Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Too many cooks spoil the broth."

Adapted from a popular story by Dr Abe V Rotor

A teenage son bought a pair of pants too long for him by two inches, he had to have it cut and sewed. Not having the skill to do it, and even if he did, some one can always accede to his request - he is the bunso (youngest) child in the family and the center of attention and service.

But on this particular day, on this particular hour, every one he approached to shorten his pants said, “Later, after I have finished what I am doing.”

His sister was cooking, his mother ironing clothes, his grandmother feeding the chicken. And when each one had finished her work, it was siesta time.

But remembering her grandson's request, the grandmother took the scissor and cut the pants two inches off, sewed it and left for siesta.

Next, the mother remembered her son's request, took the scissor and cut two inches off, sewed it, then took a nap. The sister suddenly remembered her brother’s request, took the scissor and cut two inches off and sewed. When the teenage son woke up, he tried his new pants, now repaired to his expectation.

But alas, his pair of pants has become into a porontong (half-short half-pants)!

What is the moral of the story?

x x x


  1. I think that the boy relied too much on others that he completely neglected the fact that everyone was willing to help him out and in turn, got more than what he wanted.

    COMMENT #2

  2. Do the things that you can do yourself.

    Alilea Ramirez, 4CA2

  3. I've heard this saying befor from one my professor. (joe)

    Now I understand it better. Not all things are better done by many. Sometimes one is enough to finish the task.

    Miranda. 4CA2

  4. Learn to wait for other people to help you. Do not consult with different persons.

    : I-BA

  5. When helping other people don’t expect for any change. Sometimes when I’m doing my work, I would prefer to be alone than to work as group in that way I can finished my work earlier.fic

  6. i think that the boy really felt that someone can do the things for him which is not right, if you can do the things with all of your learning and effort that thing would be so special to you because you did that thing with all your effort without anyone noticing it.
