Friday, January 15, 2010

Part 3: Ecological Paradigm of Salvation - “Why is Mother Earth complaining?”

Abe V Rotor

The prolificacy of the human species sans war and pestilence, plus growing affluence of its societies led to a population explosion, doubling in lass than 50 years. We are now 6 billion. In this paradigm master and subject have joined hands to exploit the earth’s finite resources. Our best economists are the worst housekeepers of Nature. While they aim for the good life, they have unwittingly reduced the very foundation of that good life – the productivity and beauty of Mother Earth.

Ecological paradigm endorses an eco-centric approach where all forms of life and non-life are important to human life. Spirituality points out to a unitive force: the sacredness of everything. Hod’s divinity flows in everything. There is integration in the universe. And we are part of that integration, exceedingly small as we are notwithstanding.

The kind of person we truly are is reflected by our relationship with Mother Earth, how we comply under her treaties. Clearly, biocide is the greatest sin man commits in this period. Long live, Ceres! And Albert Schweitzer and King Solomon must be smiling up there. So with St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology. “Reverence for life,” is the key to this paradigm.

Filipino Paradigm
“Saan and magandang kalooban mo?”

Rip van Winkle is said to have slept for 20 long years, “dahil sa sama ng loob” because he was a henpeck husband. When finally he woke up he was suspected a sply, but later forgiven and accepted back to the fold, because of “kagandahang loob.”

The Filipino, like old Rip, finds spirituality if not through meditation with saints and spirits, and escape from reality and often into his inner self – “loob”. While he is afraid of the “aswang,” he at the same time wishes an “anting-anting” or amulet to fall from heaven. He views the world on the vantage point of “loob,” that life is cyclical: “gulong ng palad.” The other is a simple version of William James’ stream of consciousness, which he uses in expanding his “loob.” Example: “Pagbubu-o ng loob.” “Abot dama.” It is no wonder that the greatest sin one can commit is “pagsira ng loob,” which means destroying the dignity of a person.

There are things he is completely silent about, such as sex. But he will be most proud to talk of his family. Family-centeredness is an extension of “loob.” OFWs send back home their earnings. A private jeepney bears the name of the family which owns it. Houses huddle together in the company of family members and relatives. Thus the send of nationhood is little emphasized. Why globalization when that is too far from “loob.”


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