Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tree at the Foot of a Bridge

Painting and Verse by Dr. Abe V. Rotor

Who speaks better – a tree or a ruin -
Of your state that has gone wrong?
Yes, water flows and whispers beneath you
And your posts and planks are strong.

Life’s is like this, and we may not know,
Until our world ends before its time;
And a single tree stands to confirm
Our uselessness in our prime.

x x x


  1. Man has his limits and sometimes, no matter how many bridges he creates, they will be useless if fate does not allow them to be used.

  2. Albino, Ruby. UST. 4CA2

    "Life’s is like this, and we may not know,
    Until our world ends before its time..."

    This poem reminded me of how we must be vigilant in the limitless opportunities that we are given every single day to save and protect our nature. It will never be easy, but we must do our parts in caring for the environment so that we will receive the best care of mother nature can give too in return.

    By the way, Sir, I love the painting. More power!
