Saturday, September 16, 2023

Country Fair: Preserving the Quaintness of Town Fiesta (SVWorld Series)

PUL-OY (Breeze)
San Vicente Ilocos Sur RP to the World Series

Country Fair:
Preserving the Quaintness of Town Fiesta 

Dr Abe V Rotor

Quail raising for meat and eggs has become popular locally. 
It requires little space compared to raising chicken and other fouls. 
Quail eggs, you can hear by her lips' language;
each bearing markings like Nature's map;
I wonder if it leads to a treasure somewhere -
Yes, to the nest of the pugo once wild.


Fans made from leaves of the buri palm (oval); folding fans (right) 
made of bamboo and fabric, and hand painted with many designs.
 Philippine landscape is among the favorite choices. 

Fans, fans, everywhere - who needs an air conditioner?
     they turn the air into gentle breeze,
deliver it fresh with scent of perfume in some corner;
     it's an art of friendship, love and peace.

Boiled corn cum cob and husk is either for a meal or a snack.  Corn is the second staple food of the Filipinos after rice, the main staple in Mexico, and many countries in South America, the Pacific, and other parts of the world. 

Corn-on-the cob in floral design
     for the hungry or just passerby,
steaming and hot to the touch,
     which makes eating a pure delight.

Religious items from candles to figurines, prayer book to mass cards are sold within the premises of the church even without any special occasion.  It shows the deep religiosity of Filipinos, and their belief in miracles.   

Deep is your faith indeed if you have a collection
     of religious icons, artifacts and memorabilia;
an altar they make in your home next to the church,
     a bridge to God - and to the great mystery.

Name it, and the vendors have it. What the malls and supermarkets 
can't provide, they do - at friendly suki terms, including four gives, 
five-six. No exchange, no return is not in their rules. 

Vendors, vendors, everywhere there is no escape,
     anytime on the sidewalk or road, at your gate;
really, who says there's problem of employment?
     self-made, self-reliant, a brave breed they make.

Bargain, Sale. It's a selling strategy.  It means selling at a 
special price. It may be buena mano, to start the day lucky.   

There's nothing so small to be insignificant in business,
     for every cent grows bigger and farther;
patience, tiyaga at sigpag, leave to tadhana the rest;
     what matters most, you're your master.

A diversity of items on display.  You really can't pass by empty handed. 
Diversity the key to a country fair;
     all things big and small;
A wide range to browse and to scan
     even only to pick just one.

Native grapes, green but sweet and seedless. Why import?  

More fancy than real quality,
     grapes are the same to me;
either fresh or made into wine,
     the thought of Grapes is divine.

Once or twice a year the churchyard becomes a  makeshift 
market (talipapa), an acceptable part of culture - Christian 
and non-Christian - here and abroad 

Church yard a market place
     once drew Christ's ire;
worship sans sublime
     and its essence divine.

Cotton candy, a favorite of children.  Wait till you see 
them wear a patch of beard of Santa Claus.  

Cotton candy meets the morning sun,
     the maker a transient family
moving from town to town like gypsy
     on the road to somewhere bound.  
Religious items all.  Faith is a great stimulus of art and trade. 

If the Renaissance grew with the Church,
     drew the world out of the Dark Age;
a second renewal we need today to save
     our world from the cold and rage.

The ambiance of a fair is not all about the wares to sell; 
it is the seller, like "the singer and not the song."  

Beauties in the fair with wares to sell:
      rosary and jewelry as well;
trade an art indeed, the touch, the appeal,
     of these threesome fair.

Ingenuity at the grassroots at work. Mobile refreshment - 
a choice of flavor and color, quenching thirst in an instant. 

Take the backseat softdrinks,
it's sago and gulaman time;
buko, melon and some color,
calling in a sweet chime.

Candle offering at the shrine of San Vicente Ferrer. Pilgrims sought his divine intercession every Tuesday. His feast day is celebrated on the last Tuesday of April. 

What example your life brings to us, oh, St Vincent;
the pleasure of youth you renounced for the church;
highest in learning, with a gift of tongue and courage,
and we, your faithful, we simply beg for miracle. ~

* Living with Nature - School on Blog
Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio 738 DZRB AM, 8-9 evening class Monday to Friday

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