Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Live naturally. Too much Hygiene does more harm than good.

Live naturally
Too much Hygiene does more harm than good. 
Recent studies question the validity of Hygiene Hypothesis.

                                                                    Children of Nature, photo by AVR

Dr Abe V Rotor

The Hygiene Hypothesis endorses cleanliness and sanitation as a way to healthy living. The prescription of some doctors includes avoidance of certain food and environmental allergens.

Recent studies question the validity of Hygiene Hypothesis. By cleaning our children constantly, discouraging them from getting dirty, pumping them full of antibiotics every time they get sick, using anti-bacterial soaps, and the like - we are not encouraging their immune systems to develop fully. The Westernized lifestyle makes them more susceptible to allergic conditions.

Children raised on farms around animals have lower levels of allergy and asthma than their urban counterparts - those unexposed to pets, confined in day care centers, and spotless homes.

To what extent does nature provide immunity? Fortunately as children grow to maturity, particularly so under natural environment, they acquire the defense the body systems need against a host of health problems from allergy to physiologic and pathological diseases, albeit adaptation to emotional and psychological stress.

• Ever wonder what it means to enjoy childhood outside of the confines of air conditioned room?
• Many children look forward to the first rain in May.
• Boy scouts and girl scouts look forward to the next jamboree.
• Athletes participate - and are not merely spectators - in field games.
• Develop those muscles while you are young.
• Grow tall naturally, not by taking growth hormones.
• Shake off those lazy bones. Keep your blood pressure and pulse rate normal and steady the natural way.
• Walk. Run. Meet sunrise. Stay and watch the sun set. Be active physically. Have outdoor hobbies.
• Go and live with Nature. She is the best doctor, teacher and friend.~

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