Monday, July 5, 2010

Self-Administered Test on Basic Food and Agriculture

Abe V Rotor
DZRB 738 KHz AM 8 to 9 pm Monday to Friday
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (School-on-Air)

True or False. Read and answer each question accordingly. Cite reason for every false answer.

1. Well milled rice ay mas maputi, mas masustansiya

2. Mas masarap ang yellow corn than white as human food.

3. To compare the three rice, wheat corn, highest yield and yield response to fertilizer is rice.

4. Sorghum is most persistent to drought, more than wheat, corn, barley wheat

5. Biofuels are healthy to the environment and economy especially in underdeveloped countries.

6. Planting trees, scientists tell us, is not a wise measure to curb global warming, because trees absorb the heat of the sun.

7. It is the light of the sun – not its heat – that is used to convert water and CO2 during photosynthesis to produce sugar and O2.

8. There is a new law in Japan that at least 40 percent of rooftops of building are green in the like of a high rise garden – similar to what we can aeroponics.

9. Global warming has something to do with the disturbance of the tectonic plates leading to more frequent and stronger earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruption.

10. The effects of global warming are the concern of governments and big corporations because they have the power and resources to curb its effect. We, ordinary citizens, are but by-standers, but we should be willing to abide by the rules they set.

11. Three things to do in preparation for the monsoon season: House repair, prepare garden, and participate in community work such as tree planting and cleaning canals.

12. Among the recommended plants to plant in the rainy season are ubi, malunggay, singkamas.

13. In summer you can raise vegetables using solely faucet water.

14. The best time and most economical, and with least care and attention to plant vegetables in the backyard and idle lots is during monsoon period.

15. Frogs, snails, hito and the like, hibernate during summer then they come out of their hiding – cracks of the earth.

16. Carabao wallows and field basins, as the rains come, populate the flooded fields in a short time with fish, snails, crustaceans, etc.

17. It is customary to walk, play, sing, in the first heavy rain of May, but you have to wet the navel first before attempting to do so, according to old folks.

18. Rain makes the swimming pool green because of acid rain.

19. Early rains are actually thunderstorms. It's not yet time to cultivate the fields.

20. Weathering is a geological process leading to soil formation.

21. Bare watershed absorbs rain greedily because it is thirsty so to speak, so why worry of not replanting it?

22. Actually you can propagate the following by cuttings: Malunggay, katuray, ipilipil, madre de cacao.

23. Ubi tuber can grow up to one ton in weight from a single plant.

24. During the monsoon season the most important crop is corn.

25. It needs special equipment to make virgin coconut oil; you can’t make it at home.

NOTE: Answers will be posted in a week's time.

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