Monday, January 28, 2013

Are you a candidate of heart attack?

Dr Abe V Rotor

You can tell if a person is a candidate of heart attack by his features and life style. (May palatandaan ang isang tao na madaling maatake.)

Heart attacks have been linked to diet (eating too much fatty food), excessive smoking and obesity, and also to less obvious risk factors. Old folks associate the following observations to heart attack.

• Baldness – Medical research found out that a shiny spot on top of the head has been linked to a risk in heart attack three times higher than average.
• Body shape – Being overweight is bad enough, but a person whose fat lies more in the abdomen than the hips is especially prone to heart attack. Too much fat in the middle is sure sign of vulnerability to heart attack.

Smoking and high cholesterol contribute to heart attack.

• Bad gums – True. People with periodontal disease have higher risk of heart attack by nearly twice. Bacteria may enter the blood and cause deadly clots.

• Foul weather – Exposure to very cool temperatures can trigger heart attacks as well as angina and strokes. Extreme hot temperature has similar effects. Summer strokes are common.

• Day of the week and time of the day – Cardiac events tend to occur most often between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays. Cardiac attack takes its toll on very busy people who do know their limits.

A man in his middle age who has these features, who is careless to his health, and comes from a family with a history of heart attack is virtually a dead man walking. ~
Obesity not only increases health risks but also reduces life expectancy. it is associated with  diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancers, and gall bladder disease. (FNRI, Internet).

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