Sunday, October 6, 2024

 12 Tips

Be part of excellence, 
not critical of it. 
Dr Abe V Rotor 
Living with Nature School on Blog 

 Be always at your best whether you are with children or adults.  Workshop on Folk Wisdom for Children; Reach Out workshop for adult leaders and senior citizens. Barangay Greater Lagro, QC

1. Plan properly to improve your performance.

2. Pay attention to details; give your work the final touch, the fine taste.

3. Success at the expense of your faith and family is failure in any language.

4. Know the difference between priority and urgency. 

5. Plan your work, and work you plan. 

6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

7. The customer's perception is reality, for which reason we say, "the customer is always right."

8. Have a daily updated  appointment calendar.  Be sure to keep your appointments faithfully.

9. Be mentally and physically present and alert at meetings. Be critical of yourself as you are of others.

10. Arrogance is deadly, you may be the first victim,

11. Get better each day, and never vice versa.

12. Be part of excellence, not critical of it. ~

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