Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burning of Rome and Birth of Christendom

Burning of Rome and Birth of Christendom
Dr Abe V Rotor
Burning of Rome, Mural by AVR, 1997, former St. Paul Museum QC

Nero burned Rome into ruins and ashes
Inflamed by the caprice of the Pharisees;
Christians died with their faith in sacrifice
With Paul's blood, that they may again rise -

And they did to the present

Built by their faith and martyrdom.~

Emperor Nero is said to have torched Rome that burned for days, and insanely sang with a lyre, thrilled by the scene of the inferno. Christians were blamed for the conflagration and Paul of Tarsus, a former Roman general turned staunch disciple of Christ, was led to his execution. He is popularly known today as Saint Paul the Apostle, a revered martyr and writer - he wrote nearly a third of the Bible's new testament. ~

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