Sunday, June 2, 2024

Observe Some Effects of Global Warming

                            Effects of Global Warming

These are some effects of climate change, particularly global warming, a man-induced phenomenon occurring in our postmodern times. The examples cited in this article, are either the direct or indirect effects, of our ever continuing "modernization" in practically all aspects of our lives - at home, on the farm, in our community, more so in urban and industrial centers. I invite teachers and students to undertake researches on this growing ecological problem gripping the whole world today. It is a big challenge to scholars to give priority to this topic in their undergraduate and graduate studies.  Likewise, it is a challenge to our leaders in government, as well as in the private sector, in the formulation and implementation of policies and programs to deal with this worsening problem.  This is a continuing compilation of observations at the Living with Nature Center.   
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

 Premature ripening and infestation of Guyabano fruits

Damaged honeycomb abandoned by the bees. 

Uneven maturity and sizes of mango fruits

Infestation - caterpillar of Papilio butterfly  on citrus 

Poor and slow development of chicken

Poor gemination of seedlings

Heating of pondwater and acid rain are detrimental to fish. 

Ducks abandon their eggs.

Flowering may be induced but fruit setting is poor 

Slow growth of new  buds and crown 

Proliferation of fungi such as shelf mushroom 

Fruits fall off before they are ready for harvesting

Stimulates formation of mutants and variants in plants and 
lower organisms, such as this colorful gabi moth caterpillar 

Intensifies deciduousness of trees like talisay. Prolonged 
leafless condition may lead to the demise of the tree.

Intensifies spread of diseases in plants such as ringspot virus of papaya.

Stunted and damaged growth of sweet potato 

Growth of wild plants such as palomaria, mulberry 
and tawa-tawa.~ 

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