Monday, November 7, 2022

Shrew, smallest mammal and most voracious predator

Life Patterns for Survival Series
Shrew, smallest mammal and most voracious predator

Dr Abe V Rotor

White-toothed pygmy shrew or the Etruscan shrew, Suncus etruscus Internet

This animal is the smallest mammal in the world, yet the fiercest of all fighters and the most voracious of all predators.  It spends its life hunting for food to supply the necessary energy released by its high rate of body anabolism (breaking down of substances for the release of energy}.  It dies of starvation after a day without food.  No wonder it dies old after thirteen months. 

Also known as the white-toothed pygmy shrew or Suncus etruscus, the Etruscan shrew is the smallest mammal by weight alive today. At 36–52mm long, excluding tail, it's larger than Kitti's hog-nosed bat. However, individuals can weigh as little as 1.5g, meaning the Etruscan shrew takes the crown. (Acknowledgement: Internet photo)

Life Patterns for Survival by A V Rotor
Faculty Journal 1967
Lyceum of the Philippines

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