The Lighter Side of Human Nature
Feeling Great with Great Men in the Museum
(Madame Tussauds Singapore)
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Dr Abe V Rotor
Author receives a flying kick from Bruce Lee
Make-believe kick bears imagined pain,that lasts in the mind, or will never end,from the world's greatest martial artiston screen, on the ring, and a friend.
Author and His Holiness Mahatma Gandhi
A friendly tap on his shoulder, this man single handedlyfought an empire and won for India her independence;messiah, guru, mahatma which means "Great Soul,""Man of the Millennium" - titles all of greatest essence.
Author with Tiger Woods - too close for comfort
Greatest golfer at one time coming back
for another yellow jersey,
he may not get it, but his name in history
remains an indelible memory.
Author mimics Barrack Obama with folded arms
Folded arms may mean confidence, self esteem,
independence and righteousness;but smile, body language and grooming maysimply mean friendliness and presence.
With Mohammed Ali, greatest heavyweight boxer of all time
Look what I got just passing by a great boxer
dreaming "I'm the greatest!"
a knockdown for sure if indeed it was real.
lucky I survived the test.
With South Africa's greatest hero, Nelson Mandela
Compared with this great man,
I'm Gulliver in Brobdingnag;
Humility and greatness as one -
borders that of a living god. ~