Saturday, January 18, 2025

How many hair whorls or pools (puyo) do you have?

How many hair whorls or pools (puyo)
do you have?
Do you believe that gay men are more likely than straight men to have a counterclockwise whorl? How about having two opposing hair whorls?

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Hair whorl or pool (puyo) on the forehead or having more than one is a sign of stubbornness,

Normally there is only one puyo or alipuspos (Ilk) located on the crown or top of the head - the tonsure area – around it the hair spreads out uniformly over the head like a whirlpool. 

When it is located at the front or anywhere else, the hair tends to become disorderly, and often untidy, more so if there are two or more hair pools contradicting one another. With this condition the hair becomes difficult to tame, especially the type that is coarse and firm, thus affecting good grooming if it is not properly given attention. It is this unique condition that gives us the impression of stubbornness on the one wearing it. Imagine if the puyo rises to resemble a horn stub.  One rising at the center of the forehead reminds us of the mythical unicorn; if it's a pair - any joke about it could be cruel to the wearer.  

It reminds me of the owl which has ears which sometimes appear as horns made of feather tufts, and chickens and birds having inverted feathers. Breeders take advantage of hair pools in developing unique breeds of dogs, cats and fowls. Hair pools also serve as official marker in identifying and registering cattle.

Thanks to today’s cosmetic science, the puyo can be tucked in conveniently and do away with the false impression that goes with it.~

NOTE: Puyo is often called cowlick to describe the hair of a new born calf licked by its mother. By the way the horn of the rhino is made of cemented hairs probably arising from a whorl.  

Acknowledgement: Twists and Turns, Wikipedia, Internet; Living with Folk Wisdom, AVR, UST Publishing House, Manila

Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio 738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

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