Monday, September 18, 2017

Growing Up Challenges (Mackie 5)

Growing Up Challenges  (Mackie 5)
"... young staying young, old as young,
whoever believes in Fairyland." 
Dr Abe V Rotor 
Little Narcissa seeing tomorrow
beauty ahead of her time and call,
a child becoming woman too soon;
beware of the mirror on the wall. 
Surprise or afraid, they come unexpected,
discovery for now and thence;
honing sensitivity, senses must respond
for courage and independence.
Demosthenes would roll pebbles in his mouth,
and follow the waves in rhythm and count;
Caruso's voice broke wine glass, his way to fame;
just sing your heart's content it's all the same.   
Tolstoy asked, in war and peace, what is the greatest test? 
adaptation, tolerance, enlightenment of the soul;  
challenge to the brave, doesn't matter to the mediocre;  
everyday is war and peace the greatest test to all.     
Disneyland Hong Kong 2017
Everybody's birthday in Disneyland, 
unifying the old and the young;
young staying young, old as young,
whoever believes in Fairyland. 

Toddler no more, dolls no longer dolls,
toys on the floor an oversight;
goodbye stroller, but don't get too far,
growing up is not overnight.  
Waterfront map, HK 2017
Literacy in a city to read map,
direction it tells, ride to take;
we're living in a jungle no less; 
don't get lost for heaven's sake. 
"Ate na si Mackie," 
 babysitter to a brother;
from crib to stroller, 
       title of her first story. ~

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