Wednesday, January 22, 2025

USAPANG BAYAN Topic: International Day Of Education January 24, 2025

 USAPANG BAYAN 2 to 3 pm January 24, 2025 
Seventh International Day of Education Theme:

 Artificial Intelligence and Education: 
Preserving Human Agency in a World of Automation.

   With Emphasis on Open University and DevCom
(Development Communication)
A Visit to Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) 
- First Open University in Southeast Asia
 Ms Melly C Tenorio, host; and Dr Abe V Rotor, guest
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Please open Living with Nature

4 Types of Learning

UNESCO report (Scott, 2015), being competent in a field requires education focusing on four types of learning, namely:
a) “learning to know”, which focuses on sound and integrated content knowledge; 
b) “learning to do”, which focuses on active learning’ skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving; 
c) “learning to be”, which focuses on personal qualities that shape learners’ identities; and 
d) “learning to live together”, which focuses on social qualities of learning. 

These four types of learning needs were built upon the assumption that they refer to three main types of knowledge that any competent professional in a certain field enacts, which are: 
“know what”, meaning knowing the subject matter; 
“know how”, meaning knowing how to solve particular problems in the field;
  and “know to be”, meaning how to behave and think in certain contexts
  or situations.

Part 1 - Major Features of Open University

Open universities are known for their flexibility, affordable tuition, and open-door academic policy. They offer a variety of features, including:

1· Flexibility - Open universities offer flexible study options, including full-time and part-time programs. They also allow students to learn at their own pace.

2· Career guidance - Open universities offer career guidance services to help students explore career options and develop skills.

 3· Strong community - Open universities often have online forums and face-to-face tutorials where students can connect with each other.
4· Affordable tuition - Open universities are known for their affordable tuition, which makes education accessible to a wide range of people.

5· Open-door policy - Open universities have minimal or no entry requirements, and admission is based on minimum education.
 No age limit - Open universities are open to people of any age, from any background.
7· Distance learning - Open universities offer distance learning courses and qualifications, which can be accessed by people in remote areas or those who are unable to attend classes in person.

8· Skill development - Open universities offer access to quality education and skill development.

 STOU - First Open University in Southeast Asia 

         Having been in Thailand in 2015, I saw a different picture. Thailand which means "land of the free" is a peaceful and progressive country, which I can vouch from the fact that I have had the chance to be with Thais since my student days, in visiting Sokhothai Thammathirat Open University, among other institutions, and from the fact that the Philippines historically gets most of its imported rice from Thailand.

This series of articles is my humble way of showing my appreciation to Thailand or old Siam, truly the land of the free.
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University campus, Thailand
Printed instructional materials; STOU professor on live television lecture.
A Visit to Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Nationwide radio and television centralized control panel.  Interview: Dr Abe Rotor (left) and Professor Suchin Phongsak. Dr. Abercio V Rotor, professor of the University of Santo Tomas (3rd from left) poses with STOU faculty headed by Dean Achara Cheewatragoongit (4th), and Prof. Sukanya Phromphon (extreme right) during a recent visit to Thailand’s second largest open university, which has a population of 280,000 students. Dr. Rotor is also head instructor of Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid People’s School-on-Air broadcast daily on DZRB network . Others in the photo (L to R) are Director Elvira Martinez and Director Cecilia R Rotor of National Food Authority, Prof. Suchin Phongsat (former STOU professor), Mrs Cora Rocero Phongsat, and a faculty member and coordinator of the group.

Part 2 - Development Communication 
                           - Catalyst of Socio-Economic Change
Dr Abe V Rotor

What is Development Communication?
Development Communication is recognizing the power of communication as a catalyst for social development. it is also the utilization of existent communication tools and applicable theories for result-driven strategies for the advancement of society.

University of the Philippines at Los Baños: seat of the country's agricultural research and training.  
  • Development Communication is a type of marketing and public opinion research that is used specifically to develop effective communication or as the use of communication to promote social development.
  • Purposive communication intended for a specific target audience that allows for the translation of information into action resulting in a higher quality of life.
  • The improvement of a community using information and technology and the community's ability to maintain the created ideal state without compromising its environment and resources.
  • It is the voluntary involvement of a group of people in a development activity with full knowledge of its purpose that will allow them to grow individually and as a community.
  • The process of eliciting positive change (social, political, economic, moral, environmental, etc) through an effective exchange of pertinent information in order to induce people to action.
  • Development communication extends to include: information dissemination on developmental schemes/projects, communication for eliciting positive change, interactivity, feedback on developmental issues, feedback/reverse communication for eliciting change. On development side, sustainability issues need to be given proper importance vis-a-vis economic development.
  • The practice of systematically applying the processes, strategies, and principles of communication to bring about positive social change.
The term "Development Communication" was first coined in 1972 by Nora C. Quebral, who defines the field as "the art and science of human communication linked to a society's planned transformation from a state of poverty to one of dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equity and the larger unfolding of individual potential."

Original building which housed UPLB's Farm and Home Development program. Author was among the pioneers of this special graduate course in 1962-1963 under the leadership of  then Dioscorro Umali, Thomas Flores, Leo de Guzman, Roger Cuyno, Perla Tagumpay, Nora Quebral, Diosdado Castro, et al. 

 Some approaches include:

• information dissemination and education,
• behavior change,
• social marketing,
• social mobilization,
• media advocacy,
• communication for social change, and
• participatory development communication.

Different schools of development communication have arisen in different places.

1. The "Bretton Woods school of development communication" arose with the economic strategies outlined in the Marshall Plan after WW2, and the establishment of the Bretton Woods system and of the WB and IMF in 1944. Due to his pioneering influence in the field, Everett Rogers has often been termed the "father of development communication."
Originally, the paradigm involved production and planting of development in indigenous and uncivilized societies. This western approach to development communication was criticized early on, especially by Latin American researchers because it tended to locate the problem in the underdeveloped nation rather than its unequal relations with powerful economies. There was also an assumption that Western models of industrial capitalism are appropriate for all parts of the world. Many projects for development communication failed to address the real underlying problems in poor countries such as lack of access to land, agricultural credits and fair market prices.
The world bank currently defines development communication as the "integration of strategic communication in development projects" based on a clear understanding of indigenous realities. Institutions associated with the Bretton Woods school include:

PHOTO: Dr Anselmo S Cabigan served as director for Research and Extension of the National Food Authority until he retired to join the academe. Extension draws the link between and among the stakeholders of the state agency in stabilizing price and supply of basic food. Similarly development communication aims at bringing in unity and understanding among various sectors of society.

• United Nations (FAO),
• the Rockefeller Foundation,
• the Department of International Development of the United Kingdom, 
• the Ford Foundation.
2. Latin America
The Latin American School of Development traces its history back further than the Bretton Woods school, emerging in the 1940s with the efforts of Colombia's Radio Sutatenza and Bolivia's Radios Minera. These stations were the first to use participatory and educational rural radio approaches to empowering the marginalized. In effect, they have since served as the earliest models for participatory broadcasting efforts around the world.

3. India
The history of organized development communication in India can be traced to rural radio broadcasts in the 1940s. As is logical, the broadcasts used indigenous languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and Kannada.

PHOTO: Dr Dioscoro L Umali 
(1917 – 1992) served as Dean of UPLB and became the regional Director of FAO in Southeast Asia. He continued to serve as consultant of IRRI after his retirement.

Independent India's earliest organized experiments in development communication started with Community Development projects initiated by the union government in 1950's. Radio played an equally important role in reaching messages to the masses. Universities and other educational institutions - especially the agricultural universities, through their extension networks - and international organizations under the UN umbrella carried the dev-comm experiments further.

4. Africa
The African school of development communication sprang from the continent's post-colonial and communist movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Development communication in Anglophone Africa saw the use of Radio and theatre for community education, adult literacy, health and agricultural education.

5. University of the Philippines at Los Baños
The systematic study and practice of Development Communication in the Philippines began in the 1970s with the pioneering work of Nora C Quebral who, in 1972 became the first to come up with the term "Development Communication." In at least some circles within the field, it is Quebral who is recognized as the "Mother" of Development Communication.

Aspects of development communication which the CDC has extensively explored include Development Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Development Journalism, Educational Communication, Science Communication, Strategic Communication, and Health Communication.

Mother of DevCom in the Philippines. She helped in launching DC as an academic discipline and she has taught many renown development communication professionals. Her academic base since the 1960′s has been the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). She coined the term “development communication”, which she defined as: “the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one of dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equity and the larger unfolding of individual potential.”

6. Cybernetics approach
Another area of exploration for the CDC at UPLB is the aspect of development communication relating to the information sciences, the decision sciences, and the field of knowledge management. In 1993, as part of the then Institute of Development Communication’s Faculty papers series, Alexander Flor wrote a paper on environmental communication that, among other things, proposed a definition of Development Communication expanded from the perspective of cybernetics and general systems theory:

If information counters entropy and societal breakdown is a type of entropy, then there must be a specific type of information that counters societal entropy. The exchange of such information – be it at the individual, group, or societal level – is called development communication.

7. The Participatory Development Communication school
Focusing the involvement of the community in development efforts, the evolution of the Participatory Development Communication School involved collaboration between First World and Third World development communication organizations.

Development communication is the scientific study of how to achieve and sustain positive change in individuals, groups, organizations, or communities. It involves applying the principles of scientific research, such as rigorous experimentation, data analysis, and evidence-based decision making to design and implement effective interventions. This field encompasses various domains, including project management, training, community engagement, and evaluation, all aimed at promoting understanding, knowledge creation, and effective action (Clarke & Gregory, 2001). Effective development communication aims to enhance the quality of relationships, empower individuals, and foster long-term success. 
Reference: Clarke, S., & Gregory, A. (2001). Setting theory: Explaining the conceptual foundations of success and failure in services and consulting.

1.Quebral, Nora C. (1973/72). "What Do We Mean by ‘Development Communication’". International Development Review 15 (2): 25–28.

2. Quebral, Nora (23 November 2001). "Development Communication in a Borderless World". Paper presented at the national conference-workshop on the undergraduate development communication curriculum, "New Dimensions, Bold Decisions". Continuing Education Center, UP Los Baños: Department of Science Communication, College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños. pp. 15–28.

3.Manyoso. Linje (March 2006). "Manifesto for Development Communication: Nora C. Quebral and the Los Baños School of Development Communication". Asian Journal of Communication 16 (1): 79–99. doi:10.1080/01292980500467632

4.Avrind Singhal, Everett M. Rogers (1999). Entertainment-education: A Communication Strategy for Social Change , Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 0805833501.

5.Flor, Alexander (1993) (Monograph). Upstream and Downstream Interventions in Environmental Communication. Institute of Development Communication.

6.Thussu, Daya Kishan 2000). International Communication: Continuity and Change. London: Arnold.

ANNEX  A University of the Philippines Open University 

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) has an average enrollment of 2,800 students per term. UPOU has been offering its programs and courses fully online since 2007.

UPOU offers 26 graduate and three undergraduate programs in the fields of Education, Information and Communication Studies, and Management and Development Studies. 

UPOU is envisioned as a leader in teaching and learning in the digital age, helping to equip Filipinos with the knowledge and skills they need for life and work in the 21st century.

Our mission is to provide Filipinos everywhere access to quality higher education through innovative methods of teaching and learning that are designed to be responsive to their needs as well as to national development priorities. We uphold the values of scholarship, academic excellence, academic freedom, humanism, social responsibility, and service to the nation.

UPOU is also mandated to contribute towards upgrading the quality of the educational system of the country by developing innovative instructional strategies and technologies and sharing these with other colleges and universities through cooperative programs. Republic Act 10650 (Open Distance Learning Law) has tasked UPOU to assist relevant national agencies, higher education institutions, and technical and vocational institutions in developing their distance education programs through training, technical assistance, research, and other academic programs.

We are the nation’s most comprehensive distance education institution, with 37 degree programs comprised of seven undergraduate programs, two graduate certificate programs, 12 graduate diploma programs, 13 master’s programs, and three doctoral programs. UPOU also offers certification programs, continuing education programs (CEP), and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We have Mega Learning Hubs in the National Capital Region (Diliman) and the Visayas (Cebu). This, coupled with our ability to harness a wide range of digital technologies in education, has enabled us to build a global community of mostly Filipino learners in more than 70 countries.

UP secured the 336th spot worldwide, a significant improvement over its 404th spot in the previous year's rankings. Rising out of the challenging times during the COVID- 19 pandemic, this latest round of rankings indicate an upward trend for the university. Jun 5, 2024

ANNEX B - Top 10 Distance Learning Universities in the World

Here’s a list of the best distance learning universities in the world and why you should choose them.

1. University of Manchester The University of Manchester is a social research institute. It is set up in Manchester, United Kingdom. The institute was founded in 2008 with over forty-seven thousand students and faculty members. It is one of the best distance learning university in the world. Following are the distance learning courses offered at the University of Manchester:
Social Science
Art and Design
Computer Science
Medicine and Health
Business Management
Natural and applied science
Engineering and Technology
Education, hospitality, and Sport

2. The University of Florida - The University of Florida is located in Gainesville, Florida. It is an open research university established in 1853 with 34,000 students. Also, UF provides many distance learning programs. The courses they are offering encompass:
Liberal Arts
Agricultural Science
Medicine and Health
Business Administration
Science and so much more.

3. University College of London - University College of London was the first established university in London, England, in 1826. It is a top-ranked public research institution and a part of Russell Group, with almost 40,000 learners enrolled. The distance learning courses at the university are:
Social sciences
Business management
Humanities development
Computing and Information systems
Education and so on.

4. University of Liverpool - The University of Liverpool is one of the leading institutions in research and education. It was established in 1881 and is located in England. UL is also a part of the Russell Group. The classes they are offering are as follows:
Health care
Public health
Cyber security
Digital Marketing
Computer Science
Business Management
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

5. Boston University - Boston University is a private research institution in Boston, USA. It has two campuses and was founded in 1839 in Newbury by the Methodists.
Their distance learning program offers bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees. They are as follows:
Social Science
Art and Design
Computer Science
Medicine and Health
Business Management
Engineering & Technology
Natural and Applied science
Education, hospitality, and sport

6. Columbia University - Columbia University is also a private research school founded in 1745 in New York City. It has over 6,000 students. Some of the elaborate courses offered are:
Data Science
Business Studies
Applied Analytics
Computer Science
Narrative Medicine
Artificial Intelligence
Operations Research
Applied Mathematics
Technology Management
Insurance and Wealth Management

7. The University of Pretoria - The University of Pretoria is among Africa’s top universities. It’s known for its socially impactful research to solve the world’s most pressing issues. Moreover, they have been offering distance learning program degrees since 2002. Online Courses Offered by the University
Culinary science
Agriculture and forestry
Management Education
Engineering and Engineering Technology

8. The University of Southern Queensland - It’s one of the most prestigious distance learning universities in Toowoomba, Australia. USQ is renowned for its supportive environment and commitment to excellence.  Online Courses Offered by USQ
Climate science
Law and Justices
Agricultural science
Applied data science
Creative arts education
Health and Community
Engineering and science
Communication and Information Technology
English Language programs and so on.

9. Georgia Institute of Technology - Georgia Institute of Technology was established in 1885 in Atlanta, USA. The institute is committed to service, and research and provides focused, technological-based education to numerous students worldwide. Distance learning courses at Georgia Tech are:
Natural sciences
Computer science
Medicine and Health
Business management
Engineering and Technology
Environmental and Earth sciences

10. Charles Sturt University - Charles Sturt University is an Australian multi-campus public university in New South Wales. They have over 43,000 students enrolled in different programs. Online Learning Courses Offered
Applied science
Computer science
Medicine and Health
Business management
Engineering and so on.

Frequently Asked Questiones (FAQs) About Online Degree Programs
There are a lot of questions that distance learners will have on their minds while opting for an online degree. Here are the most frequently asked questions!

Are distance learning degrees considered valid by employers?
Today, as education has transitioned to online platforms, many employers prefer and hire college graduates who earned their degrees online. A distance learning degree from an accredited college or university matches the same high standards as an on-campus degree. At most institutions, distance learners and on-campus students get identical diplomas.

Also, online programs usually use the same instructional resources and staff members as an in-person program at the same college. Likewise, online students meet the exact graduation requirements as on-campus learners. Consequently, many employers hire online graduates for various entry-level positions.

Do I need any technical or soft skills to join the distance learning program?

There are only specific minimum requirements of the software and hardware components of the device for you to access the learning material and online classes. We recommend you always check the course syllabus for soft skill requirements. Usually, these requirements are only how to handle your device, set up the learning environment, and access your syllabus.

Is an online degree worthwhile like traditional ones?

The delivery method is the only difference between an online course and a traditional degree. Universities and colleges set high academic standards for all degree-granting programs, including distance learning courses.

Whether learners enroll online or in person, undergraduates must complete general education prerequisites, major courses, and electives to earn their bachelor’s degree. Accrediting bodies at colleges and universities review faculty qualifications and course materials to ensure quality online and in-person classes. So, an online degree is as worthwhile as a traditional course but has the advantage of a more flexible delivery format.

What devices do I need for distance learning?

Depending on the degree program requirements, you would need a smartphone, notebook, or computer.

How can I manage my time studying remotely?
You need to plan your course very carefully to succeed. Check your courses daily to keep yourself on track and complete the assignments and quizzes. Here are some more valuable tips to help you manage your time effectively during an online course.

A shift to remote learning during the pandemic has made online education more common. Today many universities offer online degrees, and students must choose a program and an institution that suits their educational and career needs. ~

International Day Of Education 2025: History, Significance
The International Day of Education was created to show the power of education in achieving global goals and building a better future. Edited by:Lavkesh Singh

                    It was officially declared by United Nations on December 3, 2018.

The International Day of Education is celebrated every year on January 24 to highlight the important role of education in promoting peace and development. It was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly on December 3, 2018, through resolution 73/25.

In 2025, the world will celebrate the seventh International Day of Education with the theme: "AI and Education: Preserving Human Agency in a World of Automation." This theme focuses on how education can help people understand, adapt to, and shape the rapid changes brought by artificial intelligence and technology.

The official website reads: "As computer and AI-driven systems become more sophisticated, the boundaries between human intention and machine-driven action often blur, raising critical questions about how to preserve, redefine, and, ideally, elevate human agency in an age of technological acceleration."

The International Day of Education was created to show the power of education in achieving global goals and building a better future. The resolution to establish this day was co-written by Nigeria and 58 other countries, showing strong worldwide support for fair, high-quality education for everyone.

Significance: The International Day of Education highlights the key ways education helps the world:

o Promoting peace and development: Education is essential for creating peaceful and strong communities.

o Achieving global goals: Quality education supports Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and helps achieve other global targets.

o Encouraging teamwork: The resolution calls on governments, organisations, businesses, and individuals to work together to make education accessible to all.

UNESCO, the UN's education agency, leads the yearly celebration of this day.

January 3, 22, & 24, 2025 2 to 3 pm (3 broadcast sessions)
Open University and 
Development Communication 

 Ms Melly C Tenorio, host; and Dr Abe V Rotor, guest
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Please open Living with Nature

A Visit to Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)
- First Open University in Southeast Asia 

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