’s way of getting rid of wastes with the aid of unicellular organisms. B
__37. These are so-called alternative energy sources. C
__38. A palliative measure to ease traffic and reduce pollution in Metro Manila. D
__39. Garbage collection is easier and systematic for recycling and disposal. A
__40. Give relief to allow nature to cope up with the thinning of the ozone layer. C

I. For five billion years the year has been undergoing change. Life for one has been a long struggle as evidenced by as evidenced by the following developments: A. The unicellular organisms were the first inhabitants on earth. B. Man is among the recently formed species. C. “Only those species which are the fittest will survive.” D. Now and then Nature commits error through mutation. E. All organisms are said to be continuously evolving.

__41. Chromosomal aberration occurs unpredictably. D
__42. Blue-green algae or cyanophytes are still around today, possibly as abundant as before. A
__43. It was Darwin who thought of this as a theory – and now as an acknowledged principle. C
__44. This explains why there are freaks and variants among living things. D
__45 Only change does not change – the world is always undergoing dynamic changes. E

41 - 45 Very Good
35 -40 Good
30 - 34 Passed

ANNEX 3 - First Polymer Banknotes Features the Philippines’ Rich Biodiversity
Newsdesk December 27, 2024 

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has a long-standing tradition of showcasing the nation’s heroes and natural wonders on its banknotes and coins. While paper banknotes—still in circulation—continue to honor our heroes, the new polymer series highlights the Philippines’ rich heritage and biodiversity. This reflects dynamism and artistry, promoting a deeper appreciation of Filipino identity.

A recent BSP study by De La Salle University revealed the polymer banknote’s carbon footprint is 38.4% lower than paper’s, underscoring its environmental benefits.

Advanced security features have been featured with the polymer notes and paper currency, making them even better. Though no counterfeiting cases have been reported in the country, criminals continue to find ways to produce fake bills. Therefore, it is essential for further currency security improvement.

Additionally, polymer notes are more hygienic, resistant to various climates for life, and resist water, oil, and dirt.

They last two to five times longer than paper currency, reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses, and best fit our tropical climate. Resource saving also contributes to greener environmental sustainability for the end-user. However, those polymer bills are efficient for everyday use.

The First Philippine Polymer Banknote Series features endemic, endangered species and iconic landmarks. The 500-peso note showcases the Visayan spotted deer, Acanthephippium Mantinianum orchid, Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, and the critically endangered blue-naped parrot.

The 100-peso note highlights the Palawan peacock-pheasant, Ceratocentron fesselii orchid, Mayon Volcano, and the endangered whale shark or butanding. Meanwhile, the 50-peso note displays the Visayan leopard cat, Vidal’s lantana tree, Taal Lake, and Maputo fish. The flagship 1000-peso note celebrates the Philippine eagle, Sampaguita, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, and the South Sea Pearl.

The circulation of the new banknote series will begin in January 2025.
— Toby Denise Concepcion

Wildlife on Banknotes from Around the World
Coins of the World animals on banknotes, banknotes with animals, banknotes with fauna, fauna on banknotes Team Mintage World March 18, 2016 

Sometimes we tend to forget that humans are not just the only inhabitants of the earth. And that has led to the destruction of forests which in turn has affected wildlife. This rather heartless act of human beings has also resulted in the extinction of some beautiful species. I personally feel that in this world of money and economic advancement, one should never forget how beautiful nature is and should try to live in sync with it. Let’s look at some countries who follow the same belief and have gone ahead to print some fabulous illustrations of wildlife on banknotes.


Fiji’s recent banknote-issues have very interestingly featured some rare species that are found in the islands. For example the $5 note which bears Kulawai also known as the red throated lorikeet. It is considered to be the smallest member of the parrot family and was last sighted in 1993. The $10 note features a Beli, one of very few true fresh water fish found in fast running streams up in the highlands. Kacau ni Gau, (Fiji Petrel), one of the world’s most iconic rare birds, is featured on the $20 note. It spends it time in the seas and very rarely seen on land. This species is almost extinct now. Many other such beautiful animals have been depicted on notes from Fiji. So if you are collecting banknotes with animals, then you should definitely eye this one!

New Zealand

The reverse side of kiwi banknotes have some beautiful illustrations of the fauna that defines the nation. The 10 shilling note bears a kiwi the national bird of the country. The blue coloured 5 pound note features a fantail or piwakawaka, commonly found in the South Island of New Zealand, also in the North Island. The 50 pound red coloured note bears an illustration of a tui. The tui is a bird which is one of the largest members of the diverse honeyeater family. New Zealand is therefore considered as one of the leading nations to portray wildlife on banknotes.

Sri Lanka

Tourists from around the world flock into Sri Lanka to witness its vibrant wildlife. More the reason why their banknotes depict some really amazing fauna that defines this country! Sri Lanka Serendib Scops Owl appears on the right side of the note and the butterfly, the Baronet appears on the lower left corner of the 20 Rupees note. Sri Lanka Dull Blue Flycatcher and the butterfly, The Blue Oakleaf appears on the 50 Rs. note. Similar combinations prevail on other notes as well. If you are an animal lover then collecting Sri Lankan banknotes with wildlife is a real good idea.


India is another country which has a very diverse and interesting wildlife. Notes of different denominations depict different animals that are predominantly found in the country. The famous Bengal tiger, our national animal, features on our INR 2 banknotes. The herbivore families of antelopes, gazelles, bucks and deer adorn the INR 5 banknotes of India. The notes issued under the authority of S. Jagannathan have two peacocks, our national bird, in the centre flocked by 3 deer and 2 horses. 100 Rupees notes issued under the authority of B. Rama Rau have elephants depicted on them. If you are looking for wildlife on banknotes, then first look for change in your own pockets.


Even Madagascar has some really amazing banknotes which portrays the native culture, human life and fauna of that land. The 5000 francs note issued in 1995 features lemurs which are endemic to the land of Madagascar. The word “lemur” derives from the word lemures (ghosts or spirits) from Roman mythology and was first used to describe a slender loris due to its nocturnal habits and slow pace, but was later applied to the primates on Madagascar. This could be one of the most unique animals you can ever see on banknotes.

Faroe Islands

Faroe Islands is a country of small islands between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. The currency here is called krona and banknotes issued by this nation depicts some eye-grabbing and interesting illustrations of fauna found in this part of the world. The obverse of 50 kroner portrays a Ram’s horn; that of 100 kroner depicts a cod’s tail, 200 kroner displays a beautiful image of a moth; 500 kroner shows a shore crab and the 100 kroner a lovely sketch of a purple sandpiper. Ever thought, a small country like that can depict such beautiful illustrations of animals on banknotes?

South Africa

Think of a jungle safari and you might think of South Africa. Tourism in this part of the world is all because of its spectacular wildlife. It is very natural for the government of South Africa to issue notes featuring some of the most commonly found animals of the land. The R10 note displays the head of Rhinoceros, the R20 note shows a beautiful imagery of an Elephant, a majestic Lion is shown on the R50 note, the R100 note depicts a Buffalo and a ferocious leopard is portrayed on the R200 note. So if you are looking for wildlife on banknotes, then you should try to have this piece of beauty.


Philippines is another beautiful country with a distinct geography and fauna. Its latest banknotes feature wonderful designs portraying animals of the country. The 50 pesos note bears the image of a Giant Trevally, The 100 pesos note depicts a Whale shark, the 200 pesos note features a Philippine tarsier, the 500 pesos note has a Blue-naped Parrot, and the 100 pesos note depicts the south sea pearl.


In the year 2011 Antarctica issued a beautiful banknote featuring Penguins sliding down hill along with the Flag of Antarctica on the obverse. The reverse depicts Emperor Penguins and the South Pole Centenary ‘1911-2011’. The note is designed by Antarctica Overseas Exchange Office. Wings of penguins are evolved into flippers so that they can also live under water. These aquatic and flightless birds are mostly found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Penguins generally feed on krill, fish, squid etc while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.


Here’s another country which has issued many banknotes featuring animals. The one ruble bill depicted a running hare which gave the note its popular nickname zaichik. Hares belong to the family of rabbits and are similar to them in size, form, and diet. They are extremely swift and can run at a speed of up to 56 km/h. The term ‘Mad as March hare’ is derived from the fact that hares turn crazy in the month of March and can be seen boxing, or chasing each other to attract their female counterparts.

There are several other countries who issue banknotes with animals on them. Start collecting, but beware, these wonderful illustrations of amazing animals around the world could make you addicted. Inputs from Mr. Jayesh Gala.

The Mintage World Team comprises of experts, researchers and writers from the field of Philately (
the collection and study of postage stamps), Notaphily (the collecting of banknotes as a hobby), and Numismatics (the study or collection of coins, paper currency, and medals) who try to shed light on some of the most interesting aspects of coins, banknotes and stamps from not just India but across the globe as well.

Almost 1 in 6 of the world’s banknotes feature wildlife – 
Banknotes and coins help shape our national identity. The images they display emphasize historical events, prominent personalities, or scientific, industrial and technological advances. Sometimes they highlight biodiversity, including distinctive plants and wildlife.

Almost one in six of the 4,541 notes we analysed, from 207 countries, featured wildlife. We identified intriguing patterns of use in different countries, from mammals in Africa and birds in South America to marine life in island nations. Some countries readily embraced wildlife, while others neglected them altogether.

In total, we found 883 depictions of native wildlife on 689 banknotes from 92 countries. That leaves 115 countries with banknotes devoid of wildlife.

Most countries do not feature images of wildlife on banknotes. These maps show the global distribution of (A) total fauna depicted, (B) birds depicted, and (C) mammals depicted. Newbery et al., (2024)

Birds (195 species) and mammals (96 species) were the most widely used across all countries, followed by fish (25 species), reptiles (15 species) and invertebrates (15 species), then frogs or toads (6 species).

Our research highlights an opportunity to raise public awareness of wildlife more broadly. In particular, showcasing threatened species on banknotes may lift their profile. This should be part of a broader conversation effort that builds community support for protecting biodiversity.

Images of wildlife appeared on more than 15% of the 4,541 notes we reviewed, from 207 countries. We identified 352 individual species.

In total, we found 883 depictions of native wildlife on 689 banknotes from 92 countries. That leaves 115 countries with banknotes devoid of wildlife.

Birds (195 species) and mammals (96 species) were the most widely used across all countries, followed by fish (25 species), reptiles (15 species) and invertebrates (15 species), then frogs or toads (6 species).

In South Africa, the Reserve Bank links the iconic “big five” native animals on their banknotes to its core values: rhino: protecting a shared future and accountability
African buffalo: unity and cohesion through open communication African savanna elephant: stability, confidence and the building of social bonds to preserve respect and trust, lion: leadership and guidance to achieve excellence
leopard: independence, integrity and honor.

The iconic ‘Big Five’ animals of sub-Saharan Africa often appear on banknotes in the region. These are the rhinoceros, African buffalo, the African elephant, lion and leopard. 

The depiction of animals on banknotes should be accompanied by other efforts to raise public awareness of their plight, such as education campaigns, public policy initiatives and fundraising drives.

Acknowledgement with Gratitude to 
The Conversation. Authors: Guy Castley, Associate Professor, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University; Clare Morrison, Lecturer in Ecology, Griffith University, Google, Internet. (Excerpt serves as reference in TATAKalikasan radio program, February 13, 2025)

Annex F
The stone eagle does not answer, 
its world too, is forever gone.

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog

Philippine Eagle Monument, Agoo La Union

Your wings all day spread and flap,
now raised in surrender;
And the wind that carried you up
has put you asunder.

Majestic and lovely, oh bird,
lord of the open skies;
Across the islands were heard,
your pleas and helpless cries.

Would a monument suffice
to enthrone your life and deed,
Bestow a posthumous prize,
to hide man's folly and greed?

The stone bird does not answer;
its world too, is forever gone,
And man takes pride in his power
of make-believe in his art.~
Philippine Eagle - Endangered living symbol 

Endangered living symbol, Philippine Eagle, formerly, Monkey Eating Eagle, is one of the biggest eagles in the world. Photograph by Matthew Marlo R. Rotor, Canon EOS 135, Sigma 70-300 mm 2009 

Lord of the sky, king among the feathered, fly -
     over land and sea and sky; 
All day long from dawn to dusk over mountains high, 
     in majestic victorious cry; 
Envy of migrating birds wave after wave passing by, 
     so with the Monarch butterfly; 
That was before - then the forests touched the sky, 
     but now people just look up and sigh. ~

The Philippine eagle, Pithecophaga jefferyi, also known as the monkey-eating eagle or great Philippine eagle, is a critically endangered species of eagle of the family Accipitridae, Class Aves, which is endemic to forests in the Philippines. This species is endemic and found on only four islands in the Philippines: Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, and Samar.

References: Living with Nature, AVR, UST Manila, Wikipedia, Internet

Biology of the Philippine Eagle

Philippine Eagle Foundation Sole Website
Be a friend of the Philippine Eagle, 10 years in review
From the Training Manual on Research and Monitoring Techniques for Birds of Prey in the Philippines.

"On our 35th year of being at the forefront of saving the critically endangered Philippine eagle, we recognize our milestones that advanced our mission. And as we leap forward to many more, we are rallying the Filipino people to join us in saving eagles, protecting forests, and securing our future. Let us celebrate how far we have come in conserving our national bird. It is time to transform awareness into commitment and action that preserve our eagle and our forests." - Philippine Eagle Foundation.

The Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) is a giant forest raptor endemic to the Philippines. It is considered one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the world’s rarest and certainly among its most critical endangered vertebrate species. The eagle is known to be geographically restricted to the islands of Luzon, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao.

A. Breeding Biology

Philippine eagles are monogamous and they bond for life. But contrary to claims that they opt to remain unpaired in the death of their mate, evidences from natural pairing techniques and data from all other raptors indicate that they take in new mates as replacement. Females reach sexual maturity at around five years and males, at seven.

1. Courtship

Increased aerial displays, frequent stay near the nest and nest-building activity mark the start of the courtship period. In a study of a pair in 1999, courtship began as early as July. Aerial displays such as mutual soaring (paired soaring flight over the nesting territory), dive chase (diagonal drop by the female with the male trailing in pursuit), and mutual talon presentation (male extending talons to female’s back with the female flipping over to present its talons) were documented. The pair also performed cruising flights over the territory, and did frequent advertisement displays couple0d with vigorous calling. Delivery of nesting materials, although aimed at building nest, can be a form of display to signal readiness to breed. Repeated copulation on nest and nearby perches marks the peak of courtship. Besides ensuring successful fertilization, frequent copulation is also interpreted as another means to strengthen pair bond.

Although different in few details, the courtship behavior observed in this particular pair is generally similar to most diurnal raptors. Courtship displays are expected to aid in the establishment and defense of a nesting territory, attraction of a suitable mate, and the establishment of a strong pair bond, all which are necessary for successful breeding.

2. Timing of Breeding

Data from nesting pairs in Mindanao suggest that the nesting (egg-laying) season can start in September and may extend up to February of the following year. But in Luzon, it is between mid-December to mid-January. The factors responsible for seasonal timing of breeding are not known. However, rainfall patterns, such as the case in Luzon where the periods from September to November are peak typhoon season thus would not be advantageous for egg-laying, as well as the seasonal abundance of the prey have been suggested as possible environmental factors that trigger breeding. A complete breeding cycle, from courtship until the young eagle leaves the parents’ territory, lasts two years.

3. Egg-laying

Observation of captive females revealed that as egg laying draws near, the female appears to be sickly and would not take food for as long as 8 to 10 days. They have drooping wings, takes up a lot of water, continually do calls and builds nest. This condition is called “egg lethargy”. After this phase, the female lays one egg during the late after noon or at dusk.

4. Incubation, nestling and post-fledgling

For a complete breeding cycle, the females lay only a single egg. But if an egg failed to hatch or the chick died early during the first year, the eagles normally nest the following year. As soon as an egg is laid, the female would start incubating. Consequently, breeding behavior stops but sometimes it may still happen a few days after the egg is laid. It is believed that this is meant to ensure that a new egg gets laid just in case the egg under incubation failed.

Incubation lasts 58 to 68 days. Both the male and the female incubate the egg but the female has a greater share of the daytime, and apparently does all of nighttime, incubation. The female spent about two thirds of the incubation up to the early nestling period. After which, both hunt and feed the growing eaglet until independence. In one nest observed, the adults take turn brooding the young and covering it from the sun and the rain. But this ceased when the chick was left on its own in the nest when it was seven weeks old and thereafter. Once the egg is hatched, the eaglet will stay in the nest or about 5.5 months. The parents will take care of it for about 17 months until it leaves its parents territory in search of a vacant habitat.

Recent detailed observation gave revelations about play behavior in a juvenile Philippine Eagle. It was seen observing tree cavities and grasping the rim of knotholes using its tail as props and wing for balance while poking its head into the cavity. The young eagle also hangs itself upside down perhaps as an exercise in balance and was also seen doing mock attacks of inanimate objects on the ground or among tree crowns. All of these were done in the absence of the parents, which indicate that juveniles seem to learn hunting without parental intervention.

The table below summarizes the patterns of juvenile development as observed by Kennedy (1985).

5. Longevity

The Philippine Eagle is a long-lived species. A captive bird in Rome Zoo was received full grown in 1934 and died in 1976, making it at least 41 years old at death. A male eaglet at the Philippine Eagle Center arrived as a young bird in 1969 and it’s still alive and that makes it about 34 years old. It is still unknown how old eagles get in the wild. But based on the fact that wild birds face the many exigencies of the forest environment which is rather absent in the captive conditions, wild birds may live shorter than captive birds.

B. Feeding Ecology

The food habits of the Philippine Eagle are known from prey items brought into nests. Studies from 1978 to 1983 revealed that 15 species of vertebrate prey were used for feeding the young including flying lemurs, squirrels, snakes, civets, hornbill, bats and monkeys. But of these prey species, eagles seem to prefer flying lemurs and civets. For the past three decades, only three studies were done on Philippine Eagle breeding and food habits and contrary to persistent claims, no domestic animals were ever brought to nests. The table below shows the list of prey species identified during a study by Kennedy (1985). This table was modified from Kennedy.

The variety and size differences of prey suggest that the Philippine Eagle is an opportunistic hunter with preference for tree-dwelling species. Investigators also suspect that eagles are capable of shifting prey, choice of prey may also coincide with the breeding season of the particular prey.

Observations of their hunting behavior are scant. But more recent detailed observation provided starling revelations. The juvenile learns hunting behavior without parental intervention. Philippine Eagles hunt from perch, constantly observing knotholes or cavities in trees. Adults have been observed to poke their talons into tree cavities to apparently grab prey. One investigator believed that the relatively longer tarsus of the Philippine Eagles is an adaptation to taking prey from tree cavities. But this hypothesis needs further testing.

Meanwhile, the food habits of Philippine Eagles in Luzon have not yet been documented. Because of the difference in terms of the faunal composition of Luzon and Mindanao, them representing different faunal regions, the eagles there would definitely have a different diet regime. For example, flying lemurs, which are the preferred prey in Mindanao, is absent in Luzon. A food habit study in Luzon is long overdue.

C. Regional Breeding Density and Population Estimates

The current population status of the Philippine Eagle is not known. The species has been considered rare since it was discovered in 1896. Moreover, the eagle has always been difficult to census because of the significant logistic difficulties of working in dense, steep rainforest.

Previous attempts to survey or estimate the population status of the species have always been crude at best. Only scattered, individual reports occurred up through the 1960s. Additionally, data from researchers in the 70s to the early 80s were difficult to interpret. And because of the small sample sizes and nature of approaches used, no confidence limits could be established for these estimates. However, based on systematic surveys in the last decade, breeding density estimates suggest there are about 200 pairs in Mindanao. Using the same estimates, about 300 pairs could be present in the other islands where it has been found.

The general indicators of population status continue to be alarming. Habitat and probably prey populations are continuing to disappear at a rapid rate. Thus, wild populations are losing places to live and are likely becoming food-stressed. Hunting and shooting of wild birds also persist. Eagles that were turned over to the Philippine Eagle Center in recent years either had gunshot wounds or were trapped illegally in the wild. Even birds that seemed healthy at the time of recovery or confiscation were found to have airgun pellets in their bodies after undergoing X-ray examinations.

Of the two primary characteristics of populations, i.e. reproductive rate and survival rate, the latter is the most important for populations of long-lived, slowly reproducing species such as the Philippine Eagle. Chance effects (such as weather fluctuations, epidemics, inbreeding, etc.) only make matters worse for small populations. 
(From the Training Manual on Research and Monitoring Techniques for Birds of Prey in the Philippines)

D. Habitat Preferences

Except in Mindanao Island, no nest or nest site has ever been studied on other islands within the Philippine eagle’s range. In Mindanao, they are known to nest in a variety of habitats. Some nest on large trees in the lowlands and upper hill dipterocarp forests. Some may even nest at high elevations at transitions to montane or mossy forests. A few nests were in degraded forests near human habitations while others nest within forest interiors. Nest trees are found between 750 to 1590 meters in elevation and they are commonly along steep slopes and ravines, but not necessarily near river systems.

In nest site selection study done in 2001, six characteristics of nest trees seem to be selected for. These are namely height of nest tree, tree density, tree frequency and distance from nearest forest edge, forest trail and kaingin. They also select trees with denser canopies and large trunk spacing. The common Dipterocarp tree species used as nest tree include Shorea almon , S. contorta, S. polysperma, S. negrosensis, whereas the Non-dipterocarps were Balete Ficus sp ., Igem Dacrycarpus imbircatus, and Binuang Octomeles sumatrana. Other nest tree species that has been recorded are Parashorea plicata, Petersianthus quadrialata, and for a for a single record in Luzon, Agathis alba. Eagles don’t seem to prefer specific tree species. Because large trees remain relatively abundant in Mindanao, availability of nesting trees doesn’t seem to limit population there.

Trees towards northern slopes facing the mountain appear to be selected. This might be associated with cooler temperatures, less sunlight, and denser tree cover that increase protection on the nest. Nest trees in Mindanao predominantly have southern exposures (southwest and southeast) and crowns were open enough to facilitate flight to and from the nest.

The nest is normally located between 27 to 50 meters from the ground. They are built on either major branches or tree forks. These nests are large platforms of decaying twigs and sticks that piled atop each other because of the continued nest building and repeated use. Nests are also associated with large epiphytes. A nest could be anywhere between1.2 x 1.2 meters to 1.2 x 2.7 meters in size. ~

Acknowledgement: Philippine Eagle Foundation; Ateneo de Manila University
87.9 FM Radyo Katipunan,

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