Friday, August 4, 2023

Dawn - Child of Sunrise

Dawn - Child of Sunrise
Dr Abe V Rotor

Vantage scenery from the author's residence everyday.
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Old church of San Vicente, Ilocos Sur 2017

Dawn is the child of sunrise,
azure, crimson, emerald,
curtain of a new day,
a call for all to rise.

Through the church's window,
dawn joins the faithful
in their hymns and prayers,
alongside row by row.

Over the mountain range
a reclining profile rises,
her gown of darkness fades
and soon will change.

Like the dawn I'm a child,
rising up as she rises,
to her ephemeral beauty
devoid of any pride. ~

Cordillera Mountain and Old Church Profile 2017
(Photos by the author.)

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