Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Crossing the thin red line of life

"It's across this line that we explore
by serendipity or discovery;
and glancing back at sweet memory
pushes us forward to be free." - avr
Dr Abe V Rotor
 How can you write terror with a smile?
Flower in her hair, feather on her pen  
 Hermit crab, hermit kid
 Cub-Boy Scout  

Surrender and Peace - two words for growing up 
 Helping hand takes a rest
Street view when the door is locked   
Dog is a girl's live doll
Flowers, flowers, anyone?

How time moves on, creeps or flies,
sweeping across the thin red line
never to return, never to retract, 
neither the unfinished nor sublime.

Treasure its essence in transience,
with the world going round and around,
unceasingly over its remaining time  
so with ours on this planet bound. 

It's across this line that we explore
by serendipity or discovery;
and glancing back at sweet memory
pushes us forward to be free.  ~

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