Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Re-creating the Green World of my Childhood

"Long had I left my birthplace, the landscape 
that shaped my childhood and my lofty dream,
leaving but memory and imagery I can't escape, 
paint I must the imprints of that lovely realm. ~   

Painting by Miss Rannie Lou Rojas

My Green World in acrylic by Miss Rannie Lou Rojas, January 9, 2018  

There is a place I love and call it my own, 
some hidden nook, a li'l corner of Eden,
deep in the recesses of my mind long sown,
flowing through my fingers in brush and pen.

It's a place seasons come and go with no end;
where the mountains turn from gold to green,
to orange and red in fall, and back to golden,
How I wish my friends had seen this lovely scene.

The world was beautiful wherever you would go,
As pristine as the day the earth was made;
The mountains, lakes, forest and grassy plains too,
in glorious prism of light, hues and shade. 

Lucky were our ancestors in pre-industrial age,
happier they were under the care of Nature;
as they too, cared for her under divine bondage,
all things bound to a benevolent Creator. 

Long had I left my birthplace, the landscape 
that shaped my childhood, and my lofty dream
leaving but memory and imagery I can't escape,
paint I must the imprints of this lovely realm. ~   
Miss RL Rojas a visiting balikbayan from Calgary, Alberta, poses with the author, 
her uncle before a wall mural  painted by the latter at his residence in QC.

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