Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Horizon of Literature in our Postmodern World in 2 Parts

New Horizon of Literature
in our Postmodern World

Dr Abe V Rotor 

Literature has come a long way through the traditional test of time until it inevitably entered into a sudden acceleration of change along other fields of endeavor. We are caught in a fast changing world brought about by breakthroughs in science and technology, the explosion of knowledge on the Internet, communication networking through social media, and globalization of nations and cultures into one homogenous village, so to speak.

Part 1 -  Vanguards of Philippine Literature
Part 2 - Literature is the people’s collective masterpiece, their imprimatur.

Philippine Literature Today: A Travelogue Approach by Abercio V Rotor, PhD 
and Kristine Molina-Doria, EdD.  235 pp with CD, C and E Publishing Co., 2015

                   Part 1 - Vanguards of Philippine Literature

This is the era of Postmodernism, which literally means “living tomorrow today” where everything seems to be moving in an “free fall,” borrowing the words of Dr Florentino H Hornedo, a foremost Filipino social scientist and UNESCO Commissioner.

Philippine Literature Today: A Travelogue Approach takes us into a journey along the path on which literature has come a long way, evolving with richer diversity in so short a time that generations, old and new alike, are brought together closer through the beauty and bounty of the subject of literature.

· Literature has come a long way from Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables to Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere to Martin Luther’s King’s I Have a Dream;

· from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to Francisco Balagtas’ Florante at Laura to Spielberg’s Jurassic Park;

· Aesop’s Fables and Grimm Brothers’ Cinderella to Severino Reyes’ Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang to Disneyland’s animated characters.

· Ben Jonson’s Song to Celia to Leona Florentino’s Rukruknoy to Telenobela;

· Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey to Pedro Bucaneg’s Biag ni Lam-ang to Flash Gordon and Starwars; and

· from Nostrodamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow to Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock to Higg’s Boson: Link of Energy and Matter. 

Philippine Literature aims at guiding students, in the light of present day trends, to trace back the foundation of literature’s basic tenets and principles and preserve its integrity and true essence. Four pillars of Philippine literature stand sentinel to help the students answer the question “Quo vadis?” To where are we heading for? 
                          Vanguards of Philippine Literature

Four great Filipinos are acclaimed vanguards of Philippine Literature. The cover of the book, conceptualized and made by artist Leo Carlo R Rotor, depicts the theme of the book - travelogue in literature with these heroes.

· Jose Rizal on politico-socio-cultural subjects, including ecological, Rizal being an environmentalist while in exile in Dapitan, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao;

· Francisco Baltazar or Balagtas on drama and performing arts in general, fiction novels and plays, evolving into stage show and cinema;

· Severino Reyes or Lola Basyang on mythology, children’s stories, komiks, and a wealth of cartoons and other animations; and

· Leona Florentino, the Philippines’ Elizabeth Browning, Ella Wilcox, Emily Bronte et al, epitomizes the enduring classical literature. 

Philippine Literature – A Travelogue Approach is a sequel to Humanities Today – An Experiential Approach by the same authors and publisher, literature being a major field of humanities, and that the teaching-learning approach adopted in both books is  experiential and exploratory, and largely, on-site and hands-on. It is recommended that the latter be used as a reference in this subject. 

These great Filipinos contributed immensely to the making of a distinct kind of literature we proudly call our own. It is linked to a larger realm - the literature of the world, which embodies universal principles and values.

Literature is a conservatory of language and culture, and of the humanities. It is a repository of folk wisdom, beliefs and superstitions. It keeps alive the quaintness of social life. It is a treasure of any society.

But literature first of all, must be a "living" one. It builds ideas and thoughts. It strengthens character and instills discipline. To do so it must be understood by the people down to the grassroots – not for entertainment alone but for enlightenment and realization of life’s meaning. Literature indeed is, for and by the people.

.Literature is a builder of leaders - literary greats are leaders with the power of the pen, power of conviction with words, charisma akin to the “singer, not the song.” Or the “the master behind the masterpiece,” to whose name his work is named after. (Shakespearean, Aristotelian, Darwinian). Leaders are looked up to, in building other leaders as well, who continue the task, to carry on the torch and “guide the nation and people through the night ‘til dawn,” in the epilogue of Rizal’s great works.

· Literature is tested by time and change. It is a refuge to the lost, a way back home for a Prodigal Son. A lighthouse in a stormy sea, birds signaling an island must be near somewhere. It is a breeze in doldrums.

                                   Literature in changing times 

We are being swept by the currents of geometric progress. We face a deluge of information that makes separating the grains from the chaff more difficult, so to speak. And how much more picking only the grains we need? Thus we are being led deeper into a maze that takes us farther in our quest for truth.

With the multi-tasks magic palm-size electronic gadget we call in different names like tablet, i-Pod, and smart phone, the world is now virtually in our hand. Never have we been serious in analyzing William Blake’s Auguries of Innocence, which in part is quoted as follows: 

"To see the world in a grain of sand.
     And a heaven a wild flower;
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand ,
     And eternity in an hour."

It is a world shrunk in time and space in one’s lifetime and generation – because technology and affluence have overtaken us at the pace we are used to.

Fortunately we still trace Philosophy back to Socrates, idealism to Plato, Naturalism to Aristotle. We precious independence from colonial rule in Rizal, emancipation of slavery in Lincoln, militancy in women in Tandang Sora and Gabriela Silang, and constitutional reform in the trilogy of the French Revolution - Egalite’, Liberte’ Fraternite’.

Around a bonfire we listen to Aesop, Homer, Scheherazade, Grimm brothers, come alive in vernacular language and costumes. The lament in Shakespearean tragedies, lilting laughter of Jose flying a kite (Saranggola in Pepe), the lyrical melodious pleading of Kudiman (Filipino love song), the dirge of Pasyon (Passion of Christ) – all these take us to a travelogue back to our roots, to the keepers of that Temple which Rizal, Balagtas, Florentino, Reyes, et al built and guarded dutifully and zealously.

                                         Literature and Media

But in today’s capitalism fueled by consumerism, we find the art of literature besieged in a free market where profit is generally the lure and rule. Literature is trapped in this huge market, and if it holds on merely to its past – or just drift aimlessly, then, we may lose its essence, and therefore its treasure.

We must be vigilant to the preservation of literature as the fine art, sensitive to ethics and morality as guide to human actions and behavior, against such issues as pornography, euthanasia, graft and corruption, and issues on the environment that threaten to destroy our living planet. We must regard literature as a powerful tool in preventing war and keeping lasting peace and harmony in society, in keeping faith in our institutions, and our relationship with our Creator, fellowmen, and Nature. It is a travelogue toward the redemption of values and preserving it, indeed a journey on a very rough road.

Commercialization of media has many undesirable consequences to literature, shrouding our thinking and imagination, with the border separating fantasy and reality being eroded. Many creatures are projected with untrue images; while we protect the endangered species, media is making them enemies of mankind – Anaconda, King Kong, The Birds, Jaws rake profits generated by fear, animosity and curiosity while leaving false impression especially to the young. Whole forests, mountains and lakes are destroyed to flush out enemies and bad spirits, or to appease a god of wrath.

But there are, in fact, more positive contributions of literature and media in this aspect in the likes of Black Beauty, Babes, Fly Away Home, Free Willy that elevate human consciousness towards understanding animals and other creatures often rising to the level of moralism in Aesop’s fable, Kipling’s Jungle Book and George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

New horizon of Literature 

Literature rides on multimedia today, in a horse-and-carriage relationship. With the conservative print and broadcast journalism on one hand, and the computer and its state-of-the-art versions on the other, the whole world today is “wired,” theoretically speaking.

But the role of each one in this analogy is not simple and clear cut. Their shared domain is a complex one that needs a definition of their boundaries. But the other school of thought is more of establishing a synergistic relationship which means that more can be gained through cooperation and unity with humanity as the ultimate beneficiary.

This is crucial for the fact that millions of people are bypassed by technology, education, healthcare and other basic necessities for which reason riches particularly generated by computer technology are now channeled philanthropically to the underprivileged.

If literature and media are to support this movement, what could be their roles, and how can they join hands to reach the masses? We are gladdened, at the same time challenged, by a number of developments such as the following:

· Popularization of literature to the understanding of the people. Noli the Musical, translated Rizal’s masterpiece into entertainment education for the TV and cinema. In like manner Oliver Twist’s musical version Oliver, Oliver reached as many people as those who have read the novel.

· The Great Books, among them Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables and Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace now have popular versions for bigger audiences, following the footsteps of The Bible.

· Publishing whether in print or electronic is no longer a business monopoly, it can be done in home workshops, so with documentaries and movies. With the computer one can be an author, publisher, critic, marketer, rolled in one.

· The combination of literary and technical forms, with today’s technology, is bringing into our homes dramas of the living world, reenactment of historical events, stories of the different cultures, and many others. This made National Geographic, Discovery, History and other TV series, very popular.

· Scientific discoveries have found literature a tool for dissemination outside of the conventions of science. Titanic, although more fiction than fact could not have been made without the discovery of the ship’s wreckage at the bottom of the sea. An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary film won for Al Gore, the expert on environment and author, the prestigious Academy Award.

· There are animations and cartoons in print or on screen that are gaining merits to be classified as literature. Finding Nemo, Ice Age, Land Before Time, Disney, Barney and Friends and Jim Jam series are among the most popular of this kind. There are homilies, speeches, conference proceedings, diaries which have literary qualities to be classified as pieces of literature. 

The unquantifiable volume of Information has generated waste, in fact pollution – infollution. This is exacerbated by social networking, and continued increase of wireless technology tools and users.

· Literacy rate may have increased but computer literacy is but “coded literacy” which is not true knowledge. This leads us to the question what constitute the genuineness of a work.

· Neophytes and experts now play the same game on the same playground with multimedia. Exclusivity of clubs, imprimatur of quality granted by select groups, stringent criteria of evaluation, and the like will have to undergo scrutiny and eventual innovation. 

If words, the beauty of words; if plot, the proper organization of chapters; if characters and their superb acting make the story alive; if advanced technology the provider of quality and magic – if these are the parameters of acceptance, and not to consider other factors, we may not be exploring a new horizon of literature. We shall miss the opportunity to face a brave new world of literature.

But we have to look back now and then to that temple built by four great Filipinos and their kind. The flickering light through its window gives us courage and comfort when we see no star in the sky. Dawn is a child coming. ~ 
About the Cover

The concept of literature by the artist* is viewed from classic-tradition to post-modern movement, which spans over a long period and vast undefined area. It leads to the question, “What is literature today – Philippine literature to be specific?”

Literature, akin to the definition of good government, is of, for and by the people. As a binding force of a culture, literature is about people, their history, their beliefs and ideas.

Literature is the mouthpiece of the people that carries their stories alive and beautiful from generation to generation. It is the people’s collective masterpiece, their imprimatur. Literature is agent of change, never passive, never submissive; it is a pathfinder, a sailing vessel that brings in “the promise of the tides.”

The artist’s idea is in seeing Rizal alive today through his ideals bearing fruits in a free world, Lola Basyang keeping children happy like in his time with mythology’s eternal magic, Balagtas in a new Renaissance in cinemas and the Internet, and Leona Florentino, the muse of Philippine literature as the keeper of the “literary flame.”

- Leo Carlo Rojas Rotor, BSFA-ID (UST), MIT (AdMU),


Part 2 - Literature is the people’s collective masterpiece,
their imprimatur.

Dr Abe V Rotor

1. Three words for a book title, Philippine Literature Today,
The essence of three elements: space, subject and time;
Yet subjective and elusive to the critical eye and mind
But courageous at the frontline, gentle over our clime.

2. What is literature to the old is also that to the young;
Bridge of generations, continuum of race and culture;
Heroes of old, heroes of new, and those awaiting, too,
Living book, not archive or litany, to love and treasure.

3. Dawn the prelude to sunrise, brings in a new sentinel,
New to the learned, to the unlearned, to the new born,
Sunset not the end of day and coming peace of night;
But rage, for to settle down is sin when the flag is torn.

4. Wonder the sun rising late and dying young in smog;
Wonder a high rise cast its shadow to hide a shanty;
Wonder ostentatious shows, courtesy of the needy;
Wonder literature thriving on romantic dichotomy.

5. Icons, masters, the pedestal too crowded for a few;
Names branded by fraternity, laurel or olive wreath;
Vanity and fancy, in language beautiful in the clouds,
Cordon sanitaire that wisdom is barred to bequeath.

6. While the world moves on by leaps from a small step,
In quantum of knowledge beyond the brain can hold;
Cyberspace the blackboard that was, now unlimited,
Makes the old torch a lightning bolt its power untold.

7. Literature its profile from Baby TV to Disney to HBO
Its domain epics and tales to history, science and ad;
Access on the palm and wrist, biometrics and robotics;
Quo vadis literatura? The canons are now old and sad.

8. Talk about Black Death, talk about COVID, both dreaded;
Angels and astronauts; about Noah’s flood and Yolanda;
Tenants in the field and condominiums they don’t own;
Man-made islands and deserts, the mall and talipapa.

9. No part truly speaks of the whole, comprehensive it may,
For literature defies science; unlike happiness multiplies
When divided in the magic of synergy and imagination
Above reason like rainbow that often comes in disguise.

10. Pathfinders at the heels of the world’s men of letters,
Universal truth in Rizal, genius put to test in martyrdom;
Reyes the Lola Basyang, relived fairies and the dwarfs
By the hearth and tamed the giants in faraway kingdom.

11. The doyen, Leona in Philippine poetry past, preserved
The endangered classics of the west tuned in vernacular;
Balagtas brought on stage Shakespearean drama alive;
Four pillars stand over our literature like shining star.

12. To our shores came Aesop, Homer, the Grimm brothers,
Stories from far north and south, and across the globe,
In times war and peace, in colonial days and in liberty;
An invisible hand guided our destiny from the cold.

13. What now from millennia past, in postmodern age -
The atom a ticking bomb, the life’s secret in DNA code?
The world has shrunk into a gadget, now owned by all
At fingertip’s command, at anytime, by young and old.

14. The second Big Bang that in cyberspace never sleeps,
Rousing and prodding, intruding, unyielding to our right,
Where computer and literature on busy feet moving,
Like a river of no return, rushing aimlessly in the night.

15. Humbly this book presents a less trodden way, perhaps nil;
Footsteps it lays ahead on a long journey on the horizon
By pioneers unknown, untested, theirs not of the glory
But courage and joy beating a path to a promising zone. ~
Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio. 738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

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