Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mackie's Teacup - A Lesson in Drawing

Mackie's Teacup - A Lesson in Drawing
Drawing by Mackie Rotor Sta Maria 
Poem by r Abe V Rotor 

Teacup sans saucer in pentel by Mackie Rotor Sta Maria, 5 December 2017

To a child a teacup is mommy's, or grandma’s, 
       Long kept in a cupboard by the hearth,
Or a gift kept secret 'til the eve of one Christmas:
      “To the most wonderful child on earth.”

Magic the teacup brings: love, care and cheer,
      Good health, good company, best brew;
Gently raised to the air, then laid on its saucer,
      In the cycle of life’s meaning and view.

To a child the teacup is illusion and imagery,
     Flowers like eyes looking in the room;
It's never dull, never at ease, telling a story
    Like an uncaged bird finding it its home.~ 

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