Thursday, October 13, 2022

Old Bridge across Banaoang Pass

Old Bridge Across Banaoang Pass

"You are a peacemaker and guardian, oh, bridge,
rather than a bridge of sigh;
 friend to the wind, the river, and the mountains,
and countless passersby." avr 

Dr Abe V Rotor

Old Bridge across Banaoang Pass in acrylic (60" x 41") by the author.

Past your golden age, three generations have passed,
     Once in your prime, and also was mine;
The world over the horizon across your span, I sought
     For dreams the sweet goal of time.

While across your other end leads to home, sweet home,
     For loyal sons and daughters in homage,
Returning to childhood memories, to peaceful repose,
     Gateway indeed you are to every age.

And in between, fleeting were the years, but never
     Lost - dream fulfilled, or never was -
Matters but little in your own world, bright and windy,
     As the sun rises through the Pass.

And if a lonely soul comes to your world, gazes around
     And high, the strength of the towering
Rocks, the sharp, gentle slopes of green and golden
     In their pristine - they're Nature blessing.

From the cliff down the ravine, the great divide
     Of the rugged Cordillera, surrenders
To a mighty river born in a fertile valley, gathers
     Strength as it flows and meanders.

You are their peacemaker and guardian, oh, bridge -
     And rather than a bridge of sigh,
Friend to the wind, the river, and the mountains,
     And every day countless passersby.

Bearing their weight and their load uncomplaining,
     Their pain and joy of going and returning;
And seeing yonder farmers and fishers in their work -
     All’s well ‘til the sky sends the river roaring.

Now it is your time to rest, the wind, river, and mountains
     And I, to bid you goodbye in the setting sun;
But your ruins rise a monument seen by all and from Above,
     Where once a boy with dreams crossed your span.

Twilight view to the East, source of the mighty Abra River

Sunset view to the West where the river empties to the 
South China Sea

Cirrus clouds over the Cordillera Range; promontory partly 
blocking the bridge's view to the West.

Placid river in summer, fisherman on raft steers for home before dark.

Author's children Anna and Leo relax after six hours ride from Manila 
on their way to their ancestral home in San Vicente, Ilocos Sur. 

"Exuberance of youth meets sunset on the edge of Banaoang Pass, 
as the Cordillera turns to amber and the Abra River to emerald." - avr 

  The bridge is named after President Elpidio Quirino, a great Ilocano leader. It spans across the mighty Abra River passing through Banaoang Pass, and joining the towns of Santa and Bantay both in Ilocos Sur province. The bridge survived a recent strong typhoon but was soon retired and replaced by a new bridge. Its beauty however, cannot be equaled. Painted for Dr Laurence (Rencie) Padernal), April 29. 2012.

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