Thursday, July 4, 2024

"The balete tree is the home of bad spirits."

"The balete tree (Ficus benjamina) is the home of bad spirits. Those who go near the tree become sick."

Dr Abe V Rotor

Balete has indeed a bad reputation. In fact its real name is strangler’s fig because it slowly strangles its host tree to death, using its trunk as if it were its own until it decomposes underneath its interlacing roots and branches. Years after nothing can be traced of its once benevolent host.

Brace roots of balete wrap around an acacia tree, UST Manila.  Photo by the author.

The juvenile balete is popularly made into bonsai, and the young tree is domesticated into shrub and graces our homes, roadside and parks. But in the forest, it is a monster, taking over towering trees. Some wrest with the emergents, trees that rise above the canopy layer of the forest, virtually piercing through the cloud. 

The tree house in the novel, Swiss Family Robinson, written by Johan Wyss in the 17th century, was built atop a huge balete. A proof of this contention is that the core of the trunk is hollow, which could only mean, the tree strangled its host tree to death. I had the chance to climb the Swiss Family Robinson tree at the Disneyland in Los Angeles, USA, through the tree’s interior spiraling stairs. From the tree house everything below is Lilliputian. Here the Robinsons were safe from the beasts of the forest; it served as their watchtower, too. Of course the tree in Disneyland is made of steel and concrete, but it appeared real the way it is described in the novel.

Anyone who gets near an old balete will develop goose bumps. Imagine walking along Balete Drive (Quezon City) at night and meet a white lady (PHOTO Internet). Old folk will tell you it was a balete Judas Escariot hanged himself. Others will relate how a kapre (black hairy monster) sits high up in the tree, his long thin legs dangling with its cavernous prop roots. 

But in India and other parts of Asia, the banyan tree, a relative of the balete (Family Moraceae) is the home of kind spirits. Banyan is among the longest living tree species after the Redwood and the Bristle Pine. 

Largest banyan tree in Japan (Internet)
Unlike the latter, the banyan actually “walks around,” its prop roots colonizing the immediate surroundings so that a centuries-old tree may reach a diameter of twenty meters or more.  

 Imagine how massive and extensive the banyan is – it can house a temple under its prop roots, making it Ripley’s living house of worship. ~

A huge banyan tree sits on an ancient temple in Cambodia.  Head of 
a stone Buddha emerges from a maze of brace roots of banyan in 
Thailand.  (Internet) ~

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fusion - The Other Path of Evolution

 Fusion - The Other Path of Evolution

"Evolution does not necessarily favor the longest-lived. It doesn't necessarily favor the biggest or the strongest or the fastest, and not even the smartest. Evolution favors those creatures best adapted to their environment. That is the sole test of survival and success." - Harvey V. Fineberg

Dr Abe V Rotor

Sargassum fish cleverly intertwined and camouflaged, exhibiting combined characteristics of plant, animal, and protist, the natural landscape under the sea, notwithstanding. Paintings in acrylic on glass by AVRotor c. 2003

Evolution is when the simple becomes complex,
     and the complex into intricate;
yet the intricate to complex, reverting into simple,
     when fail the process to replicate.

Evolution is forward and backward through time,
     simultaneous, spontaneous;
an explosion of diversity of all kinds imagined,
     in chains, webs and continuous.

Evolution is untrodden, unguided, by chance
     in a million possibilities beyond
the eye or lens, and probing mind and will,
     in the depth of sea, or just around.

Evolution is de-volution, shrinking, thinning -
     extinction by nature and by man -
plant-animal fusing, moneran-protist pooling;
     prelude to a living world gone. ~

Devolution of Life - Reverse Evolution

  Devolution of Life - Reverse Evolution

“Man has reversed the natural process of evolution and has put into his hands the pattern and trends as he wishes, playing the role of his Creator.” - AVR

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Author's son Leo Carlo holds two endangered Philippine species of hawk and owl, Avilon zoo, Rizal 

All living things, past and present, are progenies of evolution and are interconnected in one way or the other. And each one has a place in the phylogeny, the chart of evolution.

Imagine the organisms in countless numbers assigned in distinct groupings scientists call as “kingdoms,” with the ancient ones occupying the bottom, and the complex ones at the top. And each kingdom is divided into sub-groups arranged in the same pattern – from simple to complex members.

1. From the first Green Revolution – the transformation of man from hunter to farmer some 10,000 years ago – man has narrowed down the diversity of crops and animals according to his needs.

2. The loss of ecosystems all over the world as population and settlements continue to expand has not only predisposed species to extinction but caused permanent damage of these natural habitats, that it is virtually impossible to rebuild them back into their original states.

3. Global Warming is causing sea level to rise and flood low lying area. On the polar ice and ice caps are melting down. Global warming stirs climate change which is causing climatic disturbances. There is a increasing rate and intensity of typhoons, hurricanes, tornado, flooding, drought, and the like,

4. Pollution on land, water and air, in increasing levels brought about by industrialization, growing population and affluence of living, has triggered man-induced phenomena that threaten species and life itself.
                                          Formosan Bear - now extinct. 

5. Rapid population increase, industrialization and affluent living all lead to changing chemistry of the land, water and air. We do not only mix natural elements and compounds; we synthesize them into products foreign to nature. Plastics for example do not decompose, gases from car react to form acid rain, toxic metal run through the food chain and food web, and natural waterways are open sewers. These do not only disturb life; they maim, kill, annihilate; they turn productive areas into wastelands.

6. Man intrudes into the wildlife which continues to shrink. Gone is 80 percent of the rainforest of the world.  Ninety percent of the coral reefs have been destroyed by over fishing and by reckless means. The grasslands are shrinking giving way to farming. The sea is being farmed. Islands are now owned by private persons and organizations.
Author's children are dwarfed by a Dinosaur fossil,
at an exhibit in QC 1986

7. Genetic engineering has broken the barriers that separate species by directly combining genes of different organisms, thereby destroying the identity and integrity of species, and therefore change their behavior and interrelationships.

8. Evolution it seems is no longer a natural process, but one dictated by human intelligence that continues to build from the indulgence on the fruits of the “Tree of Knowledge that makes man as powerful as God,” the very thing that vanished his first ancestors from the biblical Garden of Eden.

Where have all the cereal varieties gone?

There are more than 50,000 reported cultivars of rice presently stored in the Gene Bank of the International Rice Research Institute at UP Los BaƱos, Laguna. According to IRRI scientists this number represents but a fraction of the possibly rices (the plural of rice to denote distinct genetic variations) of the world since agriculture began some 5000 years ago or so.

Similarly at the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento del Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT)* in Mexico the gene bank for wheat and corn faces the same problem as in rice, and if this is the case, it is logical that many varieties and cultivars of field crops we know today are but the selected few that man, the farmer, has intentionally preserved. In short, what these banks as well as those conserved by other organizations, are but the remnant of the world’s naturally occurring genetic pool on the one hand, and those genetically modified by man.

A cursory examination of rice sold in the market makes a short list of about a dozen misleading varieties as sinandomeng, wagwag, intan, which are pseudonyms to attract customers for the likeness of quality with those they have been named after.

To validate this observation through field survey one is likely to find even a simpler classification as upland and lowland rice, or aromatic, glutinous, red rice and the like. This is the same observation in the former prairies of North America, now the biggest cereal granary of the world extending across the Canadian border covering the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, there are only 10 major wheat varieties planted on the vast plains. For corn, the indigenous varieties are rare to find on the farm. Hybrid corn – a cross of two or more purified varieties – makes up the bulk of corn produced. Hybrids are unstable genetically. In the succeeding generations the lose hold on the genetic vigor of their parents, resulting in drastic decline in yield.

What is the implication of narrowing down the choice of varieties to be planted commercially?

First, it will result in indirect elimination of varieties in the bottom of the list, by displacement by the preferred ones and by neglect on the [art of the farmer in maintaining them.

Second, fewer varieties planted is food security risk. Severe damage to even only one major variety is likely to result in economic disaster.

Third, the narrowing down of genetic diversity disturbs the ecosystem, laying much on man’s care the survival not only of the cultivated crops but other living things in the area as well, thus leading to the further decrease in diversity and population. The loss of diversity in cereal lands applies as well in other areas as evidenced by the following:

• Vegetables sold in the market are limited to those that are salable, leaving out those that are not, and the so-called “wild vegetables” represented by such vegetables as bagbagkong, papait, sabawil, sword bean, and alukong or himbaba-o.

• The kinds of fruits may be counted by the fingers, and like vegetables, only those that are acceptable dominate the fruit stands. Today it is rare to find such indigenous fruits as tampoy, sapote, batocanag, anonang and the native counterparts of guapple and ponderosa.

• Industrial crops are also suffering of the same fate. Take the following:

1. Dipterocarp species of forest trees (narra family) are now endangered.
 These include apitong , yakal, tanguili, and guijo.

2. Fiber plants such as maguey (Agave family), ramie, kenaf, jute, abaca, have bee vastly neglected since the introduction of synthetics fibers.

3. Today bamboo groves occupy the fringes of wastelands and certain watershed areas. Traditional bamboo areas, like the Dipterocarp forests, are vanishing, so with many of the species and variety of this so-called giant grass.

4. The increasing demand for firewood has decimated many indigenous sources, what with the open exploitation for day-to-day gathering of firewood in marginal communities. These include madre de cacao, ipil-ipil, acacia, and aroma.

5. Even plants of medicinal value are being exploited severely such as quinine for malaria, banaba for kidney trouble, derris for insect control.

6. Seaweeds suffer the same fate as more resorts are put up, aquaculture selective only to those species of major importance are raised, deleterious effects of pollution, notwithstanding.

Agriculture, the Nemesis of Biodiversity Conservation
Whenever a land is cleared for agriculture five consequences are likely to happen. These are

• Direct elimination of plants and animals which interferes and does not constitute or conform with farming practices.

• Breaking up of the food chain and therefore, the disruption of the food web leads to the disorganization of the ecosystem. For example, a swamp converted into riceland will necessarily lose its natural biological and ecological properties. Loss of habitats results in migration or death of affected species.

• Modern agriculture, with the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, is destructive to the ecosystem.
 Philippine crocodile is a threatened local species. 
Malaysian Tapir, highly endangered - result of habitat loss

Mismanagement leads not only to loss in productivity, as shown in this formula.

Biotic Potential 
Carrying Capacity/Productivity = --------------------------------
Environmental Resistance

The Carrying Capacity of an ecosystem is dependent upon favorable biological factors (biotic potential), which in turn is affected by the presence of factors that negate them (environmental resistance), among which are lack of water, poor soil condition, and destructive activities of man.

Decreasing productivity therefore, means decreasing biodiversity – which means devolution of life. ~

* The author was visiting scientist at CIMMYT Mexico in 1992, presented a paper on growing wheat in the Philippines.

10 Aspects of ENVIRONMENT (Assignment in Ecology)

 10 Aspects of ENVIRONMENT

The environment, more than anything else is us. Managing the environment therefore, starts with us. 

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog []

Assignment for Ecology students.  Explain each of the 10 aspects of Environment. Integrate your answer into one article in essay form or feature story. Substantiate it with specific examples as you may have experienced or observed in your community and other places.

                          View from the Bojeador Lighthouse, Burgos, Ilocos Norte

What is Environment really?

1. The NATURAL ENVIRONMENT is governed by Homeostasis. “Nature knows best when left alone.”

2. The ENVIRONMENT is a steady state of Matter and Energy Interrelationship (through biochemical and geophysical interactions, and the flow and transformation of energy in the living and non-living world.)

3. ENVIRONMENT is gauged by its Carrying Capacity (productivity) and Biological Diversity (adaptability)

4. ENVIRONMENT is the cradle and bastion of Natural History and Culture.

5. ENVIRONMENT is the center of worships, festivities and beliefs – and Reverence for Life.

6. ENVIRONMENT offers challenges and joy through discovery, serendipity and adventure.

7. BUILT ENVIRONMENT refers to constructed surroundings -infrastructures and settlements, modified by culture and society.

8. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT enshrines the institutions built through time, beginning with the family and expanding to global cooperation.

9. ENVIRONMENT offers the ultimate in Aesthetics, which encompasses the Humanities and the Arts.

10. ENVIRONMENT and Ecology (Greek ĪæĪÆĪŗĪæĻ‚, "household"; and logos, "knowledge"). Ecology is the scientific study of the environment.

The environment, more than anything else is us. Managing the environment therefore, starts with us. ~ 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Children and Nature - An Omnipotent Treaty

 Children and Nature - An Omnipotent Treaty 

Wall Mural by Dr Abe V Rotor (7ft x 90ft)
Author's City Residence, Barangay Greater Lagro QC

"A thing of beauty is a boy forever." AVR wall mural at author's residence, 
Barangay Greater Lagro, QC

Three young musketeers are set to conquer the world
     away from the mall, home and school;
If Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were real and alive today,
     we wouldn't know who's genius, who's fool.

Who is the primitive, who is the civilized, oh brother!
     when we prefer the city over the quaint village,
car for walking distance, processed over fresh food,
     philosophy over instinctive knowledge.

Everything defined in rich vocabulary, but a rose is a rose
     and nothing else, energy to matter and back,
universal cycles no genius will ever truly understand,
     Homo sapiens! it is humility we lack.

Innocence in children, we make up for the falsehood
     of the world of grownups and sages;
Einstein and Darwin never knew the whys of the world,
     children have been asking for ages.

If genius is reborn in the innocence of children,
     then knowledge's into wisdom distilled,
compensated in old age for the young ones' sake:
     'tis the fate of humanity in Nature sealed. ~

“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.” ― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

“I do not miss childhood, but I miss the way I took pleasure in small things, even as greater things crumbled. I could not control the world I was in, could not walk away from things or people or moments that hurt, but I took joy in the things that made me happy.” ― Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

“... and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.”
― Ruskin Bond, Scenes from a Writer's Life

"Children and Nature “Because children grow up, we think a child's purpose is to grow up. But a child's purpose is to be a child. Nature doesn't disdain what lives only for a day. It pours the whole of itself into the each moment. We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in its flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung? The dance when it's been danced?

"It's only we humans who want to own the future, too. We persuade ourselves that the universe is modestly employed in unfolding our destination. We note the haphazard chaos of history by the day, by the hour, but there is something wrong with the picture. Where is the unity, the meaning, of nature's highest creation? Surely those millions of little streams of accident and willfulness have their correction in the vast underground river which, without a doubt, is carrying us to the place where we're expected! But there is no such place, that's why it's called utopia.

"The death of a child has no more meaning than the death of armies, of nations. Was the child happy while he lived? That is a proper question, the only question. If we can't arrange our own happiness, it's a conceit beyond vulgarity to arrange the happiness of those who come after us.”
 ― Tom Stoppard, The Coast of Utopia

“Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days.”
  Flannery O'Connor, Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose