Saturday, September 21, 2024

“Wisdom has its root in goodness.”

 “Wisdom has its root in goodness.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dr Abe V Rotor

1. We do not have the time, indeed an alibi
to indolence and loafing, letting time pass by.

Spring Landscape in acrylic by A V Rotor 2022

2. As we undervalue ourselves, so do others
undervalue us. Lo, to us all little brothers.

3. Self-doubt at the start is often necessary
to seek perfection of the trade we carry.

4. What is more mean than envy or indolence
but the two themselves riding on insolence.

“There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, 
goodness, and truth.” - Leo Tolstoy

5. The worst kind of persecution occurs in the mind,
that of the body we can often undermine.

6. How seldom, if at all, do we weigh our neighbors
the way we weigh ourselves with the same favors?

Eagle's Lair in acrylic by A V Rotor

7. Friendship that we share to others multiplies
our compassion and love where happiness lies.

8. Evil is evil indeed - so with its mirror,
while goodness builds on goodness in store.

9. That others may learn and soon trust you,
show them you're trustworthy, kind and true.

10. Kindness and gladness, these however small
are never, never put to waste at all. ~

“Live in such a way that if people should see you they could see
 God’s goodness in you.” Anonymous

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