Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Part 2: Outdoor Life at UST

Abe V Rotor

Fountain ponds reflect the moods of Thomasians
engrossed in their work.

Another favorite spot for outdoor study is the
center lane fronting the main building.

Studying on historic stones from old Intramuros campus

Interlacing roots of balete (Ficus benjamina) strangle an acacia
tree, hence its name Strangler Fig. To save the host tree the balete
has been completely eliminated.

The fine art of Arnis is among the indigenous sports that survive at UST.
The university adheres to the preservation of culture and tradition.

Sprawling playground of UST is the biggest open space in downtown Manila.

Talisay (Terminalia catappa) is about to shed its autumn
colored crown, prelude to the coming of the cool months.

Crown of fire tree (Delonix regia) appears like a veil against
the sky. By summer it will be replaced by fire red flowers
which gave the tree its name.

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