Friday, October 9, 2020

Indigenous Art: Haystack (mandala) – 7 principles that make the mandala a wonder of the world

Haystack (mandala
7 principles that make the mandala a wonder of the world 

Haystacks fascinated Vincent van Gogh.  He made several paintings of the same subject.

 Dr Abe V Rotor 
Haystacks fascinated Vincent van Gogh.  He made several painting of the same subject. Here are three versions.  Upper photo focuses on idyllic life beside a haystack, as if it give comfort and warmth to tired souls. It's  Van Gogh's characteristic style, like his Starry Night. The second version (left) shows well-balanced haystacks with perfect cone.  The third  shows a twisted haystack apparently moved out of its center of gravity.  

The mandala is indeed an engineering feat, especially the tall ones.  Without any structural reinforcement except a single post, usually bamboo, at the center, this giant mushroom-like heap of rice hay can grow very high, up to twelve feet, although farmers today prefer to build smaller mandala but in groups. It is mainly because the varieties planted now are shorter than the native varieties that are now rare. Here are some amazing features of the mandala.
  • When it rains the haystack gets wet only on the outside (animal fur principle).
  • There is natural ventilation inside the stack preventing growth of fungi and bacteria, and the buildup of heat.
  • Aerodynamics kept the structure in shape, whatever is the strength and direction of wind. 
  • The haystack supplies domestic animals their regular supply of roughage, until the next harvest comes. As the lower part of the stack is consumed by the animal the whole weight slowly comes down to replenish it.
  • The remaining hay is used as mulch for vegetables and seedlings. It is also used as mushroom bed, temporary roofing and shed, and material for making compost.
  • It is often a practice to stock palay-on-the-stalk (unthreshed) mandala style, a practical way of storage, where there are no poachers and rodents. 
  • The mandala is a associated with village festivities. Our national artist, Fernando Amorsolo painted immortal scenes around the mandala.
Next time you travel to the countryside find time to visit the mandala.  Take time to examine its structure. Ask the builders their secrets - the seven principles that make the mandala a wonder of the world. 

It's kite flying time, portion of a mural painted by the author; bottom, a detail of the mural emphasizing a colonyof a mural, Ic. 2002 
 Mandala, typical in the Ilocos Region and Central Luzon, and other parts of the country.  The mandala is associated with idyllic life, a respite on the part of the farmer, a time to fly kites for children, vacation time in the province.  The mandala is a symbol of prosperity and security. 

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