Monday, May 23, 2022

The Dog That Found A Home

                      The Dog That Found A Home

Home he found and a happy company with us and the neighborhood.

Dr Abe V Rotor

Jemille and Ten-ten-ten (arrived on October 10, 2010)

It was a quiet afternoon and guess who was knocking at the gate?
A starving dog, a mongrel, and what is there in him to gain?  
Could you spare me a morsel? His eyes moist and sad, begging,
And food we gave, closed the gate, everything was quiet again.  

The sun was setting down, we saw a shadow seeping through the gate,
He is still there, I told the children, and he was knocking again, 
Could you spare me a place for the night? His moaning told us so,
Who are you, who is your master? Silence. I felt a little pain.   

We took him in.  It was a special date on the calendar that comes
But once, and never again, not in a lifetime or generation.
Tenth day, of the tenth month, of the first decade of the millennium,   
And we named this lost dog Ten-ten-ten. What a celebration!  

Home he found and a happy company with us and the neighborhood,
Call his name, you wish luck and fortune, how easy to remember! 
And children tired from school come knocking to play with their friend,
Can we play with Ten-ten(-ten)? Heaven sent a dog to love and share.  ~

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