Sunday, September 13, 2009

Harelip or cleft lip is the result of an accident when the baby was still in the womb.

Abe V Rotor

It's not true.

When a mother accidentally falls, or is bumped, the baby she is carrying gets injured. The baby in the womb, by instinct sucks its thumb, so that we are made to believe that the injury is in the upper lips.

Actually, harelip - named after the shape of the lips of the hare or rabbit – is a result of incomplete fusion of the embryo’s facial parts early in prenatal development. It is a congenital abnormality. Slight cleft lip can be easily repaired by surgery. Cosmetic surgery to minimize the scar may be desirable when the child is a few years older.
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Living with Folk Wisdom, AVR, UST.

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