Saturday, December 28, 2024

Take this Literacy Test on Life Science (True or False, 25 Items)

Literacy Test on Life Science
Dr Abe V Rotor

                      Graduate students in biology from UST study an anthill; climb
a leaning century-old mango tree at Florida Blanca, Pampanga

1. "Going back to nature” means we have to live the lives of our ancestors and renounce our modern living.
2. We can actually transfer genetic materials from one organism to another irrespective of species or class or subkingdom by means of genetic engineering, resulting in the formation of what we call as GMO.
3. Genetic engineering actually started with Gregor Mendel, the father of the science of genetics and heredity nearly two hundred years ago.
4. There is no question about a human clone of not having a soul because, the soul of the parent transcends to offspring which is the clone.
5. We live under different ages all at a given time - atomic age, computer age, age of genetic engineering, and space age – all rolled into what scientists called the age of postmodernism.

6. Man is a recent creature on Earth. If the 5 billion years of the earth’s existence is compared to a calendar (365 days), man came into this world only in the eve of December 30. Man is only one-day old on earth.
7. Toxic metals abound on land, sea and air – from kangkong to tuna to fowls – unless we control the emission and spread of these toxic metals.
8. Even without the human species, Planet Earth will continue to “go round” so to speak in the same way as it did in the last 5 billion years – and perhaps go on for another 5 billion years.
9. Penguins and white bears are drowning in the Arctic region because of the melting of ice.
10. The least sprayed vegetables – that is, vegetables that do not necessarily require the application of pesticides – are those that grow wild.

11. Converting corn into ethanol requires more energy in the process than the net energy output/ produce.
12. Cicada or kuliglig emerges singing on trees at the start of the amihan.
13. The name Rachel Carson rings every time we talk about pollution, a subject in her book, “Silent Spring”.
14. When you introduce a new plant in your garden – a plant that has not been tried before – you are sure it is virtually free of pests, firstly because it did not bring with it the pests from its origin, and second, the local pests would take time to develop the taste for it.
15. Homeostasis means dynamic balance – Nature’s way of renewal, renaissance, seeking stability as continuing goal.

16. The coconut crab is the biggest crab in the world.
17. The whale has a good memory. Beware if you injure a whale; it may have its revenge someday.
18. Chicken soup is best for convalescent.
19. Banana with freckles and discolorations means it is sweet.
20. Pulling out a gray or while hair will cause ten more to grow in its place. 

21. Of the 12 warmest years on record, 11 occurred in the last 20 years, mainly from 1995 to 2004.
22. Asia is the last region to clean up its cities – Orientals are not as meticulously clean as Occidentals.
23. It is now accepted unanimously that industrialization is the culprit of global warming.
24. Global warming has something to do with the disturbance of the tectonic plates leading to more frequent and stronger earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruption.
25. Kugtong - giant lapu-lapu - really exists. Its mouth is so big, a man’s head could get through it.Please exchange papers with the one in front of you, write your name as the corrector of the other’s paper. Put a check on the correct answers, and X for the wrong ones. 

Count the number of correct answers and rate it accordingly.
True: 2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,16,17,18,21,23,24,25
False: 1,3,4,12,14,19,20,22

22-25 Outstanding 18 - 21 Very good 14 – 17 Good 10 – 13 Passing
Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid in Biology

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