Friday, March 10, 2023

14 Styles of Management of the Filipino Manager. A Glimpse on Human Nature in the Organization

A Glimpse on Human Nature in the Organization 

14 Styles of Management of the Filipino Manager

Dr Abe V Rotor 
Illustrated by Lito Sanchez
Living with Nature School on Blog
Here are 14 styles of management observed in various organizations: governmental (GO), non-governmental (NGO), business (BO), community and civic organizations (CCO), condensed into illustrations for purposes of instruction, from the book of the late Dr. Ernesto Franco, Pinoy Management. 

Dr Franco was my professor in college and for some time we worked together in a Foundation (National Greening Movement)  advocating environmental protection and functional literacy.  

There are no clear cut boundaries between and among these styles (other styles notwithstanding), but there is a trend or inclination a manager is likely to adhere, or drawn into. Sometimes two or more styles characterize a manager's way of running his organization, and these may vary according to the needs of the times. 

This articles may serve as self-evaluation using two methods: The Likert scale of 4 (1 never, 2 seldom, 3 occasional, 4 often, 5 very often); and the other is simply to check those that may apply to person as manager.  

Take a break.  Here is a matrix of comparison between Western 
and Pinoy management. 

Here is the ideal management style applying Filipino values of ugnayan (reconciliation), bayanihan (cooperation) and damayan (compassion)

The result of this self-evaluation is important in self improvement, likewise, in improving organizational efficiency. 

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