Monday, July 5, 2010

Self-Administered Test on Food Supply Situation

Abe V Rotor
DZRB 738 KHz AM 8 to 9 pm Monday to Friday
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid

True or False. Read and answer each question accordingly. Cite reason for every false answer.

1.The impending food shortage is global affecting not only rice eating nations but other nations as well depending on other cereals like wheat.

2. Global Warming is a culprit to food shortage because of the erratic behavior of our climate, worsened by increasing frequency and intensity of force majeure.

3. Aquaculture is man’s ultimate frontier of production, because the conventional production areas have already reached their limit.

4. Chemical pesticides and fertilizers has improved productivity of farmlands as well as enhanced sustainable production.

5. Lowland ricefields during the monsoon season make a contiguous lake that is a an abode to many edible species of freshwater fish, crustaceans, mollusk and amphibians.

6. Palay-isdahan means converting spent fishponds to rice production since rice is an aquatic plant.

7. Rice can be grown commercially in the highlands, saline areas, hillsides, uplands, acidic and alkaline soils.

8. Decrease in food production is also a result of increasing price of fuel, so that when price of food goes up, increase in fuel follows.

9. Tragedy of the Commons means that common people who do not wake up to the realities of modern living will be left behind by progress.

10. The sea is limitless in resources considering that more than 70% of the earth’s surface is water.

11. For this matter (referring to the previous statement), the world’s population can safely increase further without fear of shortage in food and other needs. It is only a matter of improve technology and direct it to this purpose.

12. To prevent crust, shut off the stove for a minute after it post has reach boiling point – then turn on the heat until the rice is well cooked.

13. Vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the vegetable, not in its rind or skin. Thus you have to peel kalabasa, pipino, talong, patola and the like.

14. Food management at home was subject required in the elementary a generation ago which was then called Home Economics. T

15. Converting mangrove swamps into fishponds is a solution to food crisis because fishponds produce more food that what the mangrove swamps contribute to the natural supply of food.

16. The sea is nearly 4 km deep, and up to 12 km at its deepest – which means that fishing has barely scratched the surface of the sea, thus there is no felt danger of depletion of resources.

17. Seaweed farming is most popular in these places in the Philippoines: Danahon Reef (between Cebu and Bohol) and Zamboanga and Tawi-tawi area.

18. Our country exports millions of dollars worth of Caulerpa which is the source of carageenan used as food conditioning like in ice cream.

19. The most popular seaweed sold in Metro Manila is Nori used in making Japanese Maki. This is commercially grown in the Philippines.

20. Save on food if you have less pets./ This is a policy of China even to the present to save on food.

21. GM rice or golden rice contains yellow pigment of daffodils which is rich in Vit A. Vit A may be needed by the body but an overdose of it may be deleterious to health such as allergy. This is the first case of “biopharming” – implanting drugs and medicine in food plants to act as food and medicine at the same time.

22. WB has warned of social unrest in the event that the impending food shortage is contained on time and by solutions acceptable by the masses.

23. Revolutions start with hungry stomach as history can attest. French Revolution, Russian, Chinese to mention some. These support Marxist philosophy of justifying socialism over aristocracy and capitalism.

24. What economists insist that the road to good life is a economic development, and any country that remains underdevelop will never have a taste of it.

25. There is limit to growth; it cannot be a perfect progression. Somehow the curve becomes an inverted C – which means that the factors of growths become the antithesis of growth itself.

NOTE: Answers will be posted in a week's time.

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