Sunday, May 1, 2022

We are Living in a Plastic World!

              We are Living in a Plastic World!
Dr Abe V Rotor

Plastic Elephant, River Cruise at Disneyland HK 2017

It moves, it calls your attention, 
this virtual elephant. 
Oh, it's still fantasy in any name,
work of foolish savant. 
Hermit crab finds a home in a PVC elbow joint. (Internet) 

We ask, for whom the bell tolls?
Laughable though pitiful, 
a hermit crab in a  plastic home;
the bell tolls none but the fool. 

Potted plastic plants on the sidewalk, HK 2017

Warning! Don't touch the plants, 
(else you discover they are fake); 
make-believe to keep discipline
for peace-and-order's sake. 

A flower shop - but which is natural which is plastic? (Internet)

Plastic flowers everywhere, how lovely can they get,
crowded in a shop they look cheap though;
Not the pet flower of the Little Prince in his planet,
among the stars the whole night through.  

Markus and Mackie  on  Big Buddha Mountain, HK 2017

Playing hide a seek among the prop roots of the Buddha tree,
Perfect to hide, but where's the thrill,
on discovering it's all imitation, lifeless and still, 
of plastic, concrete and steel?. 

Plastic toys morgue (Internet)

Remnants of childhood's joy and mystery
now in a forgotten cemetery, 
So died the laughter, song and fantasy,
 of growing up fast to be free. 

Food in plastic moulds in a  Hongkong restaurant  

Pavlov's conditioned learning, 
a tool of consumerism; 
culinary art indeed deceiving,
 everything looks appetizing.

Our waste in the ocean is visible like the tip of an iceberg, 90 percent is down under. 
Hidden under the rug of the ocean.
plastic waste to be forgotten;
eons hence submerged and drifting 
and we call Nature our friend! 

Plastic wastes live for 2000 years, drift with the Gulf Stream, winnowed into
 a continent in the making, now the size of Texas. (Internet)

Land of plastics, ahoy there!
floating debris, lifeless and bare; 
when the good life is over, 
Alas! who would care?  ~

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