Thursday, August 3, 2023

Birds in Impressionistic and Abstract Paintings

                                         Don't Disturb the Birds in the Trees

"Impressionism; it is the birth of Light in painting." - Robert Delaunay

Dr Abe V Rotor

Don't Disturb the Birds in the Trees 
in acrylic, AV Rotor, Brisbane, Australia.  
July 31, 2023

Humans are lesser than birds
     in song and unity
with Nature in a world their own
     distinct in beauty.

Stop painting just for a while,
     be with them at ease;
give silence a true place
     with inner peace.

Everything's quiet, just a breeze,
     in tune with the heart ,
as the red light turns green;
     for the next start. 

About Impressionism

"I do not literally paint that table, but the emotion it produces upon me."
- Henri Matisse
Taken as a whole, Impressionism argues that we don't really see the natural or "real" world objectively because everything that we perceive is filtered through our minds, and our minds are filled with unique and personal memories and emotions, so each of our minds perceives the world differently. Internet


Birds of Paradise 

Abstract art has come into being as a necessary expression of the feelings and thoughts of our age; it has added new dimensions to creative painting. (Leonard Brooks)
                                               Dr Abe V Rotor

                                                 Birds of Paradise in acrylic, 
Brisbane, Australia, July 31, 2023

Red, blue and green, and black hidden,
crowd the Heliconia bushland; 
home of birds driven from a lost Garden, 
save on make-believe art of man.

About Abstract Art

"Pure drawing is an abstraction. Drawing and colour are not distinct, everything in nature is coloured." - Paul Cezanne

"What I mean by 'abstract' is something which comes to life spontaneously through a gamut of contrasts, plastic at the same time as psychic, and pervades both the picture and the eye of the spectator with conceptions of new and unfamiliar elements." - Marc Chagall

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