Thursday, October 31, 2024

Usapang Bayan: Remembering Nature on Halloween 2024: Cryptobiology - The Study of Nature Spirits (November 1, 2024, Friday 2-3 pm)

Remembering Nature on Halloween 2024
Cryptobiology: The Study of Nature Spirits
"Halloween's paganistic origin continues to evolve into a religious belief with ecological significance today. Nature spirits are friendly to environmentalists and are believed to be protecting Nature's resources against abuse.  " - avrotor 

Living with Nature Center
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Cryptobiology is a controversial field of study at the border of science and superstition, thus scientists call it pseudoscience It is however, gaining acceptance and support from scholars and people in general.   

Coed Angie Tobias 19, poses with driftwood specimens resembling the Philippine eagle and another descendant of the extinct Archaeopteryx. 

There are two fields of cryptobiology, one concerning animals (cyptozoology) and the other, plants (cryptobotany). The former took off with the discovery of strange creatures like the Coelacanth fish thought to have become extinct millions of years ago.  On the other hand, the search of legendary and fiction characters like Loch Ness, Bigfoot, and the Abominable Snowman, continues to draw attention.

                              Ms Melly C Tenorio, host, and Dr Abe V Rotor, guest 

A collection of Nature Spirit remains which resemble unique features of creatures and objects, a subject of pseudoscience called cryptobiology. On display at the author's residence at the Living with Nature Center in San Vicente Ilocos Sur.

Search for the Incredible 

Media with the advancement of science and  technology have embellished  findings and reports about a "third world of creatures". The platypus is among nature's most unlikely animals. In fact, the first scientists to examine a specimen believed they were the victims of a hoax.  If the Red Wood (Sequoia) was not discovered, no one would believe in its enormous size compared with high rise buildings. How many creatures completely unfamiliar to most of us live in a drop of pond water?  In terms of biological diversity, 90 percent of living things remain unknown and unidentified, more so if we include the prototype and extinct organisms since life appeared three billion years ago. 

Driftwood representing a Philippine eagle, hawk (lawin), and a dragon in biblical times and in fairy books. Displayed as a table top figurines, subject of curiosity and subsequent exchange of stories among young and old alike.   
This figure of an aquatic creature apparently swimming, was discovered in an estuary. Old folks claim the creature once lived where sea and river meet, a unique habitat of many strange creatures, animals and plants as well.  Mural background adds to the queer ambiance of the figure. 

Horned duck with wings half-spread ready for takeoff, gives a fantasy image of a strange creature, which kids relate with cartoon characters and unique specimens like the Pterodactyl, an extinct genus of pterosaurs.

Top photos: Half-serpent, half-avian with distinct eyes, beak and crown (palong Tag); yelping puppy in a greeting poise.  Lower photos: Long legged reptile emerging from a broken jar seems to be telling a story fit for a horror movie. 

Augury is the practice from ancient Roman religion of interpreting omens from the observed behavior of birds. A white dove means “peace”. A black dove means “war”.  It could also pertain to matters of the heart, relationships, luck, misfortune, death, Remember the emissary bird in the biblical Noah's Ark? Have you seen a black dove in our real world?

Out of this world creatures haunt the forest, playing the role of guardian against poachers and loggers.  Nature spirits are friendly to environmentalists and are believed to be protecting Nature's resources against abuse.  

Is the mythical Hydra a true creature?

Ghost of the Galleon in Driftwood 

"The longest trading fleet over two centuries,
across two oceans, linking three continents,
riding on wind currents, gyres and eddies, 
imprimatur then of power and wealth." - avr

  • Cryptobiology: Study of creatures around myths and beliefs *Cryptobiology is the study of cryptids, creatures around which myths exist but whose current existence has never been verified. Some famous cryptids include bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and the chupacabra. Cryptids are elusive creatures that dance on the fringes of human perception, whose existence has not been proven by science, but has been reported by many eye-witnesses. Modern science has proved the existence to creatures that existed only in imagination and fantasy.
  • Cryptobiology is traced to our ancestors, and carried on through history, treasured in  primitive societies, religious organizations, and time honored beliefs and tradition conveyed in documents and folktales.   
  • Cryptobiology, Keeper of Values and Tradition
  • One time I asked a man of his true name. He said when he was a boy he was sickly. To overcome his condition, his nickname was changed with one stroke of a bolo (Taga' sa punong kahoy.) To this day Mang Kapok (kapok is cotton tree, Ceiba pentandra), now a senior, is heathy and strong, thanks to the spirit of the place and the village herbolario.
  • Beginning of Crypto communication. With the breakthrough in cybercommunication, it is evident that soon we will be communicating with Nature more directly than before, more than mere fantasy and imagination, over and above, inferential and psychological.  
  • Cryptobiology and Conscientization. Conscientizatrion  conveys the idea of developing, strengthening, and changing consciousness. Consciousness leads us to think further than knowledge in the pursuit of values, truth and the ideal.  Here is a piece I wrote for a university lecture on Nature and Literature. ~
Part 2 - Dead Tree Walking
               "I came from Paradise lost, would you walk with me?"

Limb of a dead tree resembling a headless
human figure, España, Manila 2007

I am the ghost that walks
    from a forest before;
I am the conscience of man
    sleeping in its core.

I am the memory
    from the distant past;
lost among the throng,
    living in the dust.

I came from Paradise lost,
    orphaned by the First Sin;
the hands that cared for me
    can't now be seen.

I long for a heaven, too,
    a gift of being good and true,
but if heaven is only for man,
    I did serve him through.

But I am a ghost now.
    Would man join me for a walk
to tell the world the story
    of a once mighty oak? ~

Author's Note: Is the kapre that dwells in old big trees true after all?  Utter tabi tabi (bari bari Ilk) while making your way on an unbeaten path.  Pour a few drops of your drink before you down your glass.  Have you heard the song of a whale?  How about that of a mermaid? Anaconda can grow up to 20 meters long! You are lucky if you can pick a leaf of makahiya (Mimosa pudica) fresh and not drooping.  If you find a four-leaf clover don't miss the lottery. ~

Part 3 - Remembering Nature on Halloween 2024
I am Nature Crucified

"Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans." - Evo Morales

"I am Nature crucified by the unending pursuit of Progressthe goal and measure of the Good Life."- avr

                               Silhouette of a tree skeleton, QC.  Photo by the author

am Nature crucified, Paradise lost to my own guardian
whom my Creator assigned custodian of the living earth;

I am Nature crucified by loggers, my kin and neighbors 
annihilated, forever removed from their place of birth;

I am Nature crucified by slash-and-burn farming dreaded
- once lush forests now bare, desertification their fate;

I am Nature crucified, greedy men with giant machines
take hours to destroy what I built for thousands of years;

I am Nature crucified in the name of progress, countries 
vying for wealth and power, fighting among themselves; 

I am Nature crucified, rivers are dammed, lakes dried up,
swamps drained, estuaries blocked, waterways silted;

I am Nature crucified, the landscape littered with wastes,
gases into the air form acid rain, and thin the ozone layer;

I am Nature crucified, flora and fauna losing their natural
gene pools by selective breeding and genetic engineering;

I am Nature crucified, the earth is in fever steadily rising,
ice caps and glaciers melting, raising the level of the sea; 

I am Nature crucified, privacy and rest becoming a luxury
in a runaway population living on fast lanes, and rat race. 

I am Nature crucified, inequitable distribution of wealth
the source of conflict, greed and poverty, unhappiness;

I am Nature crucified by the promise of heaven in afterlife,
the faithful restrained to regain Paradise while on earth.

I am Nature crucified by scholars of never ending debates,
on the goodness of the human race in fraternal praises;

I am Nature crucified by the many denominations of faith,
pitting God against one another in endless proselytizing;

I am Nature crucified by licenses of freedom in extremism,
human rights and democracy - tools of inaction and abuse;

I am Nature crucified by mad scientists splitting the atom,
building cities, tearing the earth, probing ocean and space;

I am Nature crucified by capitalism, consumerism its tool
to stir economy worldwide, wastefulness its consequence;

I am Nature crucified by the unending pursuit of progress,
the goal and measure of superiority, nation against nation;

I am Nature crucified by man’s folly to become immortal:
cryonics, cloning, robotics - triumvirates for singularity.

I am Nature crucified, hungry, thirsty, imprisoned, naked,
abandoned – wishing some souls to stop, look and listen. ~

                 Published Lagro Gazette Jan-Mar 2017 QC

Part 4 - "Above me rises a dead tree..."

Lady devotee Angie Tobias turns her attention to Mother Nature in the 
midst of today's massive destruction of the environment symbolized 
by this driftwood artwork made by the author for Lent 2024.

When the sky is gray and red in sorrow,
the fields bare and dry all around,  
the sun beats hard on ev'ry levee and furrow;
I wonder where I am and bound.

No shade to find comfort even for a while, 
save a tree standing on a hill,
where some birds briefly rest and again fly,
leaving me empty at the scene.   

I look up and wonder, "Is this Golgotha?"
No sound, no breeze, but eerie
like I were in the heart of the Sahara;
above me rises a dead tree. ~

Part 5 -   Mythical Forest 
“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
― Chris Maser, Forest Primeval: The Natural History of an Ancient Forest

Painting and Verse by Dr Abe V Rotor 

Mythical Forest in acrylic by the author, 2022

She saw only the trees, not the forest;
    spots of red, not the loving pair,
flowers, orchids, fluttering butterflies,
    and the peeping sunset but a glare.

Thus we see ourselves more than others,
    Narcisian* syndrome we've fallen,
leaving but Echo reverberating and dying;
    the forest, the lake all forsaken.

*In Greek mythology proud Narcissus fell into the lake and died 
leaving Echo whose love for him was unrequited.

Part 6 - The Scream of Nature 
In line with Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si*

Laudato si' (Medieval Central Italian for "Praise Be to You") is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle On care for our common home.  In it, the pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take "swift and unified global action" thus described by Jim Yardley, writing for The New York Times.

The original German title given to the work by Munch is, Der Schrei der Natur (The Scream of Nature). The Norwegian word skrik usually is translated as scream, but is cognate with the English shriek. Occasionally, the painting also has been called, The Cry.

In his diary in an entry headed, Nice 22 January 1892, Munch described his inspiration for the image:

One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream.

This memory was later rendered by Munch as a poem, which he hand-painted onto the frame of the 1895 pastel version of the work:
I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature. (Wikipedia)

Scream of Nature

I hear nature scream from a lost eagle,
      owl hooting, starving on its roost,
playful swallows thinned out of their flock,
      watchful crows abandon their post.

I hear nature scream in a dying river,
      brooks that laugh with the rain
no more, so with children fishing then,
      rivulets in melodious strain.

I hear nature scream from the raging sea,
      rising and falling on the coral reef,
the shores exploding, melting in foam,
      in muffled cries of pain and grief.

I hear nature scream - oil spill!
      too late the fish and birds to flee;
black death blankets the tidal zone;
      fire is kind to end their agony.

I hear nature scream to the chainsaw,
      trees shrieking as they are felled,
stripped to logs like bodies in Austerlitz
      their stumps in Flanders Field.

I hear nature in the church praying
      to save trees on Palm Sunday;
to rebuild lost Eden for all creatures,
      for a Heaven here to stay. ~

Nature's Halloween
Let us remember these scenes on Halloween
 The endangered Philippine deer enshrined in a fountain at UST, Manila 

Skull of whale (Museum of Natural History, UPLB Laguna; whole trunks of forest trees carried down by flood on Fuerte Beach, Vigan Ilocos Sur 

 Cattle ranch on a steep slope ripped off the skin of the mountain in Santa, Ilocos Sur - an example of the irreversible ill consequences of "Tragedy of the Commons." *
  Sunken town of Pantabangan Nueva Ecija resurfaces during a extreme drought. Nature is sacrificed to human needs, more so to human wants in pursuit of affluence.  
Sunken pier, Puerto Sto Domingo, Ilocos Sur; Shipwreck, Tacloban, Leyte.
To some scientists the "uselessness" of technology is likened to Lamarck's theory of use and disuse, though biological in perspective. Lamarck believed that disuse would result in a character or feature becoming reduced. 

 Ruin of Intramuros, Manila, left by WWII 60 years after. 
Death of cities is on the rise all over the world.
 Berlin wall falls, Germany is re-united in 1989 since end of WWII.
But more walls are built dividing cultures and politics.
 Death of trees and forests is happening all over the world.

*The tragedy of the commons is a term used in social science to describe a situation in a shared-resource system where individual users acting independently according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting or spoiling that resource through their collective action. Proposed by Garrett James Hardin an American ecologist and philosopher who warned of the dangers of overpopulation.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Nature comes alive with children on a wall mural. "My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature." –Claude Monet

Nature comes alive with children
in 60 detailed scenes
For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it." —Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Mural Paintings and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor 
Living with Nature School on Blog

Imagine hugging a tree host of butterflies,
a street post made alive by art's sweet lies,
nature's art of camouflage and mimicry,
tools for survival, sharing and living free. 

"There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it." —Charlotte Eriksson

The blue whale, the biggest creature that ever lived,
bigger than the dinosaur, and man a minuscule;
lucky it is to touch, to talk to, to listen to its song,      
plaintive with a message for man to heed its call.

 Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. —Albert Einstein

It's a kugtong, giant lapu-lapu, and it's true,
dweller at the bottom of the sea,
zealously guarding its cave from anyone;
no fisherman dares, but she,
who is learning to face danger from images
before dealing with reality.

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." —Rachel Carson

A twin by the waterfall and stream,
and another twin fishing;
reality and imagery are but one -
parallel worlds we live in.

"Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home 
we’ve ever known." —Carl Sagan

 Never kiss a parrot we are told, 
just listen to it talking;
save in circus, among the bold, 
on picture, toy and painting.  

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." —Laura Ingalls Wilder

Sentry the whole night through, an owl retreats 
at sunrise into  its abode, the hollow of a tree,
and finding a girl playing with butterflies, wonders
if  the garden is always open and  free. 

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."—Frank Lloyd Wright

The friendly capybara, the biggest rodent,
never has been  tamed, never a pet; 
but on a wall, earns love and respect
beyond anime other creatures create.

"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads." — Henry David Thoreau

Touch the rays of the sun through the trees,
be like the butterflies and bees, 
the singing birds and the splashing fish, 
breath the cool morning breeze.

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet 
and the winds long to play with your hair." —Khalil Gibran


Do you like to live at the edge of the sea,
where the tides rise and fall and stir,   
the waves in rhyme and rhythm with the wind,
where creatures appear and disappear?  

"Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body. Nature always seems trying to talk to us as if she had some great secret to tell. And so she has." –John Lubbock

Beach party by imagination, hear the music
of the wind and waves, song of the sea gull, 
the wall comes alive with echoes of lilting 
children, friendship and abandon extol.

"Leave the road, take the trails." —Pythagoras

 Can we live under the sea like the fish
among corals and  seaweeds?
Only fairies in the world of fantasy do,
yet without the sea all dies,
for the sea provides our basic needs.   

 This is how big a kalaw is, as seen in the wilderness;
its body pitch black, breast bright yellow, beak bright red;
take time, it's now tame on the wall, posing to viewers,
its imagined sonorous call reverberating far and wide. 

 "Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself." –Henry David Thoreau

 Splendor on the grass, the world's still,
minute to hour, year to a lifetime;
 company of a few, we touch and fill
some vacuum, through nature sublime.
"Choose only one master—nature." —Rembrandt


 A bed of grass takes these children 
to the field and the meadow;
a waterfall and stream in make-believe 
to the ends of the rainbow.~ 

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." —Lao Tzu

Under the Sea in Greek's mythology, with a touch of Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea.  

Young Neptune - he rules the sea 
on make-believe scenery;
in a far land of fantasy; 
 it's the power of  imagery. 

Endangered Wildlife represented by the deer and vanishing rainforest, a global challenge to save both the species, more so, the ecological system and biome. 

Philippine Deer - a lost family in our time,
kneels a girl in prayer consoling
in an act of friendship and love sublime,
a distress call for help begging.

"For a time, I rest in the grace of the world, and am free." –Wendell Berry

Hornbill or kalaw is now an endangered species.  Attempts to domesticate it as pet 
most often fail, as wild life animals generally resist man's intervention in the guise of "benevolence."  

He hasn't seen the kalaw in its abode,
only in images and stories told;
yet he cares for the creature once bold,
now orphaned, lonely and old.
Rising with the creatures of the rainforest, as a steam of light seeps through the trees in a pristine and sacred ambiance.  

In a diorama-like presentation, 
this child acts like he is a part, 
the lead character of a living fable;
wish the scene shall not depart.

"Wish we are part of Nature in diorama; wish it is real and we shall not depart." - avr

“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.” ― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

“I do not miss childhood, but I miss the way I took pleasure in small things, even as greater things crumbled. I could not control the world I was in, could not walk away from things or people or moments that hurt, but I took joy in the things that made me
happy.” ― Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

“and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.” ― Ruskin Bond, Scenes from a Writer's Life

Children and Nature “Because children grow up, we think a child's purpose is to grow up. But a child's purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn't disdain what lives only for a day. It pours the whole of itself into the each moment. We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in its flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung? The dance when it's been danced?

It's only we humans who want to own the future, too. We persuade ourselves that the universe is modestly employed in unfolding our destination. We note the haphazard chaos of history by the day, by the hour, but there is something wrong with the picture. Where is the unity, the meaning, of nature's highest creation? Surely those millions of little streams of accident and willfulness have their correction in the vast underground river which, without a doubt, is carrying us to the place where we're expected! But there is no such place, that's why it's called utopia.

The death of a child has no more meaning than the death of armies, of nations. Was the child happy while he lived? That is a proper question, the only question. If we can't arrange our own happiness, it's a conceit beyond vulgarity to arrange the happiness of those who come after us.”
 ― Tom Stoppard, The Coast of Utopia

"A thing of beauty is a boy forever." wall mural painted by the author at his city residence, Barangay Greater Lagro, QC

Three young musketeers are set to conquer the world
     away from the mall, home and school;
If Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were real and alive today,
     we wouldn't know who's genius, who's fool.

Who is the primitive, who is the civilized, oh brother!
     when we prefer the city over the quaint village,
car for walking distance, processed over fresh food,
     philosophy over instinctive knowledge.

Everything defined in rich vocabulary, but a rose is a rose
     and nothing else, energy to matter and back,
universal cycles no genius will ever truly understand,
     Homo sapiens! it is humility we lack.

Innocence in children, we make up for the falsehood
     of the world of grownups and sages;
Einstein and Darwin never knew the whys of the world,
     children have been asking for ages.

If genius is reborn in the innocence of children,
     and knowledge into wisdom distilled,
treasured in old age for the young ones' sake -
     providence and humanity sealed. ~

Portion of mural fronting Lam-ang St
Ecology Wall Mural is a composite painting about nature on a 90-feet long x  7-feet (average) high concrete wall of the author's residence in Lagro QC, facing two streets - Kudyapi on the northeast, and Lam-ang on the southwest. Its obtuse angle perspective gives a general panoramic view of the whole mural. 

Portion of mural fronting Kudyapi St.

The mural consists of representations of ecosystems of the coral reef, mangrove, estuary and the open sea on one side of the wall, while on the other, the ecosystems of the tropical rainforest, stream and river, intertidal zone, mountain and valley.

The mural depicts the unity and interconnectedness of the ecosystems as one holistic Nature with resident species of organisms in their natural state. The presence of man in the mural exudes his playful character, and adventurous nature in exploring the landscape. Some historical and fictional aspects take the viewer to Ernest 
Hemingway's prize-winning novel The Old Man and the Sea, and Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, while views of Mt Makiling in Laguna and Mt Pulog in Benguet, are typical of many favorite views on the local setting.  

The author took six months to complete the mural using as medium acrylic paints conventionally applied with paint brushes. Twelve overhanging LED spotlights were installed to light the mural for evening viewers. 

Explore the cave, these kids are challenged,
seeing three of their age emerging;
adventure can never be explained or written;
one must submit to a deep urging. 

“Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days.”
― Flannery O'Connor, Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose

A series of articles about the mural has been published in the barangay newsletter (Greater Lagro Gazette), the Ilocano magazine Bannawag, and on the Internet, Living with Nature [].Christmas with Nature is the mural's theme this Season. Camera enthusiasts and children in the neighborhood  frequent the place as  a sort of mini park.  This article, the fifth of a series, is earnestly dedicated to them. ~

                               The Garden Pond - Microcosm of an Ecosystem.  
Garden Pond at the author's residence in  Lagro QC
with surrounding wall mural painted by the author

"Paradise is regained with our children.  Oh! If only man's wisdom 
can bring back Paradise lost a long time ago."

A wall is empty no more, it dissolves into forest and stream
running down soft under the feet, spilling onto the street;
where once a city of steel and concrete, of dust and smog
reigned, where the forces of human frailty and nature meet,
rekindling wonders and adventures of childhood little known
to the city-bred whom the Good Life in disguise would cheat!

The wall is alive in three dimensions in make-believe perspective,
progeny of primary colors - red, blue and yellow, bold and mellow,
azure sky, deep blue-green sea, prism of every dewdrop bead,
sparkle of every star at night, crystalline water Narcissus saw;
if only walls can speak to mirror human longing of a happy world,
if only man's wisdom can bring back Paradise lost a long time ago! ~
 Kim Laurence and Sophia on Christmas Day 2017 at the author's residence,  
in Barangay Greater Lagro QC, MM.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?
This wall mural tells and warns us before the Fall." - avr

Orangutan and her baby perched in a tree their home -
mother and child model in the wild - and for whom?

A pair of gray herons patiently stalks for prey,
no fast food, no detritus even if it takes a day.

Too small a herd, remnant of an endangered kind;
bless he who has seen a deer free, it's a lucky find.

Kakapo, macaw, or parrot talking birds and colorful;
Bird of Paradise the rarest and brighest of them all.

Serene these creatures live in peace and harmony;
wouldn't we humans wish - if only there were many?

Nest atop a tree a mother hawk takes care of her brood;
scenario we wish, rather than living on the busy road.

A pair of love birds "'til death thou us part" bound;
while a third warns of danger stalking the ground.

A boa constrictor poised to strike or just resting,
makes a story symbolic, fearful, interesting.

Butterflies and bees too, have their share of the scene;
fluttering, buzzing in disguise, discreet on the screen.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all? 
This wall mural tells and warns us before the Fall. ~

Landscape view from a cave
Bats emerge from their abode  

Wonder how our ancestors lived
with birds and bats in their abode;
wonder how we live like them today
in two worlds - modern and old. 
Wonder why the city never sleeps,
why gregariousness our comfort;
wonder if by design or adaptation,
we crave to move from port to port. 

Wonder what we make of the future,   
caves to high rise, we rule the sky,
time and space, change our earth,
and we look up to heaven and cry. ~  

Nature on the Wall mural by AV Rotor (30ft x 5ft), at author's residence Lagro QC

An emerging new generation before a wall mural of nature painted by the author at his residence in Barangay Greater Lagro in Metro Manila, 2015

Wall mural of Nature by the author at his residence in QC is often visited for respite or photo,  for the sake of art to make-believe imagination.  Among the recent visitors is a grandmother and her grand daughter from the neighborhood. May 1, 2017   

Time has changed - and continues to change: 
Mother and Child to Grandmother and Child 
image at the altar to scenario of  Nature.
prayer to friendly relationship with Creation.
real to the senses, yet only by imagination. ~ 

Where have the father and mother gone, 
the grandfather too, other members as well?
where is this living stream,  this pristine view?
wonder this little child in her youth and power    
to chart change as seen in this I'll corner.  ~  

Markus 1 (in stroller), with friends at home in Lagro QC, 2016

Flow gently, sweetly with the breeze
and sing with the little children;
whisper with the rocks and trees,
make every creature their friend.

Sing the songs of the forest deities,  
the cheerful crickets and birds,
lullaby of Mozart, chorus of Liszt:
“grow and be happy,” they urge. 

Who is afraid of the creatures living in the deep blue sea? 
Who is afraid on a dark island in the middle of the sea? 
Who is afraid of the surging tides and hissing wind at sea? 
“Not I” said little Markus, “as long as I’m with my Daddy! ~

A Tropical Rainforest Wall Mural (3.5 ft x 15 ft) in acrylic by Dr Abe V Rotor at his residence in Lagro, Block 61 61, Lot 55 (corner Kudyapi St and Lam-ang St) 2015. The mural is an integral part (3rd panel) of a larger mural (7 ft x 30 ft). The mural is made up of three sections as shown in the above photos: Emergent trees and their tenants (top); Exploring a forest stream (middle), Food web and energy flow (lowermost)

Among the countless creatures of the tropical rainforest that comprise its rich biodversity are: a rat, giant among its kind in the lowland, lives in a hollow of a tree; boa constrictor adapted to arboreal life, transient gulls adapted to both sea and forest life; tree iguana that branched out of marine iguanas, and those that live in dry conditions; chameleon the master of camouflage and mimicry; sloth, mother and young, clinging on a tree motionless and sleeping most of its life.

My grandson, Markus Andrei, 6 months old and his nanny - guardians of this rainforest wall mural. 

The Green Gate.  
Where is the closed gate? Open Sesame may be the password to a hidden treasure
in Ali Baba's children's tale. In this case the treasure is Nature's beauty and bounty.
Mural painting by the author 2015.

Side gate of the author's residence at Lagro QC. The gate is contiguous with the mural paintings on the walls on both sides.

It's a gate in reverse, going to Nature from the outside
     into a humble residence in the city,
where nature is borrowed in make believe sceneries
     on the screen, picture and study.

It's a gate of a far away place, forgotten or unknown,
     pristine by the laws and rules of nature,
away from the influence of man and his technology,
     the exploit of industry and agriculture.

Welcome to Nature, a representation through the art;
     but it's just a shade to the real thing;
to the senses the waterfall tumbles, the birds sing,
     but to the inner being, alive and serene. ~

A wall transformed, emptiness to green scenery,
amidst buildings, noise, and busy feet;
"Would you drop by for a li'l rest?" it seems to say;
a chance passersby for a moment meet. 

"Would you drop by for a li'l rest?" Green Stage on the Sidewalk.
To school, but quite early;
there's time to explore 
in make-believe, the wood 
on the wall, with nanny 
in a happy mood.    

The school van can wait idle,
    so with the kindly driver;
let time pass awhile waiting
    for the children to prepare.

Reminisce the youthful years,
     by the stream and forest, 
a tunnel of time and space,
     to go on living afresh.

Wildlife in our home, why not?
In imagery and reflection,
the archival art of Nature
for the future generation,
time to make up for our fault,
a grim reminder for action

Once in a while vary the scenery
     to the depth of the sea;
 bring down the sun to refresh memory
     of man's triumph and folly.    

Capture the rays of the sun,
     white doves flying for fun,
while you're innocent and young,
     and the happy days gone.

Nature is always there as you grow up;
she doesn't grow old in her own way;
only in human hands she tires and cries;  
thus the challenge of true beauty of a lass
to be a deity of Nature in mythology. ~


My Garden Pond at Home, wall mural by AVRotor, 2010 QC.
Closeup of Oscar fish

I'm with Nature reading the morning paper,
     whatever news it brings for the day;
I'm with Nature with brewed coffee piping hot,
     rising in mist, whiling time away. 

I'm with Nature, with a bit of the mountain, sea,
     of rivulets, streams and lake;
I'm with Nature, clouds rising on the horizon,
     white and dark, into rain they make.

I'm with Nature, the ocean spreading out
     in a grasp from shore to its end;
I'm with Nature, in the sky of deep azure
     birds fly free to heaven.

I'm with Nature, confined yet boundless,
     by lianas, the lowly bryophyte;
Dissolving the old prison walls and bars,
    that for years barred my sight.

I'm with Nature, from sunrise to evening,
     writing my life in a poem,
While Midas touches everything to gold,
     save where I brought Nature home. ~