Monday, November 27, 2023

Living Wall at Home

Living Wall at Home
Living with Nature Center
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living Wall at Home mural by AV Rotor, restored c. 2015 

There's a saying, "If you can't go to the mountain, make the mountain come to you."
I heard this many times in my childhood, and now that I'm old, it's indeed true.

So I learned to draw on paper, paint on canvas, and many years later, on a wall,
I planted trees, made a watershed, dug a cave, trained a river and a waterfall. 

Eureka! Providence guided me to create a scene of Nature, a li'l piece of Eden 
here on earth redeeming in my humble way, far from perfect, that lost garden.

I invite people to come, passersby to stop, strangers to find a place to rest,
even only for a while, while the world today is in incessant turmoil and unrest. ~ 

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