Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Toddler - Keyhole to Growing Up (Markus 2+)

Toddler - Keyhole to Growing Up (Markus 2+)
Everyone has a friend, but grandchildren; 
God-sent in age golden, that life has no end.

Dr Abe V Rotor   
Toddlers when the bed is upturned,
cave instinct, trench to hide; 
Jung's archetype often wondered, 
of life beneath and outside. 
Daddy's boy, bright as the sun,
and all the love and fun;
ephemeral the age in his arm,
'til weaning is no harm.   
Cable car ride, Honkong 2017
On a glass floor of a cable car, 
like flying or walking on water;
conquer height, space and gravity,
above all fear and anxiety.  
Are we there yet? Often asked again and again;
not yet little one, wait;
but early to ask ahead of others indeed a gain,
than those of little faith.       
Between two grandmas he's filled with love;
more than parents alone can give;
Confucius smiles from above to down below,
to see his creed well received.   
Large forehead and ears.
keen eyes, pursed lips,
tight jaw and tilted chin, say,
he is the man of tomorrow
Independence is all we need to give, 
trust and confidence to a child;
like sheep on a meadow sans the shepherd,
to live life without a guide.  
At a Hongkong restaurant 2017
Culinary art, visual expression of taste;
like humanities, expression of values,
crafts of the artisan at the grassroots,  

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