Monday, August 9, 2010

Part 1: UST (1611-2011)

Abe V Rotor
Silhouette of the founder's monument, Rev Miquel Benavides, 1611. UST is one of the oldest universities of the world, older than Harvard.
University Seal. UST has been granted two titles:
Royal and Pontifical University of the Philippines

Background is the cross tower, historical landmark
seen at a distance like a lighthouse.
Central Library has a large collection of books, journals, archival and other library materials which are accessible to the 48,000 students and faculty members of the university, and to the outside through the Internet.

European Renaissance landscape features animals, fountain,
pool, and manicured hedges and lawn

Quaintness of the campus for outdoor study and leisure few universities in a city can provide.

Botanical Garden: Arboretum in the heart of the City of
oldest Pharmacy garden in the Philippines.

Benavides Monument: Historical landmark for students and tourists

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