Monday, November 7, 2022

"Old Folks" - A Changing of the Guards

"Old Folks" - A Changing of the Guards

Dr Abe V Rotor

 Senior professors of St Paul University QC attend an annual retreat in preparation for the new school year. They are practicing professors in media, research, philosophy and natural science.

Dr Florentino H Hornedo, Filipino historian, educator, anthropologist and UNESCO Commissioner poses with students at Batanes State University.  Dr Hornedo is a native of Batanes.    

The religious is metamorphosing in the example of Mother Teresa, moving away from the comforts and rituals of cloistered life. Here sisters of different religious orders in habits like ordinary wear, work for the poor, like the rehabilitation of street children led by Bahay in Kuya founder, a French-Canadian priest, in dark shirt next to the author)

Bannawag magazine, the flagship of Ilocano language and cultutre, hinges on younger writers molded by the wisdom of writers, sociologists and local leaders from the older generation, among them Godofredo Reyes, Francisco Foronda, and the poetess Leonora Florentino. Photo: right, Cles Rambaud managing editor, and the author, columnist Okeyka Apong. .  

Radyo ng Bayan announcer and host, Melly Tenorio seated, welcomes guests on live broadcast - authors of new book in Humanities led by the author, center. DZRB is the center of learning through radio - Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid or People's School on the Air, a daily evening class of one-hour, an innovation of media and education working on the principle of "university without walls." 

Larry Henares (with lei), veteran journalist, continues to this day as columnist and broadcaster. You got to read, listen to Larry - professionals, businessmen, leaders say. He is newsman, critic, and in fact, conscience, with a parting "Hasta la bye, bye." a hind glimpse of our historical past. Photo: Larry with author and wife.
 Former government officials and university professors, Dr Anselmo S Cabigan (right) and author during a light moment prior to their retirement from St Paul University QC.  They continue their mission to reach out for the least touched by formal education through the Internet.  School on Blog reaches more than 500 viewers daily in the Philippines and abroad. Dr Cabigan has devised a new learning methodology, also on the Internet.

Change and contiguity. New leadership at the Ateneo de Manila University - young, dynamic, scholar, with world vision - take over the helm of this world class institution. Newly ordained Jesuit priest Jomari Manzano, nephew of author.

Fr. James B. Reuter, SJ, spiritual icon for two generations - like the soldier who never dies but just fades away.  And yet in his way past ninety he continued to touch people's lives through his writings, TV shows, stage plays, and countless faithful seeking for advice. Author joins well-wishers on his 94th birthday, two years before his death. 

From left, author with classmates at Divine Word College of Vigan, formerly Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion, class 1957. Now in their golden years, they are still active in their respective professions in law, education, military and engineering, and media. 

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