Music Bridge
"Music, not words, is the tongue of all nations." - avr
Dr Abe V Rotor
A violinist plays a solemn part of Beethoven's Unfinished Symphony.
Ludwig van Beethoven left behind several unfinished works,
including his Tenth Symphony, which was recently completed
with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).
You’re silent while the soloist takes the stand,When the flute shrills and stills the air;In unison you play your part with the band,Li’l known, unassuming, without flair.
When the crowd goes home, bare is the ground,Save footprints, trash and the chilly air;You record the event before it is gone,Keeping its memory in your lair.
Years after, children in some lonely placeCome to hear you play the tune of old;Music of war and of peace, music of grace,Of thunder and the gods all told.
Music not words, the tongue of all nations,The band is now gone and you’re alone,The bridge you built links the generations.To bring back heritage to its throne. ~
i strongly agree with this poem sir. Because as a musician i hold a perspective that music of all sorts could at least be poignant for listeners to be inspired in their ways of living and somehow their actions. As each song would repeat and repeat through their heads this may remind them of a memory of something that they cant leave behind.
Albino, Ruby. UST. 4CA2
"Music not words, the tongue of all nations,
The band is now gone and you’re alone,
The bridge you built links the generations.
To bring back heritage to its throne."
Indeed, music bridges generations, histories, and eras that have long been apart because of technology and progress.
It is truly amazing how a simple rhythtm and tune can re-live stories of before and bring back to life the beauty of man's rich history. The memories are powerful in themselves to inspire people in the present days and move them to strive to be of inspiration to others too.
As for me,music brings color to my life and enriches my wisdom about things because composers themselves derive their soulful music to personal experiences. In this way, they get to share their stories which will in return inspire the listeners. Indeed, music bridges gaps and links the past to the future.
Music is one of the wonders of life which originated not from our man made instruments but the nature that God created.
I used to listen to my favorite songs while I write because not only does they inspire me, they also bring back either good or sad memories that would usually motivate me to write
i can't really play any instrument (tambourines, triangle, maracas are exemptions hehe)as in any.
but i love music and i love seeing people passionate of their work and how they play such instruments.
one of my all time favorite movie is Mr. Holland's Opus. imagine playing the drums when you have no sense of rhythm. or singing with such emotion it's like falling in love =D
ren aniago, UST, 4CA2
I remember one tagline of a music store: "No music, no life"
I don't know whether they were really passionate about music or they were just really dependent on it to save their lives hence the tagline. I'm kidding!
Anyway, I think music was not created but was deeply rooted within us. Take humming for example. Or tapping wood. Or whistling!
We just enhanced things to produce certain sounds that appeal to us.
I've always dreamed of playing the Violin but we can't afford one.
Marcelang, 4CA2
This reminds me of that time when you played violin in our class. It was my first time seeing a person playing violin LIVE. It lighted us up!
I enjoyed hearing you play GAVOTTE, sir. I am really fond of that piece since I first heard of it in an anime.
Music really is a universal language. it transcends barriers--of hate, sadness, anything that's of emotion. it makes you cry, it makes you laugh. It makes you stare, it makes you think. Music is nothing without soul.
"Music not words, the tongue of all nations,
The band is now gone and you’re alone,
The bridge you built links the generations.
To bring back heritage to its throne."
as with ms. albino's comment, i too beleive that music binds everyone of all generations - it is a universal language.
sir, i myself am a musician and i really do appreciate music in its different forms. the beauty of every note forming wonderful chords, harmonizing and blending - it's such a delight to me when i hear all these wonderful things of music. i love singing and i love music, sir, and i think that this poem is a salute to people like me. :)
"Music not words, the tongue of all nations,
The band is now gone and you’re alone,
The bridge you built links the generations.
To bring back heritage to its throne."
as with ms. albino's comment, i too beleive that music binds everyone of all generations - it is a universal language.
sir, i myself am a musician and i really do appreciate music in its different forms. the beauty of every note forming wonderful chords, harmonizing and blending - it's such a delight to me when i hear all these wonderful things of music. i love singing and i love music, sir, and i think that this poem is a salute to people like me. :)
I do believe on the tagline Gisela saw and posted. " No music, No life"
I as a musician and a lover for music, i cant imagine music out of my life.
My emotions reflect to the music i play/create whether i am plucking or bowing a string. Sometimes when i get to hold and play them, i forgot everything as if i am the only person around. Slowy creating my own world with music.
We can express our feeling thru music. Some of us have talents to write songs. Some of the composers offer their songs to their love ones.
Learn to appreciate the talents of other people. Share and express the talent that you have.
: I-BA
When I hear great music, I get thrilled and excited. But despite the feeling, I become silent. Music makes us remember the silent memories. Hearing music we have heard in the past reminds us of its memories-good or bad. It is a great idea to pass our music to our children in the near future. Music is forever!
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