Evolving Art Series 4
Global Warming is creating a new Art Movement
Paintings and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor
Coral Reef Deforestation. Eye of the Coral Reef.
When the sea rises and buries the shoals and sandbars,
the sea grass and coral reef;
when the sun bears hard on the fringes of sea and land,
requiem hums eerie and grief.
Oh, Art - what gift do you bring in suffering and lament,
but catharsis however brief.
Mountain Desertification
When the wind hot and dry sweeps over hills and mountains
all day long, freezing cold in the night;
and rain after a long absence brings gales and hurricanes;
the landscape turns into a pitiful sight.
What movement can a artist recall in the long history of art?
too far out romanticism and classicism;
realism lost to the lens, impressionism to varied abstract art -
welcome Dali-Miro'-Ernst surrealism. ~
Is it Summer or Autumn?
Global warming is destroying the orderly march of seasons,
worst it is destroying the setting of this magnificent drama of nature.
Summer is when the sun is brighestto nourish the plants into full bloom;the fields transform green to golden,haystacks growing like mushroom.
Autumn is when the wind gets chilly,birds in the sky migrate southward,among stars and kites and fireflies,and trees wear their brightest ward.
Never again will summer or autumncome, the march of seasons gonewhere once Paradise stood proud,prouder a rational wandering son.
Mutation (Mutilation) by Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering has put into man’s hands the path and nature of evolution, creating heretofore unnatural organisms leading to speciation (species formation) under the dictate of the new science. Here, the god in man is taking over God’s power over creation. In this painting one can subjectively identify organisms fused into an unorderly fashion yet revealing basic identities.
It's a riddle, shocking, senseless and cruel,seeking answer not only to what but why;an elephant, a hog, a bull, save your guess,science knows no limit like the endless sky.neither direction nor purpose, obedienceto sacredness of creation nor of humanity.Frankenstein's regret too late to destroywhat he created, a fiend to life's sanctity.It's a riddle, more than the Sphinx's threat,the key to safe passage in ones journey;move over robot, we may say to strangers,yet strangers we are seen too, by many.Where now leads the path of evolutionof millions of years to what all the livingare today? Move over Darwin, Mendel et al;your time is up, it's genetic engineering!Did man destroy Eden on purpose then?knowledge and disobedience on one table,then to build and to destroy are also one;beauty in his eyes and heart insatiable.
Kaleidoscope in Nature in acrylic (20" x 24") AVR 2015
A world of colors in splendor and grandeur ,in magnificence and glory;the mountains in summer, the trees in autumn;the sky at sunset over the sea.Undulating hills, meandering rivers,flowing down through the mist;the valley wakes up to the magic of sunrise,in living colors that never cease.Coral reefs, counterpart of gardens on land,untouched this submarine parkin luxurious colors and hues in the day,hauntingly glow in the dark.The rainbow grows in the sky with dreams,romance in the air in colors divinefor a lovely pair bound by love and care,with nature's beauty they enshrine. ~
irds of Paradise in acrylic,
Brisbane, Australia, July 31, 2023
Red, blue and green, and black hidden,
crowd the Heliconia bushland;
home of birds driven from a lost Garden,
save on make-believe art of man. ~
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