Sunday, May 1, 2022

Macopa Table Wine

 Macopa Table Wine 

Macopa or Syzygium samarangense belongs to Family Myrtaceae), a fairly large tropical tree that bears plentiful fruits in summer. The fruit is bell shaped like wine goblet (copa in Spanish) from which it got its popular name.

Dr Abe V Rotor

It's "raining" macopa in summer at home,
three full bearing trees form a triangle, 
litter the ground; up in the tree like stars,
clusters of fruits like bells freely dangle.

Children in the neighborhood have their fill;
stain on their shirts, but who would care?
Many years ago I was among them, too;
oh, how lovely indeed, is Nature's Fair!
Who cares about fruit waste in season?
but roving goats and pigs, bat and fowl -
and old folks' technology revisited anew 
in crystalline red table wine for all.

Step 1. Pick mature fruits from the tree. 

2. Slice red skin with knife.  3. Mash with sugar and yeast

4. Fermentation  5. Aging in glazed jars (burnay)

6. Bottling and labelling

NOTE: Dispose off regularly spent and defective fruits.  
Make them into compost - Nature's recycling. ~

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