Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Disturbing Signs in Our Times

                  Disturbing Signs in Our Times

"Time overtakes all,
structures crumble,
dreams dim;
acceptance its kindness;
forgetting its end." avr

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog 
Hanging cross on a topless belfry. Once the
most massive standing Spanish tower in the
Philippines, it lost its crown to earthquake
in the sixties. 
Photo by the author, Bacarra
Ilocos Norte 2009

Defiant smoke belching bus plies along Commonwealth
Avenue QC
, a blatant disregard to law, and indifference to
public order and decency. This bus, among thousands of
smoke belching vehicles, is supposed to have passed gas
emission test prescribed by LTO (Land Transportation Office)
Photo by the author 2006
Neo colonial building modeled after Greco-Roman
architecture of the Renaissance and introduced by
the Americans during the Commonwealth era gives
way to modernization.  AVR Paco, Metro Manila
Razed by fire, this building remained an empty shell for a
long time as people everyday pass by. Intramuros, Manila

"Time overtakes all,
structures crumble,
dreams dim;
acceptance its kindness;
forgetting its end."

AVR Vigan, Ilocos Sur 

Drought survivor, field kangkong, gropes over parched
earth caused by El Niño phenomenon. Photo by Nilo
Manalunsong, National Food Authority

Receding shoreline is caused by rising sea level and
more frequent tidal waves brought about by global
warming.  AVR Morong, Rizal

Death to all living things, a reminder of Armageddon.
A sand model at the former St Paul University Museum
Dead barnacles bleached and subsequently dislodged from
their rocky foothold as a result of increasing temperature
of sea water mainly attributed to global warming.
Photo by the author 2006. Domingo, Ilocos Sur

City ablaze (Ho Chi Minh, then Saigon, capital of Vietnam)
is depicted in this mural painting.  War Memorial Museum, 
Photo by the author 2006

Good Friday sunset. Gray and red sunset is sign of inclement
weather - and true to the prediction of old folks, it ushered the
start of the current El Niño plaguing the country and other parts
of the world. Photo taken by the author, San Vicente Ilocos Sur, 
April 2009

Sugar mill chimney emits tremendous amount
of heat and carbon dioxide, as well as other
pollutants, an eerie night scene, Calatagan,
Batangas.  Photo by the author, 2007
This dead kamachili tree provided shade and
edible fruits for some fifty years or so until a
barangay road was built beside it necessitating
pruning of its limbs that subsequently led to
its demise. Sagpat, Bantay, Ilocos Sur.  
Photo by the author, 2010
Bad Air Days (BAD) in Beijing may extend for weeks and 
even months, and repeated many times over the city, 
one of the densest populated cities in the world - which 
are also suffering of the same dilemma. Respiratory 
diseases and their complications exacerbate loss of 
resources and manpower, degrading the quality 
of life notwithstanding.  (Internet photo)   

 HIV-AIDS victims constitute one of the highest mortality 
rates among modern diseases.  Unabated the virus is 
surreptitiously introduced through promiscuous relationship 
among homosexuals especially men.  This scene is perhaps 
the saddest goodbye between father and son on media.
(Internet photo)

 Loss of playground follows loss of wildlife, loss of
nature park, decent settlement areas. The biggest 
problem of our postmodern society is loss of natural
 environment, exacerbated by improper disposal 
of our own waste. (Internet photo)~

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