Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doctrine of Signatures

Abe V Rotor

One can read how nature intended plants to be used by examining their resemblances and other physical features.

This is a belief called Doctrine of Signatures, which was popular during the Middle Ages.

  • Liverworts (Riccia and Marchantia) which resemble the shape of liver are effective for liver diseases.
  • The shapes of eggplant and avocado suggest fertility and aphrodisiac value.
  • Apple and mango resemble the heart and are therefore good when it comes to matters of love.
  • Kidney beans are good for the kidney, but the truth is that it has high uric acid content.
  • The garlic plant has a hollow stem so that it would be of benefit in afflictions of the windpipe, hence used in all types of respiratory disorders such as cough, colds, catarrh, asthma and bronchial problems.

Physical appearance has nothing to do with the curative powers of plants, or animals for that matter. It is true that garlic is an effective respiratory cure, but it is its active ingredients that are responsible for it.~

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