Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Environment Lecture-Forum at UST

Dr. Abercio V Rotor receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Professor Rebecca David, adviser of the Rotaract Club of UST Pharmacy, after presenting a lecture on the environment with the theme, “Be in the Know Now: Make a Difference - You can Save the Earth.” The lecture-forum was held at the Tan Yan Kee Auditorium, University of Santo Tomas last January 8, 2010. In the In photo, from right are Prof Ophelia Laurente, Dr Rotor, Prof David,Miss Gayle Alexine Nadres (governor, UST Rotaract Club); Prof Perla Villamarzo, Miss Caress Cabrera, and Mr Jason Modina, Rotaract officers.

Peter Huang, a Pharmacy student, raises a question on how the "Greening Movement" helps in combating global warming and other ecological problems.

Happy disposition is painted on the faces of these participants. Boredom is the common problem in lectures. Let the audience participate in the forum and through hands-on exercises and group dynamics.

Dr Abe V Rotor

Lecture-forum, workshop, conference, field camp, outreach project, social immersion, rural service, apprenticeship, practicum - these supplement and complement classroom instruction. Or substitutes to it.

In many instances, they constitute the bigger part in acquiring knowledge specially on the skills level and where social concern is needed. They are practical and effective because they often make use of hands-on and on-site approaches. They hone all senses, unlike electronic and blackboard learning which are mainly visual and auditory. They break monotony and boredom, and develop camaraderie, and link between resource persons and participants.

This is particularly true to topics of great significance which involve mobilization of the masses such as Saving the Environment, indeed a topic for all ages, races, religions, ideologies, and all walks of life.

Build a bridge between theory and application. Learn the latest and keep abreast. Express your views and listen to the views of others. Give more weight to utilitarian rather than aristocratic education.

Get out of the classroom. Abandon the computer. Trek to where the action is. Get involved. "Be heard, be counted - and share." ~

Living with Nature 3, AVR

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