Saturday, October 10, 2020

Homecoming After Half a Century - A Tribute

 Homecoming After Half a Century  - A Tribute

"Homecoming, the greatest expression of belongingness and love, of guardianship, reverence and respect, is imprimatur in each member,
indelible credential, a gem forever shining through!" -avr

Dr Abe V Rotor*

ROSARIANS HS 1967 (Rosary College is now St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur)

The world has changed a lot, so with these graduates five decades ago;
their alma mater now on new campuses, from an old colonial building in their time still standing in the midst of business;  

Metamorphosis the term when change is hardly traced back, when the beginning  was but a dream and the end, the reality of life, its joy and sorrow, success and failure;

Of travel and within walls, yet free in the mind and spirit to seek out, to search something beyond; at the end return with instinct biological and social to a home, sweet home;

Home the place of birth, home the alma mater waiting for the returning child, home the community has long missed, perhaps forgotten, home the roots of their ancestors;

And bring home the news at last with sigh of nostalgia, the happiest moment though fleeting, with rays of wrinkles at the corner of the eyes, symbol of fulfillment in life;  

Of surrender to fate and will of the Omnipotent, circumstances beyond the human being, existentialism and immanentism sweetly combined, real and abstract, romantic and classic, too.

Periodicity to which all surrenders that envelops the whole lifetime floating infinitesimally, each one a minuscule in the sands of time and space, waking up in an unknown land; 

Across the seas, yonder lies the dreams of childhood and youth, with a frail craft riding on wind and tides, wishing for that time success is found, and cry, Eureka! Eureka!

Serendipity more than discovery on purpose and struggle is perhaps the biggest gift of rationality and humanity, why the world would not be as beautiful as it is today!

Serendipity is Providence, the workings of an unknown hand, answer to prayer and unconditional wish, providence that serves more than the self
towards fellowmen, it is indeed mystery;

To come back after half a century is providence, to be remembered when gone by colleagues is Providence too, for the spirit of togetherness in goodness is alive and immortal;

Homecoming, the greatest expression of belongingness and love, of guardianship, reverence and respect, is imprimatur in each member,
indelible credential, a gem forever shining through! ~

*Dr Rotor is the husband of Cecilia Rojas (in red and black), author  Living with Nature Series; and former professor, UST, DLSU and St Paul University QC.

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