Monday, June 15, 2015

What is the Happiest Season of your Life? A Self-Evaluation

What is the Happiest Season of your Life? 
A Self-Evaluation 
Dr Abe V Rotor  
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738KHzAM 8-9 evening class Mon to Fri

Is it summer by a river?
Is it harvestime?
Is it when the leaves of the talisay turn red and fall?

The season for outdoor workshops?
Is it when flowers start to bloom?

Or this tree becomes a fire tree?

Is it Christmas?
Photos by Abe V Rotor

Which is the happiest season of life? There are varying answers of course, depending on the person being asked.

Lately I discovered from my file an old notebook in which I wrote a beautiful piece about life. I remember how I treasured it when I was a student. That was many years ago.

Does the literary piece still mean the same? Here is the story.

A wise old man, who had lived buoyantly through four score years, was asked, “Which is the happiest season of life?” He replied thoughtfully.

“When spring comes, and in the soft air the buds are breaking on the trees, and they are covered with blossoms. I think, how beautiful is Spring!

"And when the summer comes, and covers the trees and bushes with heavy foliage, and singing birds mingle with branches, I think, how beautiful is Summer!

"When autumn loads them with golden fruit, and their leaves bear the gorgeous tint of frost, I think, how beautiful is Autumn!

"And when it is sore winter, and there is neither foliage nor fruit, then when I look up through the leafless branches and see, as I can see in no other season, the shining stars of heaven, I think, how beautiful is the Winter of life!"
Note the unique style of the article. It exudes an aura which writers call Romanticism. It fits well into this kind of subject. Apparently the traditional form and style of writing is coming back.~

Author enjoys time painting nature. .
Some Happiest Moments in Life
  1. Summer vacation ends, school year begins.
  2. Singing in glee under the first heavy rain in May.
  3. Shower in April, wakes the cicada to sing in the trees.
  4. First pair of shoes, first long pants, first long sleeves.
  5. Picnic on the beach, a family reunion - or clan.
  6. Graduation, specially with honor.
  7. First job (after a long search and wait).
  8. Eureka! Discovery or serendipity. (There's a little Pasteur or Darwin in you)
  9. Publication of a book as author.
  10. First child, junior (name after either parent)
  11. Recovery from critical illness (clean bill of health).
  12. "Thanks God I wasn't in the plane!" (providential)
  13. Sound sleep after many sleepless nights. (and passed the board exam)
  14. Kite flies, rules the sky over other kites. It's you who made it.
  15. Piping hot brewed coffee, black and strong, with the morning's newspaper, on a weekend.
  16. First day in school - kinder.
  17. Having passed the college entrance exam in a reputable university. (Wow, Harvard!)
  18. Saying "I do" and "'til death do us part."
  19. Having your first grandchild. Now you are three generations apart - under one roof.
  20. Laying a flower and whispering a prayer to remember a beloved departed.
  21. Finally got your promotion, with increased pay, now you can pay all your debts.
  22. Composed a song, directed a play, filmed a documentary - creativity brings true joy.
  23. Sharing, giving to the less fortunate - more so "to the least of your brethren."
  24. Winning in a contest with the least expectation.
  25. A little Gandhi, a little Mother Teresa, a Little Prince, live in you always.
NOTE: Check which ones in this list apply to you. Add on to this list your personal experiences. Remember: Each one of us is the happiest person in the world!

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