Sunday, September 13, 2009

Food offering (atang) on special occasions is homage to the spirits.

Abe V Rotor

The practice includes offering a plate of food and drink the host has prepared for the occasion. It is placed on the family altar, or any place the souls and spirits are deemed to be around. Respect (pag-galang) is true Filipino and Oriental tradition to the living, the dead and the unseen. It strengthens camaraderie, keeps memories of loved ones alive, and adds quaintness to village life.

It’s customary to first spill a little of your wine in deference to the spirits.
And say a little prayer, too, to appease the souls and spirits. It is a sign of peace and respect not only to the memory of the departed souls and spirits of the place, but also a gesture to the host and company. But please do it discreetly and with finesse. ~ ~ ~

Living with Folk Wisdom, UST Manila

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