Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How safe is the food we eat?

How safe is the food we eat? 
Dr. Abe V. Rotor

Kalabasang ukoy (squash, shrimp, egg and flour)
home recipe for breakfast and snack

Tupig wrapped with banana leaves (coconut meat anf milk,
glutinous rice and red sugar) cooked on charcoal

1. Return to Nature. “Go Organic.”
A. How do you gauge food to be natural?
1. Fresh and served promptly.
2. Not genetically modified (GMO)
3. No pesticide residues
4. Safe from pest and disease organisms
5. No toxic metals (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, others)
6. Organic fertilizer used, instead of synthetic fertilizer like Urea, 12-24-12, etc)
7. No harmful preservatives (nitrates, CO2 gas, N gas)
8. No MSG, artificial coloring (jubos)
9. Balanced nutrients,
10. Proper combination of ingredients.

B. Is it safe to take fat-free fat (olestra), sugarless sugar (aspartame, splenda),. coffeeless coffee (decaffeinated), synthetic multi-vitamins, distilled water?
It is better to use their natural forms or products.

C. Do you consider naturally processed products as organic? Yes, It depends on how they are processed though.
1. Bihon fron rice
2. Sotanhon from mungo
3. Noodles, pasta, spaghetti, macaroni from wheat
4. Taho, tokwa, vegemeat/TVP from soya bean

D. Are native varieties of crops and breeds of animals safer to eat?
Generally yes.
1. They need less attention and input to produce, thus they do not carry residues of antibiotics, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers - which make food harmful.
2. Warning on stray animals and wildlife species - they may be carriers of diseases.
3. Warning on allergy-causing and or poisonous plants, including mushrooms.

E. Why is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) internationally recognized as the best approached in controlling pests and diseases?
IPM is backed up by Research, Training and Extension. It follows a strict regimen to protect health and the environment, in the following sequence.
1. Proper land use (Crop is tailored to the land, not vice versa)
2. Community effort, social infrastructure. Cooperation on three levels: Governmental Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Organizations.
3. Genetic resistance is primordial.
4. Biological control (Use of natural enemies of the pest)
5. Cultural practices (agronomic and horticultural)
6. Chemical Control as last resort. (botanical, carbamate, chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate, systemic) Chemical groups mentioned are in the order increasing toxicity.

F. Should we prefer native recipes over foreign ones? Yes, although we can adapt those that fit into, or compatible with, ours (Chinese recipes, for example). Native recipes have the following advantages.
1. Ingredients used are naturally grown, available locally.
2. Tastier and more nutritious
3. Cheaper in cost
4. Aesthetics of culinary art , cultural pride
5. Promote cooking at home and family bonding
6. Support local producers and entrepreneurs.
7. Integrated with home gardening and local production
8. Healthier
9. Environment-friendly
10. Business potential

G. Some people say home gardening is not practical?
Why not? Even if you are living in the urban area. You do not have to produce everything you need in the kitchen. Choose only those that are practical to grow. Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid conducts lessons on Home Gardening on three levels, namely

* Garden in “pots” for urban
* Backyard gardening for home lots
* Golden Years Homesite (500 m)

H. What other areas are people becoming more conscious about natural products?
1. Natural ventilation of homes and dwellings
2. Non-allergenic or hypoallergenic materials (pillows, bed sheets)
3. Natural fibers (cotton, silk instead of rayon), leather shoes,
wood instead of plastic).
4. Waxed paper, paper bags; grill instead of microwave
5. Firewood cooking

2. Health and Longevity Consciousness

A. Can we combine herbal and alternative medicine on one hand, and modern medicine, on the other? Yes, refer to Dr. Victoriano Y. Lim’s new book Introduction to CAM (Complimentary and Alternative Medicine) UST Publishing House, National Book Store,). There are many books to support this approach.
1. Second opinion may come from non-doctors, including an herbal expert (herbolario)
2. Take it from the Chinese, also other Oriental medical practices and home remedies
3. Practical References: Where there is no doctor and Medicinal Plants of the Philippines by Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, books on pharmacology.

B. Do vegetarians live healthier and longer?
Generally medical science says it is true. There is another school of thought .
1. Plants product may not supply all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins the body needs.
2. There is a certain formula based on age-weight-life style that ensures good health and longer life – it’s not really being slim or trim. The body needs food reserve, buffer supply in normal and abnormal times.
3. Where vegetation is scanty, people depend of animal products, and do live as long as vegetarians do.
4. Human teeth is evidence that we evolved from vegetarian to omnivorous, which must have insured our evolutionary success (Darwinian).
5. Vegetarians may not necessarily save money by not eating meat.
6. Vegetarians and meat-eaters suffer different ailment – as well as common ailments.
7. Progressive societies depend largely on animal products; less developed ones on plant products – a law of economics, other than cultural differences. Grain to animal protein conversion ratio is poor - 16:1 for beef, 7:1 pork, 4:1 chicken.

C. What is the best way to reduce? Diet and exercise.
1. Diet with doctor's advice. Extreme caution on other means.
2. Liposuction is dangerous. Stem Cells are destroyed, so with the natural capacity of the body to produce Stem Cells which are necessary in replenishing aging and damaged cells of the body.
3.Gym work and exercising equipment are expensive and not practical.
4. A combination of exercise, hobby and work is best. Be output-oriented.

D. How about grooming?
You mean personality development. A natural way is to have a happy disposition, positive outlook, and clean living, rolled in one. Minimize cosmetic grooming.

D. What are the main causes of death in modern society?
1. Accidents
2. Physiologic diseases – heart attack, stroke
3. Epidemics – flu, malaria, TB, dengue, SARS, HIV-AIDS
4. Personality complications of diseases of the nervous system.
5. Traditional diseases - tuberculosis, infection, diarrhea, etc.

E. How can we enhance longevity? Can we plan to live longer?
1. "It is in the genes." (Trace your family tree)
2. Special care for special children
3. Geriatrics forthe golden years.
4. Avoid Viagra, fertility and memory enhancers, stimulants and depressants, etc)
5. Monitor your lifestyle. Alzheimer’s, diabetics, heart attack, stroke, kidney and diseases, are physiologic diseases of modern living.
6. Don't smoke, avoid heavy drinking.
7. Don't retire, but have leisure and good rest.

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