Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Lesson on TATAKalikasan: 50 Tips to Save Energy ("Less energy, mas happy.")

Lesson on TATAKalikasan Ateneo de Manila University
87.9 FM Radyo Katipunan, 11 to 12 a,m, Thursday
50 Tips to Save Energy
Researched by Dr Abe V Rotor 
Co-Host with Fr JM Manzano, SJ 

 List down your views and experiences, 
and share them in your school and community.
  1. Switch to renewable energy in your household
  2. Turn off the lights and electrical appliances when not using them
  3. Use energy-efficient LED lightbulbs

  4. Use less water and wash clothes in cold water
  5. Shut doors and close curtains to keep the heat or cold in
  6. Use appliances during off-peak times to lower your electric bills
  7. Move your thermostat to an ideal temperature and avoid over-heating or cooling your home
  8. Compare energy deals and switch to a cheaper or greener provider
  9. Measure your electricity. Strive to reduce your monthly bills.
  10. Shut doors and close curtains. Manage your heating and cooling.
  11. Get the best energy deal.
  12. Insulate your roof.

  13. Save money with solar energy.
  14. Unplug devices. 
  15. Replace your air-con's air filters once every three months
  16. Ensure your fridge and freezers are fully closed
  17. Shower with cooler water
  18. Don't leave lights on during the day
  19. Turn off your air-con when you’re not in the room
  20. Recycle whenever possible — most of what we recycle is used to produce more energy

  21. Plant trees for shade
  22. Open windows at warm night to capture the cool breeze
  23. Use shades, blinds, and drapes to block the sun
  24. Avoid opening refrigerator/freezer doors to browse
  25. Let hot foods cool before placing in refrigerator/freezer
  26. Clean the back of refrigerator regularly
  27. Wash and dry only full loads of clothes
  28. Avoid over drying clothes. Hang clothes to air dry
  29. Take shorter showers
  30. Take a shower instead of a bath, uses less hot water
  31. Turn water off while brushing teeth
  32. Check faucets and toilets for leaks
  33. Avoid overwatering with sprinkler system
  34. Water garden and/or yard early morning or late afternoon to avoid high evaporation

  35. Landscape with drought tolerant plants
  36. Mulch around plants to help conserve water
  37. Utilize spring for irrigation on property (if applicable)
  38. Minimize vehicle washing
  39. A properly tuned and oiled vehicle with correct tire pressure will get better mileage per gallon
  40. Trade in gas vehicle for an electric or hybrid vehicle
  41. Ride a bike
  42. Walk instead of driving
  43. Carpool or rideshare
  44. Use public transportation
  45. Shop local and online
  46. Wear season/weather appropriate clothing
  47. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones
  48. Use cloth towels and napkins instead of disposable ones
  49. Cover bare floors for heat retention
  50. Make use of natural light from windows and skylights

  51. Limit electric and electronic usage.
    Don't use more energy than you need.
    Acknowledgement with thanks: 
    Internet references and cartoon images.

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